Go to AAPD — As A Product Designer
AAPD — As A Product Designer
AAPD 專注於分享數位產品設計的相關資訊,並且致力在平台上創造更多的交流與互動,我們關注UI設計、UX設計、設計師的個人成長、設計趨勢與產業動態等,希望透過這些知識的傳遞,能夠降低每位設計師成長的過程中所遇到的阻礙。歡迎來信投稿:aapdgo@gmail.com
Note from the editor

AAPD 專注於分享數位產品設計的相關資訊,並且致力在平台上創造更多的交流與互動,我們關注UI設計、UX設計、設計師的個人成長、設計趨勢與產業動態等,希望透過這些知識的傳遞,能夠降低每位設計師成長的過程中所遇到的阻礙。歡迎來信投稿:aapdgo@gmail.com

Go to the profile of Simon Lin
Simon Lin
Product Designer with a curious mind — 更多關於我:https://linktr.ee/simonlin
Go to the profile of AAPD — As A Product Designer
AAPD — As A Product Designer
We share digital product design experiences & help designers find their purpose and passion. Follow our Medium Publication ↑ and Facebook http://fb.me/aapd.tw
Go to the profile of Belinda C
Belinda C
Go to the profile of Sojier Tsai
Sojier Tsai
Go to the profile of Abby Chiu
Abby Chiu
UI/UX Designer at MTK.
Go to the profile of Samuel
Head of Product in Hahow / Software Engineer / Designer. Feel free to book me at https://calendly.com/samuel-kao/30min
Go to the profile of Yin Peng
Yin Peng
UX researcher, Dog lover
Go to the profile of ChenYu Chiu
ChenYu Chiu
Product Designer / Carnegie Mellon University School of Design '22
Go to the profile of Manta Wu
Manta Wu
小小 UIUX 設計師的心得分享(誤人子弟的那種)
Go to the profile of 王大明
Go to the profile of Annie Lin
Annie Lin
UI , Visual Design , Study.
Go to the profile of Rice Tseng
Rice Tseng
Principal Product Designer at Grab, previous at Yahoo!, Indeed. Podcaster #productdesign1on1 🚴🏻😻🎾⛱☕️
Go to the profile of Patty Wu
Patty Wu
Senior Product Designer @ Yahoo Growth Design
Go to the profile of Chun-Chuan Lin
Chun-Chuan Lin
Product designer at a fintech startup in London. Follow me at 👨‍💻 adplist.org/mentors/chun-chuan-lin 💼 be.net/designlcc ✉️ designlcc@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Kathryn Wang
Kathryn Wang
先好好過生活,才能好好做設計🌞 ig: @read_and_reframe
Go to the profile of Stephanie Kuo
Stephanie Kuo
從冰天雪地的密西根畢業之後,來到天天都是大太陽的矽谷。意外從科技業踏進金融業做UX Design,天天為交易員做設計。希望能用中文和更多台灣人分享UX。http://www.stephkuo.com/
Go to the profile of Will Huang
Will Huang
Product Designer in Taipei, Taiwan.
Go to the profile of 楊忻言 Livia Yang
楊忻言 Livia Yang
26歲獨自前往中國擔任主管 | 28歲成為事業部副總| 30歲放棄高薪創業 | 熟悉To B和To C商業模式 | 0-1打造新產品業績破1.3億 | 服務超50個國際和中國本土品牌 | 獨立思考 | 熱愛生活 | 患了不突破自己就焦慮的病。歡迎合作 liviayang.ms@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Cho Chih-Yuan
Go to the profile of Lichin | 產品設計的錦囊妙計
Lichin | 產品設計的錦囊妙計
Product Engineer based in Uk, prev Design Engineer @PicCollage | 📚 Creator @Designtips.today
Go to the profile of Julio Huang
Go to the profile of Joy Tsai
Joy Tsai
UI/UX Designer, In doing we learn.
Go to the profile of Edison Chen
Edison Chen
Former Sr. Product Designer at The Walt Disney Company. Nerd. Lover of jazz, hip-hop, food, and bad jokes.
Go to the profile of Seal-被半導體業耽誤的產品設計師
理性>感性,所以練習感性;圖像>文字,所以嘗試寫作。我是位在半導體產業工作,且深怕被AI人工智慧取代的產品設計師 !! (☞•́⍛•̀)☞ 因此對科技趨勢極有興趣,只為了找尋能不被滅亡的答案 :P。👩‍🎓@ FUJ Applied Arts ✌🏼BB來電:https://pse.is/3lttnd
Go to the profile of 設計師 Rex The Designer
設計師 Rex The Designer
會放些生產力相關主題的影片在 Youtube Channel:https://pse.is/KKLDU
Go to the profile of Wei Ting Weng
Wei Ting Weng
UX Designer and Researcher in Taipei , Taiwan
Go to the profile of Laura Lin
Laura Lin
設計工具分享 / 學習筆記 / 個人心得
Go to the profile of Jean Pang
Jean Pang
房屋租賃 業務|簡報設計 思考訓練 講師| 樂團歌手 www.cakeresume.com/jade-pang
Go to the profile of Bevis Ciou
Bevis Ciou
On the way of learning visual design and front-end.
Go to the profile of Evonne Tsai
Evonne Tsai
財金人,科技人,行銷人,商業思維學院產品課程主理人;十餘年產品行銷與管理經驗,商業思維學院社團:https://lihi1.cc/jC9rk; 官網:https://bizthinkers.com/hi ;Mail: evonnetsai417@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Evan Wu
Evan Wu
Sr. UI/UX Designer, I'm interested in innovative design and startup culture. http://evanwu.tw
Go to the profile of RH's note 羅伯特的筆記
RH's note 羅伯特的筆記
只要你懂設計,設計就會幫助你。熟的人都叫我板橋口建太郎 ,叫我羅伯特就可以了。 I’m working in TONX as a UI / UX designer. Taiwanese.
Go to the profile of Andy Kao
Andy Kao
Go to the profile of Weiyun
UX designer worked for Alibaba, TigerSpike, Toptal. Feel free to connect at weiyun.ux@gmail.com
Go to the profile of mrwenchen
對台灣教育失望,卻從來不說後悔的輟學生,設計的萌芽來自四年未完成的建築教育,於倫敦重新尋找與設計的連結,期望將設計作為思考模式,應用在不同場景帶給世界擾動。目前就讀於倫敦藝術大學(LCC, UAL)平面設計系,是個執著當下感動的影像捕捉者。
Go to the profile of AAPD — As A Product Designer
AAPD — As A Product Designer
We share digital product design experiences & help designers find their purpose and passion. Follow our Medium Publication ↑ and Facebook http://fb.me/aapd.tw
Go to the profile of Mu Chen (Erhau)
Mu Chen (Erhau)
Go to the profile of Charlie Chiu
Charlie Chiu
不定期分享北京&深圳工作經驗、交互設計知識|Former Tencent UX Designer|臺灣科技大學|www.linkedin.com/in/charliechiu38
Go to the profile of 獸群之心 / Soking
獸群之心 / Soking
身為 UX 講師,希望成為你 UX 路上的引導者。作為用戶體驗顧問,幫助你梳理顧客服務的旅程。工作聯絡:service@soking.cc
Go to the profile of Steven Dong
Steven Dong
Ex-Sr. Human Factors Engineer @ Microsoft. Write about UX, HF, US life, and ACGN. 微軟資深人因工程師、隨手寫關於UX、人因工程、旅美生活、動漫遊戲,ACGN文章https://medium.com/@sunlight75atus
Go to the profile of Yang cie
Yang cie
Product Designer,每天腦中會產出一些白日夢
Go to the profile of Stella Hsiao
Stella Hsiao
喜歡物理、哲學和心理學;但最愛的還是貓、美食跟電影。歡迎在IG上追蹤我,有更多關於出國留學、工作、旅行的日常生活分享 @imsyc
Go to the profile of Kai Lin
Kai Lin
資深 UI/UX 設計師,現任職於台灣雪豹科技|moxamax@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jasmine Lin
Jasmine Lin
UX Designer / Information Architect from Taiwan, now living in Seattle.
Go to the profile of Ted Deng
Ted Deng
Lead Designer @ OneDegree https://www.dcted.work/
Go to the profile of KW
Go to the profile of Tom Liou
Tom Liou
Go to the profile of Tina Liu
Go to the profile of Jeffrey Chou
Jeffrey Chou
Product Designer @ iCHEF Taiwan
Go to the profile of Yuki,lin
我是Yuki,喜歡閱讀、繪畫,記錄生活 現任方格子 vocus PM,之後讀書心得等最新內容,主要更新發佈在 方格子 vocus ,歡迎註冊追蹤最新文章!
Go to the profile of Karen Chen
Karen Chen
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Roger
滾動的土豆,對於UxUi領域有濃厚的好奇心 :) facebook.com/hsuehchehsiao
Go to the profile of 陳亭勻 (Selena)
陳亭勻 (Selena)
外商 APP 產品經理,8年工作經驗,待過大集團與小團隊,加拿大與台灣,產業橫跨零售、外貿、遊戲、數據分析、行銷、財經資訊。熱衷產品打磨、密室逃脫與用戶行為研究,人生中最久的身份是跨平台遊戲玩家。邀稿請洽:selenaceline@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Lita Lai
Lita Lai
UI/UX Designer
Go to the profile of Avanor Lu
Avanor Lu
UI & Visual designer
Go to the profile of Kris Lu
Kris Lu
Product Designer @ Delta Electronics. www.linkedin.com/in/kris-uiux
Go to the profile of Sunny Chen
Sunny Chen
Interface design | UX design | Currently working in Munich | hello@chingyunchen.com
Go to the profile of Harry Chuang
Harry Chuang
Sr. UI/UX Designer & FrontEnd Developer, awwrated.com / noeinoi.com / @Shopmatic
Go to the profile of Debby Hsu
Debby Hsu
Umich Design Science 碩班畢業後,在美國矽谷Yahoo擔任Product Designer。希望分享更多UX資訊給想轉領域或是剛進入UX領域的新手們。
Go to the profile of Philip Kuo
Philip Kuo
I craft stunning digital experiences.
Go to the profile of James Liu
James Liu
Senior UX Designer @ Amazon
Go to the profile of 都新羽
Service Designer / UX / Project planner 來自台灣
Go to the profile of Vince MingPu Shao
Vince MingPu Shao
A programmer who understands design language | Based in Brooklyn, NY | vinceshao.com
Go to the profile of Doppler Kuo
Doppler Kuo
Product Manager 與自我探索實踐家
Go to the profile of Doris Tung
Doris Tung
UX Designer in Taiwan
Go to the profile of Jeremy Hsu(徐偉智)
Jeremy Hsu(徐偉智)
Design lead@ OLX, ex-agoda
Go to the profile of Yvonne Wu
Yvonne Wu
Product Manager at Adobe Stock / MBA at Northwestern Kellogg School of Management / UX Design
Go to the profile of Lena — lenadesign.cc
Lena — lenadesign.cc
網站整理中,所以把文章先搬回來給大家看XD lenadesign.cc
Go to the profile of 林育正 Riven
林育正 Riven
是數位遊牧型態的設計師💻 喜歡邊旅行邊工作的生活,逐網路、插座與咖啡而居。期待能夠將艱難的設計與開發技術,用麻瓜都能夠聽得懂的話,說給每一個人聽。更多關於我:portaly.cc/riven
Go to the profile of Allen Ma
Allen Ma
Go to the profile of Design Research Design
Design Research Design
Design Strategist and Researcher
Go to the profile of Howard Chen
Howard Chen
Go to the profile of Jason Liu 劉進輝
Jason Liu 劉進輝
紀錄關於設計、生產力、Figma 技巧等等的主題,偶而會有一些雜談,謝謝你來。
Go to the profile of 黃岳涵|Yueh Han Huang
黃岳涵|Yueh Han Huang
Software Engineer @ Meta; 練習問得更深,解釋得更清楚 📚 bojne.com
Go to the profile of UX Stone
UX Stone
Web3 Product Designer. Find me on Instagram: https://pse.is/contact_uxstone
Go to the profile of I’m Faye | 聊聊 UX 策略與商業
I’m Faye | 聊聊 UX 策略與商業
資深用戶體驗設計師|主修行銷,自學設計,10年資歷。 經歷美商、日商與新創, 熟悉電商、汽車互聯網、行動支付、用戶數據分析。 歡迎企業內訓或講座邀約 kim.taipei.taiwan@gmail.com ,也可 IG搜尋 ux.designer.sharing 👉https://reurl.cc/z8y8My
Go to the profile of Vibert Thio
Vibert Thio
I make music easier to play with. [vibertthio.com]
Go to the profile of Jo.hsuan
數位產品設計@英國 / 喜歡健行 • 塗鴉 • 安靜發呆 /工作日常是與產品經理和工程師辯論 & 設計 & 研究 / hsuanjoyu@gmail.com
Go to the profile of 艾莉在路上 | Ellie On The Way
艾莉在路上 | Ellie On The Way
Software Engineer/ Front-end/ UIUX 💡中南美洲數位遊牧中 ✈️ You can find me ⬇️ https://linktr.ee/ellie.yang
Go to the profile of H.Ching|林筱晴
Design Lead at Arc & Codementor 🖥 為產品癡迷的實戰派設計師——理論是拿來用的!派不上用場的理論都是空談。// Contact me at: hching.design@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Gore Wang
Gore Wang
The Front-End Developer: Web / Motion / Interaction https://gore.wang/m-card/
Go to the profile of Chun-yi Tsao
Chun-yi Tsao
持續優化的UX Designer。
Go to the profile of Kevin
Taiwanese product designer. Currently working at Amazon in San Francisco. 現居舊金山的軟體產品設計師 Side project 新專案:https://www.principals.me/
Go to the profile of Jeffrey Hung
Jeffrey Hung
Go to the profile of Mimin(zuku)
creative technologist + ux engineer + amateur pianist + photographer; meditation * feldenkrais * yoga; in seattle, from taiwan. people love my smile ;)
Go to the profile of Levana Li
Levana Li
UI/UX 設計 / 插畫 / Podcaster ,節目名稱:「那些挫折教會我的事」💜 IG:Levanapodcast
Go to the profile of Chris Peng(不再更新)
Go to the profile of Wayne老摳摳UX設計師
Product Designer at Garmin with human factors expertise. Focus on HCI tech, such as AI, VUI, XR, and Multimodal UX. Founder: https://www.facebook.com/ErgonUX
Go to the profile of Muse Chang
Muse Chang
Senior UX Designer at Canyon, ex-IBM, ex-Garmin. Love sharing UX methodologist and Career experience.
Go to the profile of Lucy Tan
Lucy Tan
在新加坡打滾的產品設計師,用寫作來沈澱自己 ♪( ´θ`)ノ
Go to the profile of 無所事事巷口觀察者
使用者經驗分析員 / UIUX 設計師 / 產品設計師 — Weiling。興趣是看書、古典樂、樹木、泡茶。Email: september8150@yahoo.com.tw
Go to the profile of Yiwei Chang
Yiwei Chang
Hi! I’m a designer with a huge interest in cultural anthropology.🤓 Master of serial sneezing✌
Go to the profile of Jill Hsu
Jill Hsu
UI/UX Designer @ IBM
Go to the profile of Jess Hsu
Jess Hsu
UIUX 設計師,喜歡貓貓|粉專:https://www.facebook.com/A4concept/ | Contact:meg22152@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Kathrine Huang
Kathrine Huang
Senior Product Designer 來自台灣現在住在舊金山,是一名產品設計師:)https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathrinehuang/
Go to the profile of Jessie Chang
Jessie Chang
Product manager/project manager/scrum master/agile fanatic/travel lover. Experience in Synology, RealD, Klook, and Ubiquiti.
Go to the profile of Tioniz
Go to the profile of A.S
Go to the profile of Jessica Chen
Jessica Chen
從平面設計轉職到 UI/UX ,喜歡了解不同領域的事物!
Go to the profile of BOBO Zhan
從完全不了解設計到可獨立作業的 UXUI 設計師,現職 @Bito,有空的時候會來 Medium 分享知識和經驗。聯絡我>>Email : designerzbobo@gmail.com / Facebook : Bannerfit / Instagram:uxui.bobo
Go to the profile of Wei Cheng
Wei Cheng
Senior UX Designer @ SAP
Go to the profile of Yu-Ching Lin
Go to the profile of 詹喆麟
赤狐 🦊 執行長暨設計總監。chelinchan.com / redfoxes.tw
Go to the profile of Rainie Chen
Rainie Chen
Product Designer@台灣大哥大
Go to the profile of Sophie Jiang
Sophie Jiang
Design Observer。喜歡思考設計背後的決策,熱衷於優化工作流程。https://bento.me/sophie-jiang
Go to the profile of Hi Elaine
Hi Elaine
熱愛體驗與分析各種數位產品,在傳統金融業觀察、踩線、改變 | Email: yijuwu1992@gmail.com
Go to the profile of 吳俊儀 Junior
吳俊儀 Junior
任職於六角學院,一腳跨入前端的 UI 設計師 https://be.net/juniwu
Go to the profile of Kei Chen
Kei Chen
Go to the profile of Michelle Wu
Michelle Wu
UI/UX Designer with passion in coding. Originally from Taiwan, currently based in Berlin.
Go to the profile of Kevin Chang
Kevin Chang
UX Designer based in Amsterdam
Go to the profile of Sam Ho
Sam Ho
A senior product designer studying interaction design at CMU. I meticulously craft every detail with intention and purpose.
Go to the profile of SESN
為外出移動者打造的植礦洗沐品牌。以永續為前提,開發出方便使用、可模組化之生活用品。 嘖嘖群眾募資中:https://bit.ly/3509hzU
Go to the profile of Salie Chien
Salie Chien
Product designer with curiosity and a growth mindset. Offering time on ADPList, or find me via LinkedIn.
Go to the profile of Janet Yeh
Janet Yeh
Janet Yeh是一名現居台北的UI/UX設計師,經歷台灣與英國的設計工作環境,分享職涯成長、UIUX設計、產業觀察。
Go to the profile of Ayden Tiao
Ayden Tiao
Hello ✋ I’m Ayden. Product designer based in Taipei. linkedin: @aydentiao
Go to the profile of 鄭斐凡 Ian Zheng | UX & Product Design
鄭斐凡 Ian Zheng | UX & Product Design
UX Supervisor @ EyeBuyDirect, SH China. Follow me on Youtube 👉 https://bit.ly/3tPhY04
Go to the profile of Rebecca Yu
Rebecca Yu
嗨我是Rebecca👋 自學UX研究的產品設計師。因喜歡觀察人與機器間的互動,對人們的使用行為很感興趣因此涉入UX領域。
Go to the profile of 林展顏Dora Lin
林展顏Dora Lin
目前為神經科學領域的UIUX Designer,曾任汽車管理系統設計師,喜歡接觸一般生活不常接觸的領域,改寫他們的經驗。歡迎大家搜尋我的Linkedin討論職涯相關議題
Go to the profile of Christine Lee
Christine Lee
UXR @ Tokyo, Japan. Working for self-driving tech. Translate UX articles from time to time voluntarily(English, Japanese, Chinese). Twitter(@hi_ChristineL)
Go to the profile of Chloe Chen
Chloe Chen
A UI/UX Designer from Taiwan, currently based in Sydney. Email: hey@chloedesigner.com Folio: https://www.chloedesigner.com
Go to the profile of 盈秀(YH Chen)
盈秀(YH Chen)
UX / Product Designer | 歡迎任何指教與討論 imshenchen@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Danielle Z
Go to the profile of 科技鴨鴨|設計 x 管理x Notion
科技鴨鴨|設計 x 管理x Notion
五年軟體設計經驗,目前為12團隊的小Leader 。 嘗試將生活遇到的管理經驗整理成重點筆記📝
Go to the profile of Jacob Chen
Jacob Chen
Go to the profile of Hales Tsai
Hales Tsai
Professional UX designer with over 10 years of experience. Passionate about writing.
Go to the profile of 大震
現職產品經理與數位產品狂熱份子,手機 APP 超過 500 個,相簿只有畫面截圖 😂。目前正努力為金融產品創造更好的體驗與價值!
Go to the profile of Yiru |一路
Yiru |一路
Go to the profile of Lauren Lu
Lauren Lu
A product designer who is also a thinker captures her ideas through writing.
Go to the profile of Christy Huang
Christy Huang
一隻愛貓的 UIUX Designer | 💡E-Commerce, Blockchain, Fintech | IG:christy.uiuxcat
Go to the profile of Xun Li
Xun Li
Go to the profile of Diane Lee
Diane Lee
Design Notes
Go to the profile of An Chi Chen
An Chi Chen
Go to the profile of A Bei
A Bei
熱愛韓國🇰🇷一切的女子,一位UI/UX Designer。
Go to the profile of 林位青 Alan Lin
Go to the profile of Wei
Go to the profile of YJ
Go to the profile of Intui-TING
UI/UX DESIGNER |Loving in optimize
Go to the profile of 陳美伶 Meiling Chen
陳美伶 Meiling Chen
UX Researcher。熱愛探究科技在個人與社群中扮演的角色。期望科技的力量能支撐起良性溝通的橋樑。📬 聯繫我:mia.meiling.chen@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Hong-I (Duki) Chiang
Hong-I (Duki) Chiang
Assistant Manager - Product Design at Gamania. Ex-91APP, Kdan Mobile | 隨意分享在產品設計之路上的點點滴滴 | 實戰型經驗分享 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/hongichiang/
Go to the profile of Lina Wang | Product Designer
Lina Wang | Product Designer
Dream and give yourself permission to envision a you that you choose to be.