Top Stories published by Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog in 2011

Moving WordPress: Useful SQL Queries

Recently I moved this blog from an old URL to a new URL. Part of the complication of doing this is there are several places in the WordPress database where URL’s are stored. This means that when you move to a new domain the database still has all of the old URL’s…

CSS Flexible Vertical and Horizontal Centering

After reading an article on 456 Berea St I’ve been inspired to share how to vertically and horizontally center things using CSS, post IE7. What I mean by that is this technique will work in IE8 and above but will not work in IE6 & 7.

PIP — A tiny PHP application framework

Introducing PIP, a tiny PHP application framework built for people who use a LAMP stack. PIP aims to be as simple as possible to set up and use.

Time is an Expensive Luxury

One thing I am beginning to realise as I get older is that life seems to move faster. Between a full-time job, being married, BioThemes, Dev7studios and all the other side projects I’m working on, my time is being squeezed tighter and tighter. This morning I was sitting thinking…

How I Built

Recently designer James McDonald got in touch with me and asked me if I would build him a simple todo app (yes another one) with a focus on being simple and beautiful. James in an amazing designer and fulfilled the “beautiful” spec very easily. So now it was my turn to make the design come…

You Don’t Need a Brilliant Idea to Start a Startup

In this article Paul Graham states that “you don’t need a brilliant idea to start a startup”. I’ve been thinking about this recently and about how true it is.

The Nivo Slider is 1 Year Old

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the now world renowned Nivo Slider. To celebrate here are some fun facts about the slider over the last year.

  • 1,700,000+ visits
  • 2,800,000+ pageviews

These were the top 10 stories published by Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog in 2011. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2011 by using the calendar at the top of this page.