Salesforce Winter ’23 Release Notes — The Funny Summary — Volume VIII

Oumaima ARBANI
8 min readSep 16, 2022


Service is served… Bon appétit 😋👩🏾‍🍳



  • This customer issue is too complicated for me, I can’t solve it alone. I think it’s swarming time 🤩😎. Swarming on customer issues in Slack is now GA
  • S…🐢🐢W..🐢🐢A…🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢R..🐢🐢M…🐢🐢🐢IN..🐢🐢G. No I am kidding, it’s not slow. In fact it’s faster thanks to the guided swarming setup, and I think you might wanna take a look (Whispering: Even if you don’t, deep down you want to 😉)
  • Instead of adding swarm members one by one, you can now add them all at once. Even Mr. Flash can do this rápidamente
  • You can override the default swarm record name with a name that is specific to your needs or naming conventions
  • Swarm Member Name is it? Nope! The Swarm Member Name field is now called Swarm Member Description



  • After a customer conversation, your agents might want some time to wrap up their customer interactions after each messaging session. Agents can use this time for sending follow-up emails, updating a case, etc.. and supervisors can use Omni Supervisor and reports to track the amount of time agents spend on wrap-up work, so it’s a WIN WIN
  • What’s your favourite emoji? I’ll go first 🤓.. you know.. I like nerdy stuff! Messaging for In-App and Web now has E.M.O.J.I.S 🤩🤩🤩🤩
  • Salesforce just said, I solemnly swear that I am going to make agents life easy. Agents can scroll through Messaging for In-App and Web with ease. Check for yourself
  • Time is treasure, and your agents don’t want to waste any time typing “The obvious”. Agents can insert pre-written greetings and answers to commonly asked questions into the conversation. 🎶Treasure, that is what you are…Honey, you’re my golden star ….You know you can make my wish come true…🎶
  • Always with the Messaging for In-App and Web, ladies and gentlemen. As it was previously supporting only attaching images, now the Messaging for In-App and Web supports attachments as PDF or even GIF, which can be up to 5MB. Oumaima ARBANI — Winter ’23 Release Summary & Highlights, Salesforce to the world 🎤
  • You can search previous messages with the Messaging for In-App search feature. Get me someone who wouldn’t love that, and I’ll give you $1M (I won’t.. I am just kidding)
  • If a customer navigates away from the website but keeps its tab open, the tab flashes when a new message is received from an agent. Noice and clean
  • If a message wasn’t sent due to an outage, a clickable resend button appears below a message that failed to send through Messaging for Web. I just love Salesforce Product Engineering Team ❤️
  • Embedded Messaging component can now be added to site builders using Build Your Own (LWR) and Microsite (LWR) templates


Before we start, let me tell you a joke. What is Beethoven’s favourite fruit? BANANANAAAAAAAAH (Please tickle yourself if you haven’t laughed 😬 👉🏻👈🏻)

  • You can now import Amazon Connect queues and their memberships into your contact center, with just few clicks. Check how. BETA
  • ̶A̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶W̶y̶n̶n̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶c̶l̶u̶b̶ After Conversation Work Time is now GA
  • I mark the hours, every one. Nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value unto you, are gauged by what you have to do”. You might think I am talking about the Hermione’s Time-Turner, in fact I am talking about the Basic Routing with Case Creation flow template. This template saves you a huge amount of time (coffee consumed, and less nerves burned) setting up the routing logic for the creation of cases for Inbound Calls
  • Agents can play voicemail recordings and read voicemail transcriptions for all voicemails routed to them. A piece of advice, if you might, if you have an answering machine like Monica’s you might wanna get a new one 😉
  • Salesforce help centre, how can I help? Omni-Channel presence status is no longer disabled during calls, agents can now choose when they’re available and remain in sync with Amazon Connect so that calls aren’t pushed to them when they’re offline.
  • Voice Calls related list can now be added to lead, account, and opportunity records, in addition to cases and contacts
  • To help agents avoid accidentally ending calls, a prompt now appears before they log in to Omni-Channel in a new tab or window. Previously, agents were logged out of Omni-Channel if admins didn’t turn on the prompt
  • Agents are notified of a new incoming call when the tab for a Voice record turns orange, so no calls are missed 😎


  • 🎶You can walk away and say “We don’t need this.”🎶 but when Email-to-Case generates cases from incoming emails, Omni-Channel flow can determine where to direct them. Hitherto, Omni-Channel flows didn’t support case routing, and this was only possible by creating a record-triggered flow
  • Now let’s talk about email threading. Email threading is the process of matching incoming and outgoing emails to a related case so they appear in the case feed. Now Salesforce matches emails to their corresponding cases using email headers. This transition will be enforced in SUMMER ’23
  • Using a Default No-Reply Address as System Address for Case Email Notifications will be enforced in SPRING ‘23

Einstein for Service

Einstein Classification

  • Encrypted fields can be used to build predictive models. PILOT
  • United we stand, divided we fall. The powers of the Flow Builder, and the powers of the Einstein Case Classification, if united together they can classify new cases and route them to the correct queue dynamically. PILOT

Einstein Article Recommendations

  • New dashboard in town! Please help me welcome the new Einstein Article Recommendations Value dashboard, which is capable of showing your visualizations that reveal Article Recommendations KPIs such as your most recommended articles

Einstein Reply Recommendations

  • Einstein just joined the conversation. The model that recommends replies to agents as a chat unfolds in the console is automatically retrained each month

Einstein Bots

  • Einstein’s new Marauder’s Map 🪄, is here to guide you through every step of creating an Einstein bot
  • Text Preview feature for bots testing is now GA
  • THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. So there is no need to hide this anymore. Einstein Bot Reports Winter ’23 folder, has some new standard reports to help you analyze bot performance
  • If we are going by the metric that all’s well that ends well, then we should be sorry about Analytics v2 dashboard retirement, because it has been replaced by the Einstein Bots Value dashboard managed package, and you know what that package is capable of doing 😉
  • Engaged sessions metric can now be used to track your bot conversations against your monthly subscription allowance

Customer Service Incident Management

  • Remember when Chandler got hit by an ice cream truck and tragedy ensues following his death.. You got the idea, incidents happen, and when they do, you might want to get in touch with your customer. Well, Salesforce got it covered. During an incident, you can send mass communication to your customers to keep them informed. Check how


  • You don’t have to worry about which version is which! Your favourite knowledge articles, are now redirected to the latest published version, regardless of which version was initially marked as a favorite or whether it was deleted. How cool is that, huh?
  • Einstein Search for Knowledge is now GA


  • That’s your customer who’s ready to be contacted by an agent, but instead they are waiting. The past is in the past, because now you can give your customers an estimated wait time, until an agent gets to them
  • Let’s be honest, we all hate spending time looking for something that should’ve been obvious. Well, if that’s you, then you might want to take a look on the new Omni-Channel setup home 😉
  • Supervisor want to have an easy life, that’s why you can add custom actions to the Omni Supervisor, that can call screen flow, to perform several tasks.
  • Reassigning agents or groups to queues can now be done in Omni Supervisor

Feedback management

  • You can now build a custom UI for your surveys, from the basic survey. Check how
  • Have you heard of the brand new “Send Survey” action? If not, I got your back 😉 You can use “Send Survey” action to send surveys to your customers from the record page, instead of going to the Survey builder
  • Matrix survey questions can now be translated. Check how you can do so
  • In order to know how your customers feel, you can now analyse customers’ feedback with the new set of dashboards that support Sentiment Insights

Workforce engagement

  • Your agents need breaks in between shifts, because wellbeing is a must. You can now create Rest Time in Minutes scheduling rule so that agents get to breathe between consecutive shifts. What can I say… East or west, Salesforce is the best
  • When identifying agents for shift assignments, choose whether to consider agent absences and working hours
  • Previously created workload histories, forecasts, and capacity plans show data views in UTC, now you can view them in your contact centers’ time zones
  • What if I told you that you can now delete job profiles and job-profile-to-queue mappings that you no longer use 😎😎😎

More Volumes?



Oumaima ARBANI

Salesforce Technical Consultant by day, reader by night. An aspiring CTA, a Salesforce addict, a dog lover, a HUGE Swiftie, a Potterhead, and a big F1 fan.