Top Stories published by ConnectedWell in 2015

Gmail Filters: Filter Emails that I am BCC’d on

This morning, I needed to generate a Gmail search filter to catch emails that I am regularly BCC’d on. I receive a lot of email from this person and I did not want the filter to catch messages that are sent to me or where I am copied.

Wishlist Wednesday: Could Be Meeting Scheduler Nirvana!?

I bumped into a post on SourceCon about, a scheduler app that is mobile first (yaaay) and seems to do everything I want a scheduler to do. See them online

No, You Don’t *Need* a SmartWatch, But You’ll Hate Life Without It

I got an AppleWatch (Happy Father’s Day to Me) and wearing it less than a week, I realized two things loud and clear:

  • I have absolutely no justification available for why I, or anyone…

These were the top 10 stories published by ConnectedWell in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.