The Hero’s Hold #5 — Dec. 13, 2021

7 min readDec 13, 2021


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the details about heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with game news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on 12/13 at 8am ET.

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (News)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Stats)
  • The Adventurer’s Guild (Wallets)

So, let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

It was another busy week in the Kingdoms! We we all continued foraging and fishing, then early Thursday morning, the Meditation Circle finally went live! Here are a few highlights from the week:

Meditation Circle

The Esoteric Wanderer at the Meditation Circle will help you level your heroes!

At long last, we’re finally able to level our heroes! Watch for a detailed writeup later this week on some of the stats involved in the process, and see below for details about how many heroes have progressed to Level 2 already!

While the Circle is now live on the production site, there was a minor glitch in the rollout however, as all of the heroes that leveled during the beta test only received the minimum increases for HP and MP, instead of rolling for a small, medium, or large increase.

In response, users who leveled those heroes will receive an Atonement Crystal — a special type of Attunement Crystal — that will not only make up the difference during their next level up, but will increase HP and MP to the maximum possible for any class (an additional +35 HP and +10 MP). Those will be a nice boost for any hero they’re used on!

We can finally put those Shvās Runes to good use!

More Details on Gen12+ Heroes

Thanks to the persistence of Hippo (of last week’s Gen0 fame), we finally got Hubert to spill the beans on the summoning of Gen12 heroes (we had initial speculation on that a few weeks ago). And as it turns out, not only is it currently possible to summon a Gen12, even higher generations are possible, however unlikely! Here’s how it works:

Whenever class genes successfully mutate and result in a higher tiered hero (i.e. Basic → Advanced; Advanced → Elite), that summon is guaranteed to have at least one summon. That means that any Gen10 that summons a higher tier will result in a Gen11 that still has 1/1 summons. So… if Gen10 Basics make a Gen11 Advanced, those can make a Gen12 Elite, which can make a Gen13 Exalted. Then, when all of the new expansions are released, the Gen13 Exalteds from each could make a Gen14 ???? Tier!

Two gen10 basics can make two gen 11 advanced with one summon each, those can make two gen 12 elites with one summon each, and those can make two gen13 exalted, which actually could summon also so Gen14 is also possible lol
Hubert Cumberdale

Of course, this is going to be very difficult to make happen, considering how hard it is to summon higher tiers to begin with. But now we know!

60,000 Heroes Summoned

Brélmhúiblash Deadshot #60000 (Boek)

Another week, another hero milestone! Early this week, we welcomed the 60,000th hero to be summoned from the Inner Grove! Congratulations to player Boek!

Shameless Plugs

I try not to toot my own horn around here, but if you enjoy these articles, you may also want to check out two other places where I was featured this week:

First, I was selected as True Hero of the Week by Albus. You can read his writeup where I answer some questions about my background in crypto, and what I think of DeFi Kingdoms (hint: I’m bullish).

Then, on Thursday, I appeared on the newest episode of JEWELCAST with LOdeFI, HardAbs, and SuperiorForm to talk about the hero market, the meditation circle, and all things DFK. Superior and I even got to level up HardAbs’ Mythic Warrior (#46489) live on the show. If you haven’t listened to JEWELCAST yet, definitely check it out!

The Summoner’s Circle

That was a lot of news! Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far.

Total Heroes: 67,734 (+10,108 / 17.5%)

Hero Growth

Hero growth continued apace this week as the questing frenzy continued. The total number of heroes increased by over 10,000 this week — around 17.5%, and the largest increase since mid-November, with a continued average of about 1,400 new heroes summoned every day since questing was released.

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Dec. 13: 67,734 (10,108 / 17.5%)
• Dec. 6: 57,626 (9,728 / 20.3%)
• Nov. 29: 47,898 (6,318 / 15.2%)
• Nov. 22: 41,580 (9,743 / 30.6%)

Hero Stat Breakdowns

This week, we’re now tracking heroes by level — just shy of 1/3 of all heroes have advanced to Level 2, with another 13.5k waiting at 2000 XP! We also finally saw the Gen1/Gen3 flippening, as the number of Gen3 heroes slightly overtook Gen1s.

The Adventurer’s Guild

In this section, we track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets.

Total Hero Wallets: 10,557* (+1,166 / 12.4%)

* There is a small hole in the API graph data — exacerbated by recent server issues — that prevents viewing the owners for 48 heroes, so the numbers in this section do not include those heroes.

Hero Wallet Growth

Hero wallet growth continued to increase this week, remaining relatively steady at 12.4%. While there are over 1,100 new wallets, and a few more than we saw last week, that’s still far shy of the numbers we were seeing in the middle of November.

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Dec. 13: 10,557 (1,166 / 12.4%)
• Dec. 6: 9,391 (1,107 / 13.4%)
• Nov. 29: 8,284 (917 / 12.5%)
• Nov. 22: 7,367 (1,874 / 34.1%)

Thanks to a tip from the great Samichpunch, this week we’re also now tracking hero wallets to total DFK profiles. I’m sure he’ll have some great insight on these numbers as well, and what they mean for adoption, but we can see that currently 17% of all DFK wallets hold heroes — that’s up from 7.4% at the beginning of November:

Hero Wallet Stats

This week the average number of heroes held per wallet increased slightly to 6.41 (+4.6%), while the median wallet also increased to 3 heroes.

A few key hero wallet metrics

The share of hero holdings by the Top 50 wallets continued to decrease this week, by another 9%, even as the number of heroes increased by 7%. However the share of wallets holding only one hero also decreased very slightly by 0.8% to 32.7%. An additional 357 wallets have one hero from last week, an increase of 11.5%.

Wallet Rankings

Please note the logarithmic y-axis scales of the charts below, and that this first chart groups wallets holding 75–99, 100–124, 125–149, 150–200, and 200+ heroes. If you have better ideas for how to display this data, please let me know!

Gen0 Wallet Stats

We’re also checking in on Gen0 wallets, in order to keep an eye on potential consolidation.

Total Gen0 Wallets: 844* (-1 from last week)

Note: As with the broader hero data, there is one Gen0 (#1052) whose ownership status is unknown, so it is excluded here.

The number of Gen0 wallets just about held steady this week, with very little movement beyond a bit of shuffling around. The number of Gen0s held by the Top 50 decreased by 4 and the number of wallets with 10+ similarly decreased by 1 (reverting last week’s change). Meanwhile, the number of wallets holding 1 Gen0 remained steady.

Key metrics for Gen0 wallets

Whale Watch

Finally, let’s check in on our hero whales. Very little change among the Top 10 this week, with most adding 10–30 heroes. The number of wallets with 100+ heroes has increased slightly this week to 29 (+5).

Account Name / Hero Count (Change) / Gen0s (Change)

  1. Veilvi / 433 (+22) / 21 (+0)
  2. leon / 227 (+29) / 8 (+0)
  3. Wouter / 226 (+21) / 5 (+0)
  4. Pikul / 210 (+20) / 6 (+0)
  5. ぷでぃんぐ / 199 (+13) / 0 (+0)
  6. Dunsparrow / 192 (+3) / 2 (+0)
  7. Pr_Belbie / 188 (+40) / 0 (+0)
  8. dirtydan / 187 (+0) / 30 (+0)
  9. holmes / 182 (+12) / 12 (+0)
  10. Jilly / 182 (+20) / 3 (+0)

Total heroes held by Top 10: 2,226 (+115 / +5.4%)

Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

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