Top Stories published by IPG Media Lab in February of 2007

Excellent Web 2.0 Explanation

This isn’t directly related to marketing, but Michael Wesch, a cultural anthropology professor at Kansas State University, has created a beautiful four minute video that totally captures what Web 2.0 and social media is all about. It’s one thing to explain that digital…

IBM Touts Media Adoption For Content Owners

A new report just released by IBM reinforces the idea that media companies must start loosening their group on their content if they want to play within the new digital landscape. According to the report, a storm is brewing between large scale content…

Visualizing the Blogosphere

It’s old news (to some), but I finally got around to playing with the Twingly blog visualizer (via 3PointD). For those who can’t tell from the picture to the left or from the video at the bottom of this post, Twingly is a downloadable application that displays a rotating 3D…