#GenesisValidator [20]: Welcome Japan 🇯🇵 to CyberMiles! ‘A Clockwork Strawberry’ is looking to become Supernode

Vincent T.
Published in
1 min readOct 8, 2018

A Clockwork Strawberry
Slogan: The code is the law

Location: Tokyo, Japan
Announced compensation rate: fifty percent*
Announced self-staked CyberMiles Tokens (CMT): one million*

*subject to adjustment

Promotion plan:

1. Develop CyberMiles community with events
2. Promote through offline and online channels
3. Expand CyberMiles’ brand awareness through the local channels

While CyberMiles’ MainNet is in the home stretch before its official release, there’s still room for new Supernode candidates. Want to be part of the future of e-commerce and a growing ecosystem? Join us now!

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