Go to JCACS Musings Publication
JCACS Musings Publication
Musings on teaching, learning, and research in the field of curriculum studies, along with scholarly insights into current educational initiatives and areas of interest. Affiliated with the Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies.
Note from the editor

JCACS Musings is led by five graduate students known as Musers, who provide a space to express insights and ruminations — musings — that acknowledge and engage the links between academics, practitioners, and grassroots members to create a seamless, rhizomatic community.

Go to the profile of JCACS Musings Home
JCACS Musings Home
Musings on issues in education, from the Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies. https://jcacs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jcacs.
Go to the profile of solspiré
Pauline Sameshima
Go to the profile of Nicholas Rickards
Nicholas Rickards
Ph.D. student, public educator, university lecturer, cinephile. Writing for JCACS Musings.
Go to the profile of Chantelle Caissie
Chantelle Caissie
Creative writer, poet, and doctoral student in the Faculty of Education at Memorial University
Go to the profile of Sarah Green
Sarah Green
Kanien'kehà:ka. Grateful educator. Gentle soul. JCACS Muser. Thoughtful doctoral student passionate about promoting self-awareness and deep reflection.
Go to the profile of Alexandra Olsvik
Alexandra Olsvik
Secondary English teacher and doctoral student in Education (Curriculum Studies) at the University of Alberta.
Go to the profile of Kristy Smith
Kristy Smith
PhD Candidate in the Faculty of Education at York University