Day #9–3 Shockingly Simple Ways to Grow Any Business

Adam Dukes
2 min readMay 25, 2017


This is a LIVE case study where I am documenting my journey to becoming a highly paid marketing consultant by blogging everyday for 50 consecutive days. It’s called “50 Days to Freedom: My Journey to 5 Figures in 50 Days“. At the end of the post, you will find links to all the previous days.

In this quick video, I share the 3 ways to grow a busienss & why most business owners only focus on one — which happens to be the most expensive way to grow a business.

The third way, most small busienss owners neglect, and it’s the quickest way to add , AT LEAST 25% to your bottom line in the next 90 days without spending a penny on advertising.

If you’re interested in boosting sales, generating more cash flow, faster while increasing your profit margins — this video is for you!

Day #9 Breakdown

Today, I emailed CrossFit gyms in Georgia with the free 10 day trial of Facebook advertising I have been using, as I am getting some traction with it.

Day #9 Numbers

Emails Sent: 22

Sales Calls: 2

Facebook Posts: 2

Leads Generated: 1

Committed Trial Offers: 1

Revenue Generated: $0

If you’re getting value from any of these posts, please share with a friend.

If you have comments and/or suggestions, please leave a comment below!

Last, but certainly not least: Thank you so much for reading, it means more than you know!

Follow along: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8



Adam Dukes

A stay-at-home-Dadpreneur, a marketing strategist, a cheeseburger connoisseur and a wastebucket full of useless sports knowledge.