Weekly FAQ Digest: Part 7

Academy Token
Academy Token
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2018

Since our launch last year, the Academy Token Telegram group has been a proverbial town square where accomplishments have been shared alongside criticisms. Your engagement in the progression of ACAD has been obvious and your questions have been heard. In this series, we’ll be answering some of the questions you’ve posed in the Telegram group each week.

This week, we’re providing an inside look at the company by sharing some photos and giving you the scoop on our latest announcement.

Can you tell us more about the Tezos Foundation partnership? What does it mean for us as ACAD holders?

Last week, we announced Kingsland University’s momentous partnership with the Tezos Foundation that would deliver specialized courses, hackathons, project incubation, and global events to financial centers around the world in 2019.

But what does that mean for you?

This partnership signals a new course you can purchase with your ACADEMY Tokens. One of the cornerstone features of this union between Kingsland and the Tezos Foundation is that the two companies are working together to develop and deploy a supplemental course focused on the Tezos protocol. Students can now elect to specialize their blockchain education with that Tezos-centric training, preparing them for a blockchain career in the Tezos network.

It may also mean spending less of your ACAD on those courses. As part of the partnership, the Tezos Foundation announced a grants program to support the training of 1,000 Tezos-focused developers.

Do you have pictures or videos that give us a look inside these courses?

We’re glad to hear you are interested in seeing our students hard at work! And we’re happy to show them off.

Some of our favorite pictures come from Kingsland University’s Blockchain Immersion course run in Iloilo City in the Philippines. The cohort was full of driven, dedicated student devs that forged fantastic bonds as they worked through the challenging curriculum together:

More great photos came from the recent one-day technical seminar held in Singapore. Entitled Building Blocks: Introduction to Blockchain, the single day seminar served as an introductory taste into Kingsland’s Blockchain Networks and Dapps & Solidity courses that will be conducted in Singapore at the end of this year and the beginning of next year. We’re looking forward to seeing these familiar faces in those upcoming cohorts!

We’ll have more photos to share with you from our one-day technical seminar being hosted in Mexico City this week.

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We encourage you to revisit the previous editions of this series for more answers. Here are some of the questions we’ve already answered:

Part 1 -

  • When and where are classes scheduled?
  • At the World Blockchain Forum, Jason King talks about bringing blockchain education to Budapest and Tokyo. Would those include the Executive Education and Software Programming courses or only the Blockchain Immersion Program?
  • We know ACAD can be used for Kingsland courses, but who are the individuals teaching the courses?

Part 2 -

  • I still haven’t received my ACAD tokens. What can I do?
  • The website hasn’t been updated in a while.

Part 3 -

  • I’ve seen people around with Academy t-shirts. Are they — or will they be — available for purchase?
  • When do you plan sharing information about the Advisory Node System?
  • Are any classes being taught right now that I can use my Academy Token to pay for? When and where will future courses be available?

Part 4 -

  • Are there any institutions that are holding their ACAD for the purpose of paying for classes?
  • What are you doing to raise awareness about Academy?

Part 5 -

  • How can I transfer my ACAD tokens to a different wallet?
  • Why don’t we hear about Academy: School of Blockchain anymore?
  • Are courses only available in person?

Part 6 -

  • I purchased ACADEMY TOKENS. What is the connection to Kingsland University?
  • ACAD will let us pay for courses all over the world, but are those courses offered in local languages?



Academy Token
Academy Token

First accredited school of blockchain development.