Travel the Portal of Spiritual Expansion: 8 Keys

Purusha Radha
6 min readNov 5, 2023


Messages of despair or lala froufrou. Those are the kinds of messages I often get from people who find me on the internet.

Both say they want to make headway on their spiritual path. But both groups of people are stuck on all the wrong things.

A moth flutters near a candle flame coming from a white taper candle
the moth to a candle flame

They’re either steeped in emotional drama or they’re skirting around their spirituality like a moth flutters around a flame.

A lot of people talk about their spirituality as really important in their lives. But “talk is cheap” as they say.

Talk is what we humans do often without considering if we mean what we say or not. We’re superficial with it. I often scratch my head and wonder if anyone’s word means anything these days.

We all have the best intentions to unfold our spirituality. Even though our words are on the surface, the underlying intent is very good. It’s the first step.

But intentions end up hollow if you never give them any energy.

If you want a robust spiritual life and all that it offers, you have to do one thing:

Give real energy to your intention. Your intention is the voice of your soul speaking to you.

Honor your beautiful authentic deeply existing soul. Let it guide you. Follow its lead. Be its mirror.

Here are 8 simple steps to practice every day to get yourself going. If you’re already well on the road, some or all of these tips may help you expand even more.

#1. Create a daily structure for yourself that makes your spiritual life a priority and not ‘back burner.’

Your spirituality will uplift, encourage and stimulate the rest of your life. It’s the foundation for your life. Make it sound and strong.

The very word structure sounds like you should be rigid. Not so. You want to always flow within the structure you create.

Here’s an example of a daily spiritually focused structure:

On waking, pray. Better put, declare affirmations to create your day and your life, somewhere around 200 to 250 of them. The number isn’t as important as praying from the heart. You might want to spend a good half hour affirming and creating.

Drink a good sized glass of pure warm water. Not only does it rehydrate your body, water conducts electricity. Your whole being is electrical: the brain, body and auric field. Water will make it easier for you to receive Divine impulses.

If you remember a dream, get the details down in a notebook. If you don’t understand the dream, take a few moments to uncover its meaning. It won’t take long at all.

I offer an easy technique for interpreting dream elements in this article here:

If you had a profound meditation from the night before, journal notes of what you received.

Next, study a sacred text and take notes really just so that you get them embedded in your mind.

Your notes and notebook are really important for your spiritual growth. You might not realize it but they’re teaching tools. Weeks or months later you can look back through their pages, be amazed and spiritually fed.

Before you retire at night, decree your affirmations like you did in the morning. They’ll germinate and grow within you all night long.

This is how your desires will begin to take form out of Point Zero substance. Take good advantage of the hormones that spring into action at night connecting you with the Mind of God.

These are things I do when I start my day. It all takes me a couple hours. If you are really committed, you’ll get up extra early. You can also scale the practices down a bit to give them the attention they deserve later in the day.

#2. Create a focus and one-pointedness that’s sharp like a razor blade.

Don’t let yourself get distracted by the seductions of 3D life. Choose all your actions carefully and wisely. You can watch television after you’ve accomplished these other things (as mentioned in #1 above, for example.)

Whatever you give your attention to only expands. If your spiritual growth and life are your focus, you’ll soon find you’re making quantum leaps.

The interesting thing is, if television is your focus or sports, you’ll still never be a television or sports star. Not in most cases.

Focus on your spiritual life and you become a Master.

This means you’re focused on your spirituality all day and all night long. And the affirmations I spoke of in #1 above will absolutely help keep you there.

#3. Respect your spiritual life.

If you say your spiritual life means everything to you, then honor it. Hold it high and be impeccable with it.

I recently had an experience with a woman who wanted to learn to meditate. She came to the group meditation 20 minutes late and thought that was okay.

Just starting out she didn’t know better. But we should never be flippant with our spiritual practices especially when it’s something we say we truly want.

Part of the respect for your spiritual journey is understanding that all of life is spiritual. Hold all of life high and sacred in your mind.

Blend too the spiritual with the physical. Care of the body is enormously important because it’s the vessel that carries your soul. It is attached to your Oversoul.

High minded spiritual care of the body should always include eating high spectrum high quality foods. And daily physical exercise of any kind that resonates with you is a must. It helps keep your life force vital energy flowing and balanced — a must for a vibrant spiritual life.

#4. Stick to one runway.

You may feel attracted to more than one spiritual discipline. Choose the one you feel the most and stick to it.

A plane cannot have two runways.

I have a friend who grew up Catholic and then got into a more freely expressing spiritual way of life. After many years, he set it aside to return to his Catholic roots. That is his choice. He is focused. And he’s a very holy good man.

A happy dark haired woman in her forties sits surrounded by books, flowers, candles and sunshine
Surround yourself with what uplifts you.

#5. Surround yourself with what’s uplifting.

Gather around you everything you love. What you love is uplifting and spiritual. Choose the things — art, decor, music, books, living things — that will support you in your quest.

Try to connect with people of equal substance. Just knowing them will support and encourage you on your journey. If you can’t find anyone, there are always your friends in the invisible realms. (See #7 below.)

#6. Open your Mind to believe there’s far more than what you perceive with your senses.

You can only go as far as your mind will allow. So if you want to go far you have to open your mind far more than you ever have before. Far far more.

Contemplate the possibility of things being true you haven’t been able to believe could be. Think about the possibility of simultaneous timelines and infinite dimensions.

Begin wrapping your head around the fact that immortality is in your DNA. Entertain the possibility you’ve been lied to by the leaders of this world. Know that you don’t have to be satisfied with life the way it is here on Earth.

#7. Ask Infinite Light for help.

To make quantum spiritual leaps, you’re definitely going to need some help. You’re not here alone even if you barely have one other person in your life.

So be sure to ask God the Infinite for help. Call on your Oversoul to guide you. Reach out to your celestial and galactic guides and companions. And if you don’t know who they are, you’ll soon know now that you’re truly devoted to your spiritual path and practice.

#8. Stop talking about it and do it. Create a brimming spiritual life and practice.

In Star Wars, the Master Yoda says:

There’s nothing to it but to do it.

It really is that simple.

And if you’re feeling overwhelmed and hopeless, Joan Baez gave this advice:

Action is the antidote to despair.

Just stand in your decision and your power and build a Mother Ship of a spiritual life.

If you’re not feeling it, if you feel like you don’t have the energy for it, it’s only because you don’t truly want it.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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