Brawl For All : Trip Report: Selezombies

cj renoe
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2019

I haven’t had less fun playing magic since I tried making a mercenary deck when Mercadian Masques came out

Rampart Crawler

I mean umm.. Happy post-brawl Thursday! So if you recall this week I decided to go with my most hated color pair w/g (green/white). In the end I decided to go with Huatli as my general because all the other possible generals in white/green bored me to tears. Aside from the other cards I mentioned I added a couple spicy picks. Shepherd of the flock was added in case I needed to bounce a land to replay it, but it proved more useful to do things like reset glass casket or the convoke oblivion ring, or save Ugin. Then of course I added

cateran persuader

Yup smothering tithe. I managed to make a ton of treasure tokens off of the card and it ended up being something that people tended to want off the battlefield. My only main problem was I had almost nothing to do with the mana itself, so the treasure tokens ended up mostly being there in case the opponent had a forced sacrifice effect.

It actually wasn’t too hard getting out zombie tokens

Since this time I was thinking with my 57 card brain and I had a ton of nonbasics and ramp spells, I was pretty confident that I would get Field of the Dead going every game, and you know what, it did.

You may want to build your deck around Huatli’s ability

While archon of absolution and the shepherd both put in a lot of work, they tended to anti-synergize with Huatli. While she did get me a clutch 2 life a couple of times off of a zombie token’s toughness, she wasn’t exactly intrinsic to the battle plan of the deck. She did make a good lightning rod for people that did not know what I was attempting to do though.

Bog Smugglers


I lost a good bit. If a deck had say, t2 t3 t4 creatures for beatdown tactics I would end up getting well… beaten down. I was fine losing to these brawl afficianados. I did have a pretty fun game with Glenn Danzig (username was Samhain so I assume it was him) he was running Teysa Karlov and I smashed down a t1 colossus hammer to scare him VERY MUCH I ASSUME and then proceeded to do nothing with it. Protip: don’t tap out to play that lands/gate ramp spell and pick the gate that makes you pay 1 or sac it. I wasn’t thinking and that land went STRAIGHT TO THE YARD.

I am undefeated in mirror matches

Just like last week I faced another Huatli deck while running old Huatls. They were going for a more what you’d expect approach and I can imagine they were TAKEN ABACK once I started churning out those zombie tokens.

Admittedly I had Ugin out at this point

Okay I won because of Ugin.

This was my single win.

After this I was in a long drawn out with Bolas which I was beginning to get the upper-hand on, but I conceded because someone wanted to play against me.


Spineless Thug

One of my longtime, for years, readers asked me if I wanted to brawl down with them. To protect their identity from my enthusiastic fanbase we will refer to them as Ricketyold S. , no wait, we will refer to them as R. Shack . Oh, actually we will refer to them as

Backstabber Lawrence.

Now old Larry had pored over and studied each of my articles for weeks. They innocently enough said that they were running bug golos and that they could use some pointers on some next level finer points of brawl strats. Thinking Lar to be an up on the up kind of individual, I gladly accepted. After figuring out how to actually brawl challenge someone our game was underway.

Game was going swimmingly, I had out a smothering tithe, Archon, and I had played an early field of the dead which wasn’t triggering yet and maybe ugin?(they knew the deck anyway so it wasn’t going to be a surprise) when Lawrence of Nohonorabia went and cast a CASUALTIES OF WAR blowing up all of these permanents!





I for one was both TAKEN ABACK AND AGHAST that someone who had studied my brawl bible for so long would decide to turn against one of its most important tenets.

I was quite offended so I attempted to ask why Project Larry :MCMXCIX would do such a thing via twitter “direct message” the only replies I received were a line by line comparison between the Falco original and After the Fire cover of “Der Kommisar”

I tried to fight back for all the purity and goodness that is the format of brawl, but alas, Backstabber larry had an Ugin out that broke the token stalemate. I guess they at least were thinking with a 57 card brain, even though using it FOR EVIL.


Smothering Tithe : The white brawl legal rhystic study

Elvish Reclaimer : put in WORK and would probably put in many green decks

Summoner’s War/Epic Seven : I grinded out gacha games while playing this insanely abysmal deck, it at least helped pass the time.


Huatli : Sorry

Backstabber Larry : What is wrong with you

Me realizing that my Blast Zone combo from last week never came together because I don’t actually have a Blast Zone in my collection: whoops

Until next time, hope to see you all on the Brawl Pitch.

Even you larry, I will purify and redeem your soul in the all encompassing greatness that is Brawl.

