Top Stories published by IPG Media Lab in March of 2007

Simpson’s Film ‘Reverse Product Placement’

Saw an interesting little piece on Kotaku today about the upcoming Simpsons flick and the great lengths the production is going to in order to create what I’m calling “reverse product placement” at 7–11s across the country. While the deal hasn’t…

K-Fed’s PopoZao Search: The problems with branded technologies

Well, K-Fed has gone done and got himself a search engine. Yeah, you heard that right. Kevin Federline, Britney Spears’ aspiring rap artist ex-husband, has created a branded search portal that awards prizes to people…

Virtual World/Social Network Set To Open On Monday

On Monday, Kaneva, a melded social networking site and virtual world, will finally launch in open beta, according to Mark over at Finally! We’ve had our eye on this little gem for a while and, while the lab staff has all…