Inkslinger Magazine Newsletter #23

November 2023

Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder


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Hello dear fellow readers (and perhaps writers). It’s that time again. The end of another month, heading into December if you can believe it?! (I never can).

It turns out I didn’t actually write all that much this month. Possibly because my ‘What If’ series came to an end on November 8th, so now I’m having to change my focus (or find my focus?) now. And I’ve asked you all about what I should focus on in my latest piece: I’m Excited About Friend Of Medium (and other updates).

The rest of my content for the month of November was split between the last four remaining ‘What If’ pieces, and then four other non-fiction pieces — two self help/self improvement, one general musing about humanity, and one about my newly started up (or maybe not so new anymore since it’s been 5 months), running journey.

So without further ado, here they are:


My Running Journey Continued

Do You Ever Wonder How We Have Made It This Far?

How To Protect Your Energy

How I Protect My Heart

What If Series

What if everyone you know said the same thing about you after you died?

What If You Could Talk To Your 10 Year Older Self?

What if you could take the experience that has most strengthened your faith in humanity and share it with the world?

What if you could get everyone on earth to do one thing for half an hour every day?

And that’s all for another month, friends! Hopefully you’ll find something of interest in the links above to read. And as always, please comment and let me know what you think on anything of mine that you do read! I’m always happy to hear from all of you!

‘Til next month!




Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦