Salesforce Winter ’23 Release Notes — The Funny Summary — Volume II

Mustapha El Hassak
3 min readSep 8, 2022


The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insights, and insights into actions.

CRM Analytics

Data Integration

  • Divide and Rule! Formulas on Date Only and Date time are now separated in the Recipes.
  • When adding Salesforce Objects as inputs to your recipe you can easily Join them to other Salesforce Objects leveraging the already defined Lookups and Master Details fields. Easy hah!
  • Copy/Cut/Paste nodes in one or across Recipes! Yes I know, I Can’t Hold Back My Tears!
  • When you add and Input Data the new screen will show all Salesforce data under the same category “Salesforce” and you can differentiate between Direct and Connected data using Icons.
  • Me, Myself and I! Self-Joins are now possible in recipes.
  • Multiclass models now supported in the Discovery Predict node.
  • Event-Based scheduling for Recipes can be based on External Connections (previously only Salesforce local connection was supported). BETA
  • Data Templates are now GA! What’s a Data Template you say? Well it’s a prepackaged data manipulation process ready to be deployed in a matter of clicks. And btw the Sentiment Analysis data template is also GA.

App Building

  • State your full name for the record! “Input Widget your Honor”.
  • CDP or CRMA. Why choose if you can have both! Analyze and Explore Customer Data Platform (Direct Data) without switching to Analytics Studio.
  • Fields Panel got an upgrade!
    – Now you can see it for all the used datasets (before only the primary one was showing)
    – To avoid too much scrolling, fields are grouped in tabs for Dimensions, Measures & Dates
    – When working with Customer Data Platform objects see the new relationships tab to know how objects are related.
  • It’s Winter and we must talk Snow! Connect to Snowflake live data using OAuth 2.0 BETA and enforce running user security.
  • Direct Report Queries. You can now incorporate Lightning Reports in your CRM Analytics dashboards, and I don’t have any objection!
  • In Edit Mode, only the queries in the current page are loaded (before in the Edit Mode all queries of the dashboard were loaded).
  • Subtotals and Sorting in Pivot Tables. BETA

Einstein Discovery

  • Use live external Snowflake data to Run predictions from your deployed models.
  • VIS: Very Important Score! A new and very important score added to the models and it’s called… Wait for it… Importance! As opposite to the correlation score that shows the strength of association between the variable and the outcome, the importance shows how much the model uses the variable when predicting the outcome.
  • BYO! Upload Scikit-learn Model to Salesforce.
  • Measure the performance score per group in the same Variable. PILOT. ie a variable region can have two values EAST and WEST where EAST has a performance score of 0.6, and WEST a score of 0.5.
  • Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting! So no more wondering how long it’ll take your model to complete, we’ll just display for you how much time it’ll take to create/update the story. PILOT
  • High-Volume Prediction Writeback is now GA. Up to 2 million predictions per org per day.



Mustapha El Hassak

Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) & 17x Salesforce Certified (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Application Architect, System Architect, CRM Analytics)