minerstat mining tutorial #7: Statistics and data exporting

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4 min readJul 22, 2018

One of the things that are important to some people but entirely uninteresting to others is historical data and statistics. We believe that professional miners and mining managers will find statistics useful and will need detailed data for their business operation more than the hobby miners. That’s why we offer detailed statistics for up to 6 days for free users and for up to 14 days for paying users. Others that want more of the historical data can buy a minerstat+ add-on for 5 EUR per month and get up to 60 days of statistics.

Statistics are available in different parts of the dashboard.

The one that is the most interesting to miners is available at the worker’s profile, where you can check historical data for hashing speed for each coin you have mined and historical data of your hardware’s temperature.

Additionally, we offer global statistics, per worker statistics, and balance statistics. We have talked about the latter in one of our previous mining tutorials, so you can read all about it there.

Global statistics

In the first part of global statistics section, you check your daily profitability for all workers for every 10 minutes, daily profitability for each of your workers’ groups, and your average daily profitability.

This is followed by daily profitability comparison per days:

  • Today’s profitability is compared to yesterday’s;
  • Yesterday’s profitability is compared to the same day last week;
  • Last 7 days are compared to the previous 7 days;
  • This month is compared to the same period last month;
  • Last 30 days are compared to the previous 30 days.

Today’s profitability is calculated as the average profitability of the hours on that day regarding your timezone, while all other profitabilities are calculated as a 24-hour average. We also show the top 5 workers in each comparison and percentage of the total revenue this worker provided in comparison to other workers.

Profitability per coin shows all coins that were mined in the monitored period and top coins in daily profitability comparison per days.

Global statistics also shows the distribution of your hardware, current status of your workers (total number of workers, online workers, and those with a normal temperature), and top coins for the monitored period.

Per workers statistics

If you are interested in each worker separately, we also offer per worker statistics. You can see similar data about your worker, like worker’s daily profitability, profitability for each coin this worker mined, top 5 coins and comparison per days.

On per worker statistics we also show historical data for temperature, historical data for efficiency, and worker’s latest unusual activity that can be read from graphs but it is summarized to make errors identification quicker and smoother.

For example, we will show you when the worker went offline and when it came back online, when there was a too high temperature for any of your hardware, and when worker’s hashrate or efficiency dropped.

Data export

All of the old data is automatically erased, so we offer data export for all minerstat+ users. Historical data is available for download in CSV, JSON, or SQL format. We must also note here that all of our users have free access to our API. This means that JSON output is always available to you and you can check it at any given time. The only difference is that the JSON format in data export section is structured according to the data you wish to download.

The data that can be exported from this section is:

  • Global statistics by day;
  • Per worker statistics by day;
  • Balance statistics by day;
  • Detected changes in balance statistics;
  • Full balance statistics for each pool and wallet separately;
  • Full workers data for hashrate and profitability for each worker separately.

Happy mining!

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