Digital Media Instructional Design Strategy

Alyssa Gamboa
Applied Learning Theory
4 min readApr 6, 2021

IDT300x Signature Assignment: Apply the theories, strategies, and skills learned during this course to design and create digital content for a specific learning experience.

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash

1 | Instructional Strategy

For course IDT400x, I plan to develop a curriculum to introduce mindfulness to adults. This curriculum will be geared towards adult members of modern, capitalist society working in corporate jobs, though much of the content may be applicable to a much wider audience.

Some of the learning gaps I will address are:

  • What is mindfulness, anyway?
  • How can mindfulness and meditation reduce stress and anxiety?
  • How can mindfulness and meditation concepts be leveraged to make work more productive and enjoyable, and less overwhelming and stressful?

Digital content will be an important enhancement to my curriculum. Online learning is an appropriate delivery method of this content to this audience for a number of reasons. Working adults already spend a great deal of time online and on mobile devices, so I’m best able to meet them where they are through mobile-friendly eLearning. eLearning also enables content to reach a wider audience than in-person learning, and can allow for connection and opportunity to learn from each other. Recorded and digital content can be accessed and revisited at any time, and since mindfulness can be a very personal and often difficult journey, having this content be self-paced is optimal for learner engagement over the long-term.

Meet learners where they are through mobile-friendly eLearning.

2 | Digital Content Development

A variety of digital media resources will enhance my eLearning mindfulness curriculum. Different people learn better from different types of resources, so presenting content in as many ways as possible can ensure greater understanding. The reinforcement from consuming content in a number of different ways can also enable greater retention. I plan to incorporate the following types of digital content into my course.

a | Digital Document

I will create one-pagers about the various meditations taught in my course that can act as quick-reference guides on the intention and benefits of each meditation and outline the steps to perform the meditation. These documents could be in a similar style to the Guide to Succulent Care digital document.

b | Original Digital Video

Video is a powerful and effective medium for communicating information in an interesting and engaging way, and can inject energy amidst text-based content. My Mountain Pose Meditation video and 5 Tips for a Mindful Workspace video will be excellent components of the mindfulness curriculum as they directly addresses the learning gaps of how mindfulness and meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety and how mindfulness and meditation concepts can be leveraged to make work more productive and enjoyable.

c | Enhanced Digital Images

Images are another highly effective addition to online courses. They help reinforce and can clarify or add context to text-based content. They can also help break up text and add anchor points in long documents, keeping learners attentive and interested. Images can also grab your attention and help convey information at a glance. For this last reason, I will consider using digital images not only within my course but also to promote my course. I may create digital flyers or promos in a similar style to the Koloa Design 30% Flyer.

d | Interactive/Adaptive Module

I plan for most if not all of my course to be developed as interactive eLearning modules. This type of learning delivery is highly effective and engaging, can reach a wide audience, and self-paced learning is appropriate for my content. Interactive modules can encompass all of the previously explored digital media resource types and tie them together into a cohesive package. I will use my Mindful Workspace interactive module as part of my mindfulness curriculum, and will likely create additional modules in a similar style.

e | Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Why reinvent the wheel in your eLearning courses when there is an abundance of learning resources and digital media content licensed to allow for educational reuse? Incorporating existing educational content can save time and resources when developing eLearning courses, and I plan to spend some time perusing OER Commons and other such sites before setting out to create media and resources on my own. Even if the resources available aren’t exactly what I’m hoping to find, they can provide a solid base or jumping off point since many OERs allow for modifications, such as the Mindful Breathing PDF.

f | Creative Commons License(s)

I greatly appreciate people who make their original content available for others to learn from and teach with. I want to give back in the same way and so chose to license my original digital media resources for this course under varying levels of Creative Commons. Check out each resource’s page for licensing information.

g | Digital Media Checklist

I evaluated each of my original digital media resources and the OERs I found using my Digital Media Evaluation Checklist. Overall, I am quite happy with the number of resources I have available to use in my mindfulness curriculum as well as with the quality of these resources. Most allow for modifications and meet additional quality standards and considerations I identified such as complying with ADA guidelines for accessibility and being unbiased. There is a nice variety of digital media types, as well, which will enhance my course so it is effective, memorable, and enjoyable.

