DailyME 13: Failure is not an option

We don’t get to live twice

100 Naked Words
3 min readNov 1, 2017


While we don’t get to live twice, failure is definitely an option.

That is how we experience the world, how we learn, how we grow and how we move on with our lives.

Up to the next one (I said to my friend from US today, while talking about one guy from my past. It was more sad than funny)

That is just how it works

So maybe when I’ve been thinking that I failed…

Twice in one and a half year (relationship drama)

I actually didn’t

I just grew out of it

And I also grew into the new me

Into realizing things for myself

And into the person I want to be

And I also experienced something amazing and unreal and maybe surreal in a way and maybe I would want to have something similar someday again

Maybe it’s how we should feel about FAILURE

And about not calling it FAILURE anymore

We stumble, we pick ourselves up and we do it again, until we’re a freaking success… in whatever we set our minds to


The goal wasn’t good enough

Or the person

Or you’re not really passionate about that one thing

Maybe you should try something else


Change your standards


No more “I should that”, “Should have that”

Turn it into MUST


Think like the person you want to be


Behave like no one else


You want results like no one else?

Do what no one else does


Mindset, dammit (sorry Stefan, he’s probably scolding me somewhere on the background. haha)

GROWTH mindset, that is


It’s in you. You are more than capable.

(I do this trick when I think I can’t do something. I talk to myself. And I say: “I can do it. I won’t fall. I’ll pull through. Who cares if she’s a bitch, make it work. For your sake.) And dare I say it, — It WORKS


Nothing changes until we do.


Unless we change our perspective and our mindset and our moods to the better, we’ll be in a rut for the rest of our lives.

And however I like to be depressed and masochistic and heartbroken, there’s a time limit on me liking it there.

Yeap. I’m over it. I’m done hehe =)


All of us in life have things we want. We don’t get what we want. We get what we have to have. When you are no longer willing to tolerate something, that’s when your life changes. — Tony Robbins

Thank you for reading ♥

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More DailyMEs:

DailyME 12: There will be no more boys in my life

DailyME 11: People do not make sacrifices for love in 2017

DailyME 10: Do not live for someone, live for yourself

DailyME 9: No excuses

DailyME 8: It’s time to say NO

DailyME 7: The constant change

DailyME 6: A post from a different life

DailyME 5: From never being in love to inventing it

DailyME 4: Do not take your eyes off the goal

DailyME 3: “I micro failed, but I macro won”

DailyME 2: Realizations

DailyME 1: On top of the mountain

