minerstat mining tutorial #27: Baikal monitoring

Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2019

In the previous tutorials, we have already shown you how to set up ASIC Hub for Antminer monitoring and for Innosilicon monitoring. In this post, you will learn everything you need to set up Baikal monitoring.

We currently offer support for the following Baikal models:

If you have any other model and want us to add support for it, don’t hesitate to get in touch via live chat on the website or find us on our Discord.

Before you start

Before you start, you will have to register a new account on minerstat and add a new worker with type ASIC and the system Baikal.

You will also need to know your ASIC’s IP and secure shell (SSH) username and password, which are not the same as the username and password for the web login. Default SSH username/password for Baikal machines is usually one of the following options:

  • admin/root
  • baikal/baikal

ASIC Hub setup

To set up the ASIC Hub you will need to have a secure shell (SSH) access to your ASIC. Like mentioned above, the SSH access is not the same as web access and also doesn’t use the same default username/password. To establish SSH access you will need special software that allows it - one such free software for Windows is PuTTY. For other systems, you can check Termius.

  1. Download PuTTY and run it.
  2. Enter your ASIC’s local IP address, leave the port on 22, and click Open.
  3. Enter your SSH username.
  4. Enter your SSH password.
  5. If your SSH username and password are not correct, you will somehow need to find what are the correct credentials for your Baikal ASIC. If none of the above-mentioned combinations work, try Googling your Baikal’s model along with “SSH login” (for example “Baikal Giant SSH login”).
  6. When you are successfully logged in through the SSH, you can install ASIC Hub.

First, make sure that you see root@ displayed on your SSH client’s screen. If you see baikal@ or anything else, enter the following commands first:

sudo su

This will make sure that you are installing from the root@. Enter the following command to install ASIC Hub on your ASIC.

cd /tmp && wget -O install.sh http://static.minerstat.farm/github/install.sh && chmod 777 *.sh && sh install.sh ACCESS_KEY WORKER_NAME

ACCESS_KEY needs to be replaced with your minerstat’s access key. You can find it by hovering your mouse over your avatar in the top right corner on your minerstat dashboard.

WORKER_NAME needs to be replaced with your worker’s name.

Please make sure to double check everything as the access key and worker’s name are both case-sensitive.

When you press Enter the script for loading ASIC Hub to your ASIC will be run and after it has successfully finished you will see the output DONE. Within a few minutes, you should see your ASIC online, the configuration will be loaded from the ASIC to the minerstat dashboard and your worker will be successfully mining. If this is not the case, we suggest you check your firmware and make sure that you are using official firmware on your ASIC. After you have upgraded the firmware, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Bulk ASIC Hub setup

If you own multiple Baikal ASICs, you can use a command that will install ASIC Hub on all of your ASICs. You will need a computer with Linux (the procedure will also work on a rig that uses msOS).

Open the computer you will use to install the ASIC Hub. The command to run the bulk install of ASIC Hub:

cd /tmp && wget -O bulk.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minerstat/minerstat-asic-hub/master/bulk-install.sh && chmod 777 *.sh && sh bulk.sh

You will be asked to enter your access key and location/group - both are case sensitive so type in exact values. For location/group either enter asic if you want to include all of your ASICs or enter the name of the group that you put your ASIC workers into in the previous step.

The rest of the process is automatic and you should soon see your ASICs online on your minerstat dashboard.

If you want to re-install the ASIC Hub, run the following code:

cd /tmp && wget -O bulk.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minerstat/minerstat-asic-hub/master/bulk-install.sh && chmod 777 *.sh && sh bulk.sh force

If you have any additional questions, you can find us on Discord or join us on your minerstat dashboard for the live chat.

Happy mining!

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