Game and Character Concepts

Karl Hodtwalker
3 min readJun 21, 2019


Here’s where I’m putting some of the many character designs I come up with for various game settings. Some of them are pretty extensive — I like to create actual personalities rather than mere justifications for things written on a character sheet. Snobby, maybe, but I did do theater for seven years. I’m allowed to be picky after surviving that.

My non-character game-based ideas tend to wind up developing a list of numbered parts, so I’ve also had a number of ideas for Merits, Flaws, etc. None of them should be game-breaking; I grew out of trying to make custom “I WIN” buttons for my characters years ago, so these are more for flavor than for trying to game the system.

I moved all these to their own page because they’re going to wind up taking up a lot of virtual real estate, especially if I keep adding logos.

Being more or less the heir of D&D 3.5e, it was pretty much inevitable that I’d wind up wandering into Pathfinder eventually. Most of it is pretty good, but since I mentioned D&D 3.5e, take my opinion how you will.

El Macho

Sasha Whiptongue

I like Shadowrun as a concept. A cybernetically-enhanced ork street samurai teaming up with a magic-slinging heavy pistol-packing elf to fight mutant bug shamans in an effectively post-apocalyptic setting? Sign me up.

I don’t like the system. Shadowrun, even the newest and (allegedly) least complicated edition, is one of many systems that would benefit a great deal from a custom-built mobile database app that does all the calculations for you. Sadly, I currently lack the money and/or the skills to create one, so my usual tactics of Excel spreadsheets and LOTS of graph paper will have to suffice if I ever actually get to play in a Shadowrun campaign again. But I can still design character concepts, which doesn’t require math.

Rebecca McKay

Wyatt Ork

I’ve mostly grown out of attempting to make my WoD characters as angstful as possible, like so many other players. Nor do I create characters that were basically vampires before becoming vampires. If nothing else, it helps me avoid creating examples of wangst.

(I used to be a Vampire: the Masquerade LARPer. Can you tell?)

Changeling: The Lost — Miscellaneous

Geist: Yoko Li

Vampire: The Requiem — Miscellaneous


