Moonlighting Weekly — March 14, 2018

News and updates from Moonlighting

Jenny Knizner
2 min readMar 14, 2018


Since we announced our plan to launch our own token in December, we have focused much of our marketing efforts thus far on developing and inspiring high-quality content to educate readers of mainstream news media on how blockchain can revolutionize the gig economy.

We have shared many of these wins so far and last week received a new business feature from IrishTechNews and a spotlight on, outlining how blockchain can be utilized to fix many of the issues facing the gig economy.

New Advisor

While our initial marketing efforts heavily favored mainstream media, we are ramping up our presence in the crypto community to reach an audience with a deeper interest and understanding of blockchain projects.

To help us accelerate this conversation we have invited Simon Cocking, Editor in Chief of Cryptocoin.News to join our team as an advisor. Simon brings advisory experience that will aid us in attracting the attention of international crypto and blockchain experts through crypto-specific media.


In this uncertain regulatory climate, we are proceeding full steam ahead with our blockchain integration but are approaching our token sale more conservatively. To ensure we are compliant with the U.S. Security laws, we have decided to share our white paper and associated documents privately by request only.

If you would like to learn more about our pre-sale, we are currently accepting meeting requests to review the specifics of our white paper and token summary on a one-on-one basis. If you are interested in learning more, please schedule a meeting with us here.

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