8 Powerful Mindset Shifts To Reshape Your Day

Start Your Day With A Change

Euphoric Life
7 min readSep 19, 2023


8 Powerful Mindset Shifts To Reshape Your Day
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Are you stuck in a never-ending marathon of setbacks and hurdles that makes you wonder about the unexpected twists and turns your life is taking?

If “YES”,

Do you have that one constant statement that nags you in your life’s relentless challenges that leave you thinking in a negative state of mind or perception thereby making it toxic for you to live?

  • Why does it happen to me always?
  • Why is life tough for me?
  • The Universe doesn’t want me to grow
  • My efforts are not being recognized
  • I can never be good at that

When the “Why” starts kicking in the grand theatre of life, you begin exploring the darkest corners where negativity and self-doubt await, restraining you from thinking beyond the set mind-fixed boundaries. You start losing abundance in your freshly created not-so-happening life.

These mind-fixed boundaries hold the key to pulling you down by highlighting the disconnect between you and your achievements when life was unloading shells on you making you carry an “L” tag on your head.

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You sometimes become clueless about the events happening to you, but the answer lies in your innate thinking capabilities. It starts worrying you making you curious to think about the bad days in your life.

where do you think your mindset will shift towards?

You might first get hit by the thought “I think nothing falls in my favor even if I am doing it right” but forget that it is not always the external factors that influence it. Sometimes shifting your fixed mind does bring a change too. You should know how to perceive things rather than blaming them your entire life.

We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what’s wrong in your life, or you can focus on what’s right

-Marianne Williamson

You might get stuck in a treasure hunt figuring out the “Why” without working on it, you will always face the downs because your mind never thinks in the other direction of the world.

What is that you would need to change?

It might uncover life’s eccentricities which will act as a catalyst that will be a guiding start to something extraordinary and worth witnessing, not suddenly but slowly and steadily.

In short,

Make a Mindset shift! — not in the external factors but in the way you perceive, be it in your bitter morning or a hectic night, as, in either way “YOU” are making a difference.

What are those changes? For that, you need to be a curious human to understand the simplest ever-changing life forms by trying to move out from your so-called cluttered digital life.

The powerful mindset shifts for you to embark on a transformative journey -

1 — From Fixed to Growth: Most of you shy away from embracing opportunities because of the lack of hunger that keeps you away from crossing boundaries. You fear because your fixed mind is making you witness an artificially created world of negations. When you have a growth mindset, your hunger or curiosity to learn never stops, making you fit into the tiniest gap of expectations.

  • Fixed Mindset: “I am too shy when it comes to talking to people. I think I’ll stay an introvert until I die”
  • Growth Mindset: “I may be shy now, but if I do take the next step like how others do, I’ll be able to have that dynamic personality”

2 — From Scarcity to Abundance: Your feeling about the world being a small place is all due to the scarce mind. Your head fixes boundaries making you feel that the world is non-existent beyond those boundaries. On the other hand, filling the gap to reach your goal in the declining times with a mindset of finding opportunities in the tiniest gaps is what abundance can fill your mind with.

  • Scarcity mindset: “I think I’ll never be able to make enough money in my life. I am always not earning what I usually expect to”
  • Abundance mindset: “I think I have enough knowledge to make another stream of money with the skills I have and the opportunities I see”

3 — From Negative to Positive: When you allow your mind to be caged in the anxiousness or fear of predicting the future you tend to lose yourself. This fear and anxiousness directly or indirectly makes you gravitate towards them thereby stopping you from taking the next step. When you suppress them using positive pills you tend to take actions without thinking about the repercussions and catapult yourself to the other side of life far from negativity.

  • Negative mindset: “Why does life always do wrong to me?”
  • Positive mindset: “I think life is trying to teach me in a different manner. I should learn this to avoid getting stuck in similar issues.”

4 — From Fear of Failure to Embracing Risk: When you think twice before taking the next step, grabbing an awful opportunity you fixate your mind on the “what’s” of your life. You’d be wondering about the guilt you’ll have to go through for not taking something that you were presented with within the later phases of your life. Failure is a constant pattern of death whereas the risk is like the pattern of your heartbeat providing you with small elements of making a living.

  • Fear of failure mindset: “I will never be able to excel my skill in the field I am in with changing technologies”
  • Embracing risk mindset: “I know I am not that skilled in a few technologies, let me give it a try and I’ll learn about it.”

5— From Comparison to Self-Compassion: Sometimes what you see out doesn’t seem to look the way it is. Being assertive about one’s good living over yours just minimizes you to be yourself. You question yourself more than being self-compassionate. If you don’t feel good seeing yourself in the mirror you’ll always appreciate others about their beauty. A pinch of self-compassion helps you understand the right taste of your life.

  • Comparison mindset: “Why is it taking time for me to grow in the organization when others of my level are growing?”
  • Self-compassion mindset: “I think there is a thin line between me and growth, It is just that I need to adapt to the new learnings and implement them.

6 — From Complaints to Solutions: The extent to which you portray your mind from a smaller problem to a complex one decides how much you are going to complain every second or minute. If you can never find a way to improve your efficiency you’ll always find ways to procrastinate and end up nowhere when it comes to the solution.

  • Complaints mindset: “I think I do not have the right set of technologies to work on my current project. It can’t be done with what I have
  • Solutions mindset: “I need to find out ways to efficiently understand the use of the current technology or find one that can help me or others reach the best possible solutions.”

7 — From Being Rigid to Being Fluid: Trying to be narrowed can lead you to embrace only a few things in life that fall within your boundaries. Your adaptability keeps bothering you as you have no patience to expand to broader horizons. When you start being fluid, you start looking yourself up in a broader context and keep fitting in everything that keeps coming by.

  • Being Rigid Mindset: “What is the point of learning about a different field than mine? Is it going to help me in the long run anyway? It sounds like passing time.”
  • Being Fluid Mindset: “Learning is a continuous process. A high level of knowledge about a different stream can come out to be helpful in the long run.”

8 — From Dwelling on the Past to Focusing on the Present: Past karma defines the beauty of your present. There is a thin line between dwelling in the past and living in your present which most people misunderstand. How well you focus on your present by your past mistakes defines your ladder for growth. It might just give you a glimpse of the bygone which can’t be changed.

  • Dwelling on the Past Mindset: “I shouldn’t have made that mistake earlier and now It keeps hitting me, making it difficult for me to move on.”
  • Focusing on the Present Mindset: “My past has taught me how to live with difficult situations and keep moving without having second thoughts”

Everything starts with the way you perceive things which contributes to your day making it either positive or negative. Mindset shifts can sometimes act as energizers making you feel a quick change in the present moment.

You can’t always assume things, you need to be practically a part of it to understand the difference it is going to make in life. When you focus only on the downs of your life you’ll never be able to lift your head and walk straight even in the most difficult times.

Your mind can make you do wonders, but the only thing you must be aware of is, who holds the remote to it. Either you or the mind itself. Then it would be easy for you to implement the mind shifts in your daily routine. Keep teaching yourself every morning to incorporate these beautiful mindset shifts to reshape your day for a better “YOU”.

Keep noticing, keep implementing.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?