Hong Kong government is rich. While it is a common problem for other governments to find ways to meet their ends, Hong Kong government is so rich…
Some clauses of the mini-constitution of Hong Kong concern the economic development of the special administrative region of the Mainland China. Among them, I have been always puzzling about how…
English Version
(1) 政府預算案應避免赤字,及
練乙錚教授6月14日在蘋果日報《為了六四 — — 談政治公共財的壟閉與開放》一文, 將支聯會舉辦六四活動類比為壟斷市場的公司,然後借用英國要求英國電訊開放地下管道讓其它電訊商鋪設網絡的決定,套用在支聯會身上,從而「證明」要求支聯會開放是講得通。 練教授選了兩個頗偏門的角度:電訊和經濟學,去討論這個題目,叫很多讀社會科學的社運人無從辯駁,有點大蝦細的味道。即使只講經濟與電訊,我也看不出他的邏輯所在。
The second requirement of Article 107 is that the “budget” should “commensurate” with the growth rate of gross domestic productivity (“GDP”). Neither Chinese nor the English version makes it very…
“Monopoly” is a word frequently used by everyone. Whenever a firm or an entity is big and that consumers or competitors do not like it, it may be referred to as a monopolist.
A simple search on the Apple Daily, the local tabloid, found the the word monopolise or its variants (壟斷…