Top Stories published by Zetta Venture Partners in December of 2017

AI adoption is limited by incurred risk, not potential benefit

This article originally appeared in Venturebeat.

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It’s tempting to think that adoption of AI is limited by the technology itself. Headlines…

Questions to Ask About Pricing

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We get interested in companies when customers start getting interested in their nascent product. Pricing is often the first question asked when we start working with companies to get that product to market.

Zetta at the UN

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Earlier this year, we were invited to lead a session at the UN’s official conference on using AI for Good in Geneva. We set the topic as investing in AI to solve societal problems. This article covers why we think that’s an important topic…

Zetta Venture Partners
Zetta invests in intelligent enterprise software. We partner with companies building software that learns from data to analyze, predict and prescribe outcomes.
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