30 Days of Figma | The Introduction

Thandiwe Tembo
3 min readSep 1, 2022


Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

Graduating from college leaves you with a lot of confusion. It seems like for the first time in your life, your goal, your purpose, and all your time is no longer dedicated to learning. That is if you don't want it to be. Everyone talks about being a lifelong learner, but what that looks like and how to do that outside of traditional education structures can become less and less clear as you get older. Post-graduation, things like discipline, commitment, effort, and dedication become ten times more important in the journey of continuing to learn. This series is documenting my first post-grad life learning journey.

Some Background | Inspired by @designforgoodclub’s 100 Days of Design challenge on Tik Tok, this series will be 30 days of Figma tutorials. Learning and even reviewing what you already know sometimes requires a bit of initiative and accountability. This challenge inspired exactly that and provided a framework that I could use to set up my own challenge to continue developing my Figma literacy.

@designforgoodclub on Tik Tok

My Goal | My goal with this challenge is to take charge of my continued education and take the first steps in my promise to always learn and grow as a new product designer entering the industry. Figma is a program that is so fundamental to the product design process, so reviewing, learning and being a confident user is important to me.

The Process | Notion is my holy grail organization tool for everything in my life. Using one of their boards and Youtube, I found 30 Figma tutorials to complete in no particular order. Each page on this board has a link to the video, the day I have/will complete it, and a status and rating field to gauge the process and comfortability of the skill. As I complete tutorials, I’ll move them over until all of them are done at the end of the month.

screenshot of my 30 days of Figma Notion board

Stay tuned for an update, review, and reflection on each tutorial, and let the 30 days of Figma begin!

Check out my portfolio: thandiwetembo.github.io



Thandiwe Tembo

Designer passionate about creating accessible, inclusive, & impactful digital products that elevate the human experience