minerstat mining tutorial #17: Locator and bulk imports

Published in
5 min readOct 2, 2018

With more and more ASIC farms joining minerstat, we decided to implement a new feature that will make the process of adding workers to your minerstat dashboard easier and faster. The new software is called Locator and in this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting it up.

This tutorial is not meant only for ASIC owners but can benefit GPU farms managers as well. If you have a large number of workers to add, you will find the fastest way to add them in this tutorial.


In short, a Locator is a software that scans your network and returns the devices it has found in JSON format. It is available for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Raspberry Pi. The whole procedure is pretty fast and straightforward.

Currently, Locator will only find ASIC devices connected to your local network. You will, however, see how to set up your own custom JSON for GPU farm as well.

  1. Download software
    You can find the download links at our GitHub or on Locator’s page.
  2. After you download the .zip, extract it to any folder on your hard drive.
  3. Run Locator.
  4. Click on Start.
  5. Enter the network address of your local IP.
  6. Wait for locating to finish.
  7. Export JSON.

Bulk import

Bulk import of the workers can be found on the workers’ page. Click on the button Add new worker and on the link Bulk import at the bottom of the frame.


The JSON file needs to be designed in a particular format. If you have exported file from Locator, you don’t have to worry about anything. You only select a file and edit option of bulk import will be opened.

If you don’t have the JSON file generated yet, you can generate it on your own.

ASIC example

"worker": "S90001",
"type": "asic",
"system": "antminer",
"groups": "Area1",
"ip": "",
"ssh-username": "root",
"ssh-password": "admin"
"worker": "S90002",
"type": "asic",
"system": "antminer",
"groups": "Area1",
"ip": "",
"ssh-username": "root",
"ssh-password": "admin"

GPU example

"worker": "Rig0001",
"type": "nvidia",
"system": "msos"
"worker": "Rig0002",
"type": "nvidia",
"system": "msos"

If you are using custom templates, follow the next rules:

  • type must be one of the following: nvidia, amd, or asic.
  • system must be msos or windows if the type is nvidia or amd.
  • system must be antminer, baikal, innosilicon, spondoolies, or dayun if the type is asic.
  • groups must be divided by comma. The group name should not exceed the length of 10 characters.
  • worker should not exceed the length of 15 characters.
  • ssh-username and ssh-password are used only for type asic and are not the same as for the ASIC’s web interface.
    Default username/password pairs are:
    - root/admin for antminer;
    - admin/root for baikal.

If you only have names to enter, don’t worry - you can skip other values and edit them in the last phase. Just be sure to follow the pattern of the file and to save it as filename.json (where filename can be any name you like).

Awesome Miner

You can quickly bulk import all of your workers that are currently hosted on Awesome Miner.

  1. Click on the tab “Import / Export”.
  2. Click on the tab “Miners” to get the list of all of your workers.
  3. Click on the button “Export to file…” to export XML list of your workers.

When you are at the import workers page, click on the button Import from Awesome Miner and select the .xml file you have downloaded. Data from the .xml file will be read and workers that can be found will be imported.


You can quickly bulk import all of your workers that are currently hosted on HiveOS. When you are at the import workers page, click on a button Import from Hive OS and enter your username, password, and 2FA (if set) you use on HiveOS to establish a connection with the Hive OS API. The entered data will be used to read from HiveOS API and import the data to the minerstat import workers page. The username, password, and 2FA won’t be saved.

Edit and import

After your data is loaded, you will see a list of workers. You can manually change the type, system, IP, ASIC username, ASIC password, and/or groups.

You can also make a duplicate and copy the values down. Copy action will copy all values except the worker’s name and IP to all the workers that are below the worker you used for copy.

After you have finished, click on Import workers and all workers will be created and added to your dashboard.

If any of the workers cannot be added to the dashboard (e.g., the name already exists), the worker will stay on the list and you will be able to update it before adding it once again. All other workers will be added to the dashboard and disappear from the import workers list.

Please also note that you cannot bulk import more workers that are available in your tier plan. So if you want to import 100 workers, first make sure that you have 100 workers available to add.

Happy mining!

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