Top 20 Spring Framework and Spring Boot Scenario based Questions for Java Developers

Mastering Practical Application of Spring and Spring Boot with These Real-World Interview Questions for Java Developers



Top 20 Spring Framework and Spring Boot Scenario based Questions for Java Developers

Hello folks, if you are preparing for Java and Spring Boot Interview then apart from preparing for common theoretical questions like difference between RequestParam and PathVariable annotations you should also prepare for real world problem solving questions like how you going to implement caching, or security in Spring framework etc?

In last couple of articles I have explained difference between @Contorller and @RestController annotation, @Bean vs @Component annotation, and @Controller vs @Service @Repository and in this article, I am going to share 20 such problem solving, scenario based question based upon Spring Framework and Spring Boot, and other Spring packages like Spring Security.

By the way, if you are preparing for Java and Spring interview then In my earlier articles, I have also shared 21 Software Design Pattern questions, 10 Microservice Scenario based questions, 20 SQL queries from Interviews, 50 Microservices questions, 60 Tree Data Structure Questions, 15 System Design Questions, and 35 Core Java Questions and 21 Lambda and Stream




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