Top Stories published by Google Developers in 2015

Exploring EcmaScript Decorators

Iterators, generators and array comprehensions; The similarities between JavaScript and Python continue…

Introducing Material Design Lite -a library of components & templates in vanilla CSS, HTML and JS

Instant Loading Web Apps With An Application Shell Architecture

By Addy Osmani & Matt Gaunt

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) describe how a web app can progressively change with use and user consent to give the user a more native-app-like experience with offline…

Developing for Android II The Rules: Memory

[Previous Chapter: Understanding the Mobile Context]

The use of memory in an application can be the single-most important determinant of how well that application behaves, how good the user experience of that application is, and…

Introducing Incremental DOM

Over the last few years virtual DOM implementations like React, virtual-dom, Glimmer and others have gained major adoption and changed how developers think about their interaction with the DOM.

Tradeoffs in server side and client side rendering

Originally published on my blog Industrial Empathy.

For a long time there has been a debate in web development as to whether web apps and sites should be rendered on the server or the client — or, of course, both.

Developing for Android, III: The Rules: Performance

[Previous Chapter — The Rules: Memory]

On Android, performance and memory are closely intertwined, since the memory footprint of the overall system can affect the performance of all of the processes, and since the…

These were the top 10 stories published by Google Developers in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.