Top Stories published by Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog in 2010

OO in PHP: Part 1 — Classes and Objects

Scary title I know. But if your a serious developer of any kind then I hope you have heard of Object Oriented programming. You may even have done it without even realising it. What I aim to do in this series is to have a simple and concise look at how to do OO…

PHP SimpleCache Redux

A while ago I posted a simple PHP class that I had created which allows you to cache API requests in a simple way. I’ve done some more work on the class and made it even simpler to cache your API calls.

PHP SimpleCache Class

A Pratical Guide to Using AJAX in Web Apps

I have been doing a lot of work recently on MakeSomeTime and my final year Uni project (which is a web app) and both use a substancial amount of AJAX to power them. So what I want to do here is build on a previous article and outline a practical solution…

The WordPress 3.0 functions.php File

WordPress 3.0 looms on the horizon with loads of great new features including custom navigation menus, custom header and background management, proper support for custom post types and taxonomies, multi-site feature (WPMU), custom author profiles, I could go on…

These were the top 10 stories published by Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog in 2010. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2010 by using the calendar at the top of this page.