50. It’s not all bad

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 20, 2016

There are always blessings to count.

Being positive gets a bad rap. Some cynics say that being positive detracts from the reality at hand, that you’re in a worse position than you really are.

Look at the mess you’re in!” They say.

The best response this statement is: “what mess?

To them, it might be obvious. I mean, how can you not see it when it’s surrounding you?

Easy: you choose not to see it. Only because it’s physically there or actually happening, doesn’t mean you have to acknowledge it.

Instead, try to find the good in the situation. That’s harder, but it’s always there. Also, it’s more rewarding. That’s how leaders throughout history have won wars and brought peace and prosperity to their people.

What you see is what you believe.


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