Karl Muller
4 min readNov 23, 2018


Has anyone warned Toronto about the health hazards of bathing their city in microwave radiation? Although this article doesn’t mention it, just about all of these “smart” devices are going to be wireless. 5G and the Internet of Things means dense microwave platforms across the entire landscape, including rural areas.

Not a single tech writer in the Western world is prepared to make a proper investigation into the health issues associated with wireless technology. The screen addiction story is just the tip of the iceberg. This radiation causes opiate production in the brain, making it directly addictive. It changes brainwave patterns, it triggers the exact biochemical cascade that hard-wires these brainwave changes into the synapses of your brain. It damages DNA and dozens of studies show catastrophic damage to human sperm from low-level microwaves.

But let’s be “smart”! Let’s blanket ourselves in this smog of pulsed microwaves, across the entire spectrum, pulsed at biologically active frequencies. Like 8.3 Hz, the dominant pulsed frequency of GSM radiation, which is in the low alpha brainwave spectrum — this is the major anomaly seen in brainwaves from a few minutes of cellphone radiation exposure, a spike in this range. The low alpha range is a semi-zombie trance state the brain enters as you fall asleep.

Again: these anomalous brainwaves are being hard-wired into your brain through the pathological activation of LTP, long-term potentiation of the brain, in which the physical synapses are strengthened to reinforce brainwave patterns. This is normal and healthy in learning a skill; but we now have a generation of people with brains hard-wired into a semi-zombie state. You can see them everywhere, if you look.

The rollout of 5G is causing a vast number of people to wake up to the global surveillance super-state, just from privacy concerns. Now, if you check my references, you’ll see that I met with Mr Barrie Trower in 2010, the UK government’s former top secret agent dealing with microwave warfare and its effects. As the senior interrogator involved, he extracted the frequencies used to influence body and brain from Soviet-bloc “microwave spies”, captured and imprisoned in the UK from the 1960s.

Mr Trower reveals that once he had given these frequencies to Western governments — including frequencies to potentiate the brain for extreme violence, uncontrollable sexual violence, depression and mood swings, confusion and inability to make decisions, not to mention diseases including cancer — these same Western governments then with alacrity created their own microwave weapons and used them on civilian targets. Mr Trower confirms the microwaving of the Greenham Common women in the 1980s, protesting against a US nuclear airbase in the the UK, which had been widely suspected, and revealed that whole populations of Catholics in Northern Ireland were irradiated with microwaves during the same period to keep them passive.

These are far more explosive revelations, in my book, than anything Edward Snowden put out. Not a single thing Snowden said was even remotely a surprise to me. Mr Barrie Trower scared the wits out of me, with his picture of microwave warfare of the future. He’s retired now, but has many friends around the world in the spook community who keep him in the loop.

Will a single tech writer in the USA ever wake up? The country that originated this technology, and has never, ever, done a single study around masts?

Oh, the smart city is an “experiment”. We are all being used in a vast experiment in microwave irradiation, without informed consent, and with the results of the experiment deliberately not being collected.

You know it’s a crime against humanity to conduct experiments on people without their informed consent? When they started putting up microwave towers in kindergarten playgrounds: do you remember anyone asking whether these children could be used in an experiment on microwave irradiation? No, I didn’t think so.

I live in the Kingdom of Eswatini in south-east Africa. As an education researcher, I’ve charted the pandemics of ADD, teen suicide, and social dysfunction that have arisen with the smartphone society. We in the Third World are totally vulnerable; there is no information, no protection whatsoever. The official Russian government guideline is that no one under the age of 18 should ever use a cellphone, period. This is because the nervous, hormonal, and immune systems are still developing. I checked this directly with Dr Grigoriev, head of the Russian radiation protection agency. This is not to say that Russian kids don’t use cellphones, of course they do. I’m sure there are Russian guidelines against kids under the age of 12 drinking vodka for breakfast, but lots of them do, it’s quite a nihilistic society, from what I understand.

But the guideline is there, nonetheless. There is some degree of protection. Here in darkest Afrika, we have no protection at all. And the Dark Continent is the Promised Land for mobile operators, we are their last unsaturated market.

I have directly documented the double standards between the warnings given for example by Nokia in Europe and in Africa. Imagine if pharmaceuticals were sold in Africa with the health warnings deliberately omitted.

There’s no end to this story: but in the US, there’s no beginning either. None of you will touch it. The mainstream media are totally monolithic in their dead and deadly silence. They get far too much advertising revenue from telecoms, among other factors.

With the rollout of 5G and the advent of the “smart city”, we are in the end game of the human species. If one tech journalist were to wake up, just one, just one decent reporter somewhere, someone with a heart and soul and a brain, they could save the world. I’m not holding my breath.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km