Here’s How We Look at AI and Generative Writing on Beloved

Publication guidelines regarding the use of AI-generated writing

Rui Alves
4 min readFeb 1, 2023


Prompt: “Beautiful woman holding red hearts” | Digital art by the author on NightCafé | Beloved 2023

A lot has changed on Medium since we launched Beloved in June 2021. I have seen many beloved friends and writers come and go.

I enjoyed hearing their steady literary footsteps and comforting voices as we walked together on our writing journeys.

What I miss the most is reading their heartwarming personal stories about love and relationships.

I know most of them have moved on and are now looking for greener writing pastures beyond the Mediumverse toward the outer rim of the Blogosphere.

Still, I hope to meet them again down the road, as we ride on the shoulders of all the giants that walked the yellow brick road.

Sorry, I digress.

I’m here to talk about the latest changes regarding Medium distribution guidelines.

Medium, VP of Content, Scott Lamb, recently explained how Medium is approaching AI-generated writing.

If you are a Medium author then please take the time to give Scott’s story a read as he addresses three key points: “Transparency, disclosure, and publication-level guidelines.”

The main takeaway consists of an update to Medium distribution standards to include an AI-specific guideline:

We welcome the responsible use of AI-assistive technology on Medium. To promote transparency, and help set reader expectations, we require that any story created with AI assistance be clearly labeled as such.

Beloved policy regarding AI assistance

Since its inception, we’ve decided to run this publication by the book in strict accordance with Medium rules and distribution standards.

Here at Beloved, we have decided to take a measured approach to the use of AI-generated writing, and we will focus on publishing stories organically crafted by our authors.

I would like to make it clear how we don’t just accept submissions at face value — we analyze and assess each piece of content.

Full disclosure and added value for the reader will be decisive in our decision-making process.

Hence, we might still publish stories with a certain level of AI assistance if there is a clear opening disclaimer stating how parts (or all) of the story were written using AI.

Generative AI is a great tool for creators and it’s only in its infancy, hence we know it can only get better at what it does.

I sometimes use it to generate prompts for my digital art and can even understand its potential to generate writing prompts for instance in surrealist poetry.

We have started using it in my poetry group, and it can lead to some interesting post-surrealist writing chains in cadavre exquis form.

Still, that’s not where we’re headed on this publication, as we plan to move on to favor personal stories written from a first-person perspective.

How we will address the AI topic from an editorial perspective

In order to manage the increased editorial work, we have developed a screening method to help us in the decision-making process.

Our role as editors is to act as guides along the path of quality content. We look at ourselves as pathfinders rather than mere gatekeepers.

We take pride in our commitment to providing our readers with only the best high-value pieces, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by a story being flagged when it shouldn’t have been.

Beloved strives to keep its readers informed and entertained with only the best and most valuable content.

Here are some great stories you can read in our publication. I hope they hold the power to inspire you to write and submit your stories to our publication.

One man’s reason for never desiring marriage

by Shannon Vaughn.

My Ex-Husband Told Me This About Dating

by Colleen Sheehy Orme

8 Tricks To Become A Top Boyfriend — So She Finds You Irresistible

by Just P.A.U.L.A

What Your Soulmate Looks Like: Tarot Pick a Card

by Emmarie Hodge

The Problem With Being “One Of The Good Ones

by Ossiana Tepfenhart

How to Detect Someone who Love Bombs

by Jennifer Pitts

My Boyfriend Hates My Dog & That Makes Me Hate My Boyfriend

by Emmy Wren

Manifestation: A Story of True Love

by Alex Charnin

We are open to submissions and accepting new writers. ❤️

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Rui Alves

Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.