Salesforce Winter ’23 Release Notes — The Funny Summary — Volume III

Mustapha El Hassak
4 min readSep 9, 2022


You’re either the one that creates the automation or you’re getting automated.

Salesforce Flow

Flow Builder

  • Cut and Paste. Previously we had Copy/Paste then the original node had to be deleted manually.
  • Stop playing Where’s Wally? Use the Toolbox to find all the Go To Connections in one place.
  • Syntax Error! You can now use the formula builder in Flow Formula-type resources and the Collection Filter element so you catch syntax errors on the fly (before you needed to save the flow).
  • Record-triggered flows for new and updated records now support the ISCLONE formula function (Not available for record deleted flows ‘obviously’).
  • Record-triggered flows for new and updated records now support the ISCLONE formula function (Not available for record deleted flows ‘obviously’) … Yeah, I’m just the CLONE of the previous feature! Sorry for being useless!
  • Parents & Childs are back together! Now you can use record-triggered flows to update any records related to the parent triggering record.
  • So are you IN or not IN? Use In and Not In Operators in Flows to Find Related Records. With this, your flows no longer need a loop element to access a collection of primitive values to get related records. Available for Get Records, Update Records, and Delete Records element
  • Screen Flows with LWC using the new <lightning-flow> component
  • Now you see me! Control Flow Screen Visibility Based on Record Field Values.
  • Two-Columns are just not Enough! Organize record fields and screen components in up to four columns on screen with the Section component.
  • I Choose You! Create a collection choice set and reference an Apex-defined collection from an external service and display Choice Options From External Data.
  • When using Dynamic Forms Salesforce will now show you only the relevant picklist values based on a Record Type (previously all picklist values were shown)
  • See You Next (X) Months! Select Months After or Months Before to run the scheduled path on the same calendar day of another month.
  • Play Hide & Seek with the Toolbox! Decide when to show the Toolbox for resource and element management while in auto-layout. The Toolbox is hidden by default.
  • Do you need more Space? Larger flow screen editor so you can have more room to lay out components.
  • Ohhh boy! This one is Nice. The Add Elements dialog box now includes a search bar. So to add an Action of Type Send Email, just type “Send Email” and select it, the builder will do the rest.

Flow Testing & Debugging

  • So in a nutshell:
    - GA
    - Still does not support record deleted flows.
    - Now supports scheduled paths.
    - Now supports Packaging.
    - If not done yet, please check the Documentation.

Flow Runtime

  • Lookup component Supports now more than one record. Just set the Maximum Selections field to a value greater than 1.
  • Select Multiple Records from a Table (YES, YES, because now there’s a Table component). You can set the table to read only, or enable your users to select one or more records. BETA (of course).

Flow Management

  • Sayonara new Workflow Rules? Don’t worry, You can still activate, deactivate, and edit any existing workflow rules. And don’t forget to use the Migrate to Flow tool to make the move! Right? Any edge case that the migration tool does not support yet? Check this Equivalent Features in Flows and Workflow Rules. Fair Enough?
  • The action menus in Setup Home and Automation Home now link to Flows instead of Process Builder or Workflow Rules …. MWAHAHAHAhahaha(Evil laughter)



Mustapha El Hassak

Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) & 17x Salesforce Certified (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Application Architect, System Architect, CRM Analytics)