Top Stories published by Doing better things in 2017

Complexity: Can we change how we learn?

On my way to work last week I listened to NPR’s TED Radio Hour on Rethinking School. Sal Khan’s discussion on the Khan Academy was fascinating. He’s “flipped the classroom” so that students can watch the lectures at home on YouTube and they can undertake the…

Why trust is important to public services

At our Staff Trust seminar, Professor Searle used the definition of trust as being “a willingness to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the positive expectations that the other will act beneficially or at least not inflict harm…

My first week at RiP/fA: Leadership

I’m a week into working for Research in Practice and Research in Practice for Adults, and it’s been awesome so far. I’ve got enough material for a few posts, but one will do for the time being! Here are my initial reflections after a week here.

Study and purpose: Systems thinking and public services

Inspired by conversations with Kelly Doonan and the GovCamp Cymru Books Channel on Slack, I’ve recently finished reading John Seddon’s “The Whitehall Effect”. The book is billed as being “an uncompromising account of the way Whitehall…

These were the top 10 stories published by Doing better things in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.