Top Stories published by Listen To My Story in 2016

Peter Liang Was Justly Convicted- He’s Not A Victim, Says This Niece of Vincent Chin

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When I first heard about Akai Gurley’s killing, that a Chinese American police officer, Peter Liang, had shot Gurley to his…

Why FinTech is the WORST.

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I’m a fintech entrepreneur and investor. I’ve been amazed how much interest this space has had over the last year. It’s like fintech has become THE place to “disrupt”.

Melissa Harris-Perry’s Email to Her #nerdland Staff
Jamil Smith

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Sadly, I think Melissa Harris-Perry’s response to the undignified manner in which she has been treated by MSNBC is a…

Product management tools for startups

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Thanks to Ian Hogarth and Michelle You who wrote the document that inspired this one.

Although I’m fundamentally a technologist, I have long believed that the only purpose of…

These were the top 8 stories published by Listen To My Story in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.