Wellbeing — notes

Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2021

As part of my #weeknotechallenge I have decided to challenge myself to doing a different style of weeknotes every week.

Weeknote #23 babyy!

The other weeknotes in the challenge are linked below:

‘Traditional’ Weeknotes , Gif-Notes , Sketch-Notes, Shanty-Notes, Week-quotes, Animal Crossing — Notes , Poster — Notes, Haiku — notes, Achievement — notes, Hanami — notes, Meme — notes, Retro — notes, Comic — notes, Story — notes, Slang — notes, Tweet — notes, Blog — notes, Hansai — notes,Show & Tell — notes, Taskmaster — notes, Lyrical — notes, Rap — notes

This week i am not focusing on work at all.

I feel like weeknotes are really useful for showcasing and openly talking about work but i also feel like everyone is a bit sick of talking about work at the moment.It’s great to talk about things that didnt go well instead of not writing a weeknote or saying that everything is great!

*also, i couldn’t really top the Rap last week

So lets talk wellbeing!

Not really feeling it

Somedays this week i just really wasn’t feeling it at all and this was noticed by someone in the team, it was a combination of tiredness, the quietness, and a dash of general confusion from the meeting. It made me like a grouchy toddler where literally everything seemed to annoy me this week but luckily i kept my thoughts to myself 😂

One day i decided to just log off early and go workout which helped a lot.

I also tried to wrap up everything or bin off things at the end of the day because otherwise i can’t shut off my brain and will be thinking of things all night… Not helpful or healthy!

Meeting IRL

One thing that has been great this week is booking in meetings. i know sounds exhilarating right!?!

I have been booking in in-person meetings for social activities, Festival Prep/testing and other things. This is becoming more common which is great, it seems that the team is shifting away from Home Vs Office and using other things like walks, meeting for coffees to have the in-person interaction which is becoming my preference because you get either get outdoors or food/drink!

It’s all so quiet…

It’s been very quiet in the team this week for some reason? Instead of lots of meetings i have a had a few really long ones so i felt like i have actually talked to no one this week. After a very social week previously it was a sudden change.

Because of the quietness i have been vibing to the In the Heights soundtrack whilst i work so there is a slight worry i might start typing lyrics and not notice.

Absorbing 101

This week I have also been absorbing knowledge like some malfunctioning AI, i watched a few Ted talks and took the time to look at things like LinkedIn to see what was going on. It was nice to take the time to do this because normally i only skim though the feeds and you miss so much that is going on. Surprise Surprise it gave me some ideas for future things.

Also, ITS JULY NOW that was… quick? Make sure you get outside Friday and Saturday because once sunday comes its RAIN O’CLOCK.

Anyway, that’s enough from me I’ll see you next week!

Sam out.



Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset

Working to promote Dorset as a place to live, work, and visit. DL100 member. Inspiringthefuture volunteer. TED Speaker #SamsBrightIdeas