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We ⚡️ your brand. Dyseno is a digital brand building platform that turns stories into powerful brands.
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Top 10 logo redesigns of 2019
Top 10 logo redesigns of 2019
Some of the biggest brands in the world have changed their logo in 2019. Facebook, Zara, Volkswagen, Android, IKEA… Here’s the top 10!
Daniël Diaz Brea
Dec 30, 2019
Adidas and Prada: the real reason behind the partnership
Adidas and Prada: the real reason behind the partnership
The word is out. Adidas and Prada are bringing out #PradaforAdidas: A pair of sneakers and a handbag. It’s a brilliant move and here’s why.
Daniël Diaz Brea
Nov 29, 2019
How personal branding gives you a better life
How personal branding gives you a better life
Do you know what you want in life? If you don’t see what you like the most, defining clear goals and work on it every day is an excellent…
Amran Hardan
Nov 24, 2019
The hidden lesson responsive logos teach us
The hidden lesson responsive logos teach us
Designers now use logos that adapt to screen size; responsive logos. But what ancient Egyptian secret lies within?
Daniël Diaz Brea
Nov 22, 2019
The surprisingly simple truth about ‘branding’ according to experts
The surprisingly simple truth about ‘branding’ according to experts
Have you ever heard agencies use the term ‘branding’? You probably have. But what does this mean and why is it like a religion to many?
Daniël Diaz Brea
Nov 11, 2019
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