Getting started with latakoo

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Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2017

Start sending, collaborating and transcribing video

Welcome to latakoo, the fastest, most secure way to send video regardless of bandwidth or file size.

The first thing you need to get started is your “welcome to latakoo” email. We’ll send this out once you’ve established your account. The email will contain your log in information.

Step One: Log in, update password and download the app

latakoo Flight is an application that you install on your computer. There’s a version for Windows and Mac machines. latakoo Flight will only run on a 64-bit Windows machines or Mac machines running OS X 10.7 or later. We also have apps for iOS devices.

  • Log into latakoo with the password already provided you.
  • Change your password — make it strong.
  • Download the latest application by clicking Get the app.

The current latakoo service is made up of three parts:

  • latakoo Flight — the app installed on your machine or mobile device to upload video and other large files.
  • latakoo Pilot — the cloud service where you files land and can be managed, transcribed or shared.
  • latakoo HUB — automates the download and transcode of the files and seamlessly integrates into edit systems and asset managers.

Step Two: Upload a file

  • Drag a file from your desktop or camera card into the app window.
  • Make sure your Upload Type is set to Individual:Individual Metadata Form. You can change the upload type by clicking on the text and selecting the upload type in the pop-up window.
  • The latakoo Flight app will automatically select the transfer protocol, UDP or TCP, that will be fastest using your throughput to latakoo cloud servers.
  • Use the time estimator to determine the quality of file you want to send for the time available. The latakoo quality slider determines the amount your file is compressed.
  • Select the destination network.
  • Click Start.

Quick note about compression

The latakoo “quality slider” is a way to select bit rates and compression settings for the file you’re uploading. The further to the left you slide the bar, the lower the bit rate and the smaller the file.

The further to the right you slide the bar, the less compression and higher the bit rate. Uncompressed files can be sent by selecting no compression, which uploads the file without encoding or compression.

For enterprise clients, compression settings can be customized so that only the choices you want your users to use are available in the app.

Rename a file before you upload

During the upload process, you have the option to rename the file. This is helpful to those in station groups who might need to add a slug, call letters or show name to their file. Type in the new name and click Save.

Step Three: Add or edit metadata

A metadata form is built into the latakoo system — giving you the ability to associate details of the video file with searchable tags and scripts. However, entering this data never gets in the way of the file transfer. That is job one.

In the metadata form, you can rename a file, add a description or details about a file (ex: Cam 1, Take 12, Location), add a shoot date and tag a person who’s expecting the file or is uploading the file. This data becomes associated with the file and becomes a way to search and find files in the cloud onlatakoo Pilot.

The metadata form is customizable for enterprise clients. Contact us to learn more about custom forms.

Step Four: Collaborate, share, transcribe in the cloud

After your video is uploaded, log in to

latakoo Pilot is your content feed that shows all of your uploads, whether they are video, images, audio or stitched files.

Click on “Expand,” (just below the name of the file) to see details about the file, add notes or order on-demand transcriptions. You can also download a file from this view as well.

If you click on the name of the file, the system will take you to a video dashboard, with even more functions, detailed in the image below.

Thanks for choosing latakoo. Still having trouble? Reach out to our support team or join us for a How to latakoo training.

