The Best of 2017’s Blogs for Healthy Eating

Check out this healthy eating guide to help you stay on track as you get started with your New Year Resolutions.

Carlos Gonzalez
My Muscle Chef
4 min readJan 4, 2018


We all know there’s nothing *REALLY* special about the start of a new year, but there’s definitely something incredibly appealing about a fresh start.

We know how hard it can be not stay on track with your eating, so whatever your goals are for 2018, My Muscle Chef is here to make sticking to them as simple as possible — read on for a healthy eating guide that will help you stabilise your energy and sugar levels in the New Year!

Your New Favourite Ice-cream

You can’t say no to ice-cream when it’s clean, healthy and full of goodness! It’s a very basic concept, and all it takes is 1 ingredient. You heard me, ONE! Banana. One of the most versatile fruits, and now, a fruit that is going to make you feel as though you’re devouring soft serve ice cream. Click here for more.

How Often Should You Eat?

No dramatic diets or extreme eating here, just sensible practical advice to keep in the back of your mind for when you think you need to regulate your eating. Click here for Teeghan’s three easy tips.

Freeze your way to better health

We don’t mean you need to freeze — we’re talking about freezing your food! Here is a quick trick… prep some smoothies, and keep the ingredients in the freezer. Freeze your favourite combinations in a zip-lock bag, chopped and ready to blend, and you’ll always have a quick and easy vegetable meal ready to go! Here is a quick smoothie formula for you.

100 Calories Of Healthy Snacks!

Perfecting portion sizes can be a pain. Click here for a few easy ways to measure 100 calories of snack sized goodness.

Hydration Station: How to eat your water

Yes, you read that right — eat your water! There are loads of fruits and vegetables that contain a good amount of water, which is no less hydrating for your body if you were drinking it straight from a bottle. Now who doesn’t like the sound of that?! Click here to keep reading.

Eat less sugar in 5 simple steps

So you’ve got your big meals sorted no troubles (if not, My Muscle Chef can easily take care of them for you!) but you’re still not seeing the results you want?

It might be due to your accidental sugar intake.

It’s quite easy to over-consume the refined white stuff we all love so much, without even realising you are doing it. The average adult has a recommended daily intake of 6–9 teaspoons of sugar a day, and you may be going way over that amount. Click here to find out where these sneaky sugars may be hiding in your foods.

My Muscle Chef provides the best tasting muscle building and weight loss meals available on the market, with convenient home delivery. Order yours today!

