Make More Money Selling Ebooks Directly to Your Readers

I make money on both Amazon KDP and Gumroad

Hazel Paradise
3 min readNov 15, 2023
Photo by Howard Bouchevereau on Unsplash

We writers write because we like to write and… we want to make money too!

I have been selling on Amazon KDP for a very long time. And now I am selling ebooks directly to my readers. I cannot do this for all my pen names. So to start out, I started two Gumroad accounts — one for my Hazel Paradise brand and another one under my real name. Both are in different niches.

It’s been almost a year since I started selling ebooks directly to my readers. I never thought that it was actually possible to do that!

If you are new and still wondering whether you should do this or not, then let me highlight to you some important points that I have experienced in my journey with my two Gumroad accounts.

And yes, I have a third Gumroad account, and I recently made my first sale!

Make more money selling ebooks directly!

I have to add here that I am still on Amazon KDP.

  1. You are the boss. I like to be my own boss. We all want a business that is completely under our control. And using platforms like Gumroad can help you achieve that goal. No more depending on self-publishing platforms alone!
  2. The Gumroad business is a minimalist business — you write and market your products. There is no need for any help! Format as per your choice. Simple design. Managing ebooks (or any digital product) is easy. I do it all alone and have never once faced any problem!
  3. Upselling and cross-selling — I really love this option. I wish I had known this before!
  4. Affiliate marketing — Recommend other sellers’ products. I haven’t done this yet. There are some books that I really like and will recommend to my readers as well. Soon!
  5. Your email list keeps on increasingI get emails from the buyers who buy my ebooks. I can use these emails for future launches and promotions.
  6. Gumroad services are awesome. I am thinking of trying new platforms as well. But for this brand, I am going to stick with Gumroad. Because their customer service is really fast. I have seen this personally on two different occasions.
  7. You can charge as per your needs — On Gumroad, I can charge my ebooks as per my needs. We writers need to be paid for our efforts! We cannot make money selling ebooks for $0.99!


If you haven’t started yet, then do it. You need to be patient because the first sale can take some time. I got my first sale (actually four) within a few hours after the launch.

All I know is that if I can do this, so can you. It’s not rocket science. Just write what you like, pack it in an ebook, and promote it to your readers.

Keep writing business as simple as possible.

See you soon!

If you are interested in Gumroad Business then you can check out my ebook — Build Once, Sell Twice — How I Create & Sell Digital Products With Gumroad



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.