Top Stories published by ThoughtWorks Featured Insights in November of 2015

Build Your Own Technology Radar

By Neal Ford

For most of the ’90s and the beginning of the 2000s, I was the CTO of a small training and consulting company. When I started there, the primary platform was Clipper, which was a rapid-application development tool for building DOS…

The Unfinished Business of Organizational Transformation

By Aaron Sachs and Anupam Kundu

Many large, traditional organizations and their famously successful leaders have embarked on ambitious missions to “create, operate and trade” new businesses to compete with…

Tech Radar and Selected Blips

By Sam Newman

I get to do lots of fun things as part of my day job at ThoughtWorks. One of them is that I get to help out on the creation of the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar as part of my membership of our Technology Advisory Board (TAB). We put one…

ThoughtWorks Featured Insights
Essays on Technology, Innovation, Product Strategy and Leadership. Readers favorites and editors choices from ThoughtWorks Insights.
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