Top Stories published by Fishtown Analytics in 2017

What, exactly, is dbt?

dbt (data build tool) is a command line tool that enables data analysts and engineers to transform data in their…

Why Doesn’t dbt Support Python?

dbt, our open source product for data modeling, is SQL-only. SQL can, by itself, accomplish a majority of analytical (non-data science) workloads. With dbt’s built-in Jinja2 templating engine, including its ability to introspect the schema at runtime, SQL becomes even more…

What’s new in dbt 0.9.0

We’re thrilled to announce the release of dbt version 0.9.0. This version of dbt has been in development for over three months, and we have quite a bit to show for it! Read on to learn about what you can do with this new functionality including pivoting out columns and unioning

One Year In: We’re Still in Business

Fishtown Analytics celebrates its one year anniversary today. Last night we had a small soiree to celebrate the event and called it the “We’re Still in Business” party. The name reflects my surprise that we continue to exist—that clients continue to pay us money to…

Low-cost data extraction with Stitch’s Singer

At Fishtown Analytics, we work with a lot of data savvy, growth-stage companies to build out their entire analytics solution — from raw data to warehousing to reporting.

Why we build Singer Taps for our clients.

At Fishtown Analytics, we’re frequently engaged by clients to build data ingestion pipelines: code that extracts data from a system and pushes it into a data warehouse.

These were the top 10 stories published by Fishtown Analytics in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.