Top Stories published by IPG Media Lab in September of 2006

Major League Baseball Games Come To Second Life

The Electric Sheep Company has just announced that it’s going to be hosting real-time enactments of two major league baseball games this month at a virtual Yankee Stadium. Electric Sheep worked with to do something similar for their…

Marketing For Pontiac G5 Launch Online Only

I’m really late on this, but Advertising Age threw the spotlight on another great example that online advertising is the way to go last week. Every advertising dollar spent on the launch campaign for Pontiac’s G5 were spent online. Yes, folks…

Doctorow: HD DRM Bad for Consumers?

Cory Doctorow, one of the co-editors of the Internet’s most popular blog and currently less than five blocks from my apartment as the Canada-U.S. Fulbright Chair at USC’s Annenberg Center for Public Diplomacy, has written a thought-provoking piece about some of…