A Morning Inconvenience — 15 of 31

Or “Suddenly everything seemed so small”

Kyle Murray
3 min readMay 15, 2017

I’m a patron of Ninja Writers and this is day fifteen of the May Medium Post-a-Day Challenge of blogging for 30 consecutive days.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve.Thirteen. Fourteen.

I didn’t get up when I wanted to. I slept through the alarm and woke up ten minutes before class started at the gym.

I drag myself out of bed to take the dog for a walk. He’s taking forever to find his spot. He doesn’t usually take this long. Plus, the power washers from the HOA are out today and I have to take the long way around back to the house.

I iron my shirt and suit for my big interview today. My shirt is a bit too big. I’ve gotten too muscular since I last wore a dress shirt and this is off the rack. I should have had it tailored. I should have known to do it when I bought it last week.

I don’t think the wrinkles are coming out. Am I even doing this properly? Are they gonna notice? I hope not.

As I let this bother me, the end of my elbow hits the door as I enter the bathroom and I’m struck with a sharp, acute pain. Ugh, I’m such an idiot.

Is this shave close enough? Are they gonna care? I hope not.

The dog isn’t eating. He’s a former stray and gets worried when I leave him as he eats. I have to sit there and watch as he eats. I can’t even prepare breakfast.

I’m late, we need to go now. The dog cries because he doesn’t have his favorite ball. I have to rush inside, already late, to grab it.

My friend sends a text, but the phone has little room to maneuver in my pocket as I’m driving. “How do you download songs from YouTube?” Seriously?

The traffic is past the golf course today. Of course it is. Just my luck. That’s what you get when you put a huge development in a sleepy area with one road lanes. Brilliant, just brilliant.

I hate people. Too many people. This is taking so long. I hate traffic.

I finally get through the light. About damn time. And yet, the next two lights both hit red on piss-ant streets. Gotta be fucking kidding me.

As I reach the third light, the traffic is backed up a bit. But, before I can react, I see the flashing red and blue lights of a fire truck and police SUV. My lane slowly lurches forward.

As I cross the intersection, next to the caved in Accord, I see a man laying face down in the street in a pool of blood as the EMTs prepare a large, black body bag and a stretcher.

How inconvenient.

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Kyle Murray

Tar Heel. OCR Athlete. Writer. Content Manager. My mission is to make lives better and live well.