Starseeds Are Time Travelers!

Purusha Radha
6 min readDec 12, 2023


On our very first incarnation, Starseeds came into human bodies with memory of our advanced origins disabled. We came to help the planet but the job is massive considering the dark controls so entrenched. It’s been a long steady process of remembering bits and pieces of ourselves lifetime after lifetime.

The human race has always been slated to graduate into the Higher Worlds at the end of this age. But look at the state of the world today and you know what an enormous challenge it is.

No one can ascend the human race for them. It has to be earned. It’s why many of us Starseeds chose to become part of the human race — so that we could help.

Humans are created by advanced Divine beings known as Elohim. Starseeds are Elohim. We’re rather like humans’ parents.

We’re not doing the evolving for them. We’re doing it with them. It has to be that way so no karma is incurred.

For a starseed, remembering the future is where it’s at.

Starseeds don’t look backward. Our eyes always cast forward.

There are Starseeds who keep looking back and they struggle in life. They get lost and suffer.

Starseeds who keep looking forward are leaders. They’re like lighthouses on a stormy sea.

How can this be though — to remember the future? The term remember implies the past.

It only implies the past if you’re thinking with a 3D mind. Think multidimensionally — open yourself to that kind of thinking — and you’ll begin to entertain how this could be true.

To use this ultra simple model, imagine a line extending forward from yourself.

If that line ran without stopping, it would conceivably, eventually, pass through the future, circle around, run through the past and meet up with you again in the present forming a circle or cipher.

This extremely simplistic linear model helps us understand how past, present and future are happening all at the same time. And it can help us understand how it is we can remember the future.

The same line that took us to the future intersects with the past.

All ‘moments in time’ coexist. They’re all happening now. They’re only strung out linear fashion for us here in 3D because that’s the only way our closed limited brains can compute them.

The more you open yourself to multidimensional thought, the more you see how all moments in time are happening now.

Your various timelines are all simultaneous.

The good thing you did today, the bad thing you did ten years ago and the wondrous thing you’re doing in the seventh dimension 5,000 years from now… they’re all part of your Isness.

I say Is-ness and not Was-ness or Will-be-ness. Your Isness is a compilation of you in all your timelines now.

All of our deeds, thoughts, emotions in all so-called times all converge on each other. It’s as if they all come together as one point on the head of a pin.

A woman stands in tunnel with quantum corpuscles of golden white Light circling around the walls of the tunnel and all around her. There is blue white Light out the other end of the tunnel.

But the very concept of remembering implies there’s something to recall.

There’s a lot to recall and reignite that’s pertinent to you. And you have access to all that information.

One very high minded way to access that information is through conscious time travel.

This isn’t dream state astral travel which you most certainly have already experienced. I’m talking about actual conscious, awake, lucid minded time travel.

Time travel is a Starseed technology.

Starseeds have traveled ‘back in time from the future.’ We are time travelers. It’s what we do. We just have to remember what we know.

We have so much more to give the planet when we go beyond living the normally prescribed spiritual life. That will begin to encourage our DNA codes to ignite and come back online. This is true and wonderful.

But we go can go further. And why not? We’re unlimited beings!

  • We can remember how to consciously travel back in time to revisit our childhood visitations from benevolent ETs. Whether we’ve yet to uncover an advanced technology, practice, ability, or our crystal heart of pure Love, we each have gifts laying dormant within us. We must reactivate and share them. Going back to those visits is key. They happened for a reason.
  • And we can also learn through conscious time travel to go anywhere we want to receive wisdoms from the Higher Evolution. Conscious time travel is an advanced practice that will take you to the heights.

What you do for yourself you also do for the whole planet.

When you learn, or better said, remember, to travel through time you turn on an inner switch. A new geometry moves into place within you.

This geometry not only takes you through time, it flows a never-ending stream of higher memories into your consciousness.

It enables you to remember the gifts you came here to give. Your DNA memory starts firing all over the place. And you’ll pass on many higher DNA codes to your future family bloodline even if you have no progeny.

Time travel is an ancient practice.

We’re pretty much just beginning to learn esoteric time travel here on Earth. But for the last century, people and governments have been secretly working to create a technology to manipulate and bend time. That’s the laborious route and it’s limited to the technologies they’re able to come up with.

But for thousands of years, many a person has read the mysteries and understood their secrets. They discovered how to move through time without any technology exterior to themselves.

Most of the time the experience has been done through mental projection. People like the ancient Egyptians projected themselves through time seeing and experiencing everything in their minds. There have been some travelers whose DNA was so manipulated at the atomic level they completely relocated themselves into another timeline.

The methods used by the ancients still apply today. It’s the method I use myself to frequently and consciously travel through time and dimension. And it’s how I receive wisdoms not written in books or preached by new age esoteric gurus.

Starseeds especially don’t need a time machine or any technological device to travel through time.

You, Starseed, are your own time machine. Traveling through time is your birthright.

Conscious time travel is an advanced practice. It’s not for an undisciplined mind.

But it’s a stargate that will teach you discipline and laser focus. It will help you develop your Supermind.

You must apply mental discipline if you want the reward. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. The practice demands your respect, attention and practice.

But you do have memory of time traveling. It’s in your nature. It just needs to be awakened.

Time travel won’t really be true for you until you’ve experienced it yourself.

Your brain is full of theoretical philosophies you’ve agreed must be the truth. You’ve gathered all sorts of information in your brain from formal education, books, gurus, religion, television, movies, websites and maybe even your own meditations.

You can accept what I say here and consider it truth. For me, it’s truth because I experience it. But it won’t entirely be truth for you until you experience it for yourself.

Traveling through time is no longer an enigma to me but an integral part of my spiritual life. It will certainly turbo-charge your spiritual growth as it’s done for me.

The practice will deeply reconnect you to Your Self. You will come to know yourself in a whole other way.

Most of all, you’ll garner a much deeper understanding of this thing or no-thing called time. You’ll begin to live a more fluid life very often outside of time. Your frequency will rise and your being expand in an accelerated way. And your friends will literally be friends in high places.

I hope you’ll look for my upcoming articles on how to develop your conscious time travel practice. Until then, the articles below will help lay a foundation. Or if you can’t wait, get my book on Amazon.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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