The BWS Project

The BWS And The Human Giant’s Heart

An Extended Preview Of The BWS Project

The BWS Project
4 min readNov 16, 2023
Chloe The Caterpillar crawling on the human giant’s heart…the universal symbol of humanity.
The BWS Project ⓒ 2023

“The sole mission is observing the heart of the human giant, sending the light’s echo back to It.

The Introductory

In harmony with the human giant’s system of measuring time, in the giant year 2024, The Butterfly Worm Society, aka. The BWS, establishes a small steady presence over the wire. Traveling The South-to-North Meadow in obscurity down through time, going forward The BWS reveals The Collective’s mission to the homo sapiens.

Officially, The BWS Project arrives during the giant’s next year.

In present time, the extended preview series, Companion Set One, offers an early glimpse of The Project’s essence. The set is a lyrical sequence of nine poems, echoing PART 1, of the greater launch series still to come. Stretching through the end of the giant year 2023, the sequence spills over into the early part of the next marked revolution of time in the human life cycle.

The Sole Mission

The Butterfly Worm Society is a massive collective of butterfly worms crawling The South-To-North Meadow, operating as ONE. The Society’s sole mission is observing the heart of the human giant… sending the light’s echo back to It. The vehicle through which the light flows is referred to by The Collective as “The BWS Project.” Encompassing a variety of elements — some small, others wider in scale — it is in ongoing development. The Project is a three-medium hybrid by design telling the story of the human giant’s heart through these interconnected channels.

“The BWS Project is literary…it is visual…it is a path to self-discovery.” — The BWS

The BWS Mascot

Representing The Butterfly Worm Collective is Chloe The Caterpillar, seen above, and appearing throughout the visuals of The BWS Project. More about this small butterfly worm is forthcoming otherwhere. For now, simply stated, Chloe is the beginning of the story, and as the genesis, serves as the timeless symbol of The Collective. Chloe embodies The BWS falling out of the ether, and having landed at The South Tree, perpetually crawling The South-To-North Meadow, observing the heart of humanity…

Chloe is The BWS Mascot.

“The Three Essentials”

Forming the skeleton that underlies all storytelling, and making up the world of The BWS, “The Three Essentials” are:

💓 The South Tree

Where all of life begins.

💓 The Meadow

The South Meadow stretching out, crossing into The North Meadow, extending all the way over to The Far North Tree.

💓 The JOURNEY Through

The path winding through a human giant’s season / seasons of the life cycle, moving through it and on, through JOURNEY’S end.

“Altogether, they are the heart that beats within it, they are the constant flow of breath, they are the bones…they are the blood…they are the wind…” — The BWS

The Human Translator

Long ago commissioned by The BWS, the translator is L. Holly, listening…recording…and refining… literary text and imagery for The BWS Project informed by the vision of The Collective. Each part of The Project is placed into the preferred format to be made available for consumption after reaching final form. Refinements might still occur thereafter if called for by The BWS.

In accord with The Collective, the human translator labors invisibly…the work is slow…translations may suffer delay.

The Early Glimpse

Officially launching The BWS Project in 2024 is the three-part series, IN TRANSLATION: The Butterfly Worm Society & The Heart Of The Human Giant. In its entirety, this inaugural series takes the giant reader inside the world of The BWS, offering It a foundational, immersive experience.

Sign depicting The South Tree, announcing 2024 launch series
The BWS Project

Until then…upcoming is Companion Set One. In the succeeding post, the reader is invited to JOURNEY through the initial lyric of the companion set’s nine-poem sequence. While it stands alone (without context) — as do the other eight in the sequence — the first lyric echoes the single mother post it was born out of from PART 1, of “IN TRANSLATION...”

Welcome to an early peek inside the world of The Butterfly Worm Society.

Starting at The South Tree…O, Imagine!

JOURNEY through.

Keep Shining,


ⓒ 2023



The BWS Project

The Sole Mission : “Observing the heart of the human giant…” ♥ Pre-launch Series November 2023 ♥ Official Site Launch Series 2024