Bind Together

“We have come but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.” (the spiritual messengers of God, Aka)

“If upon this day, every one of the people upon the earth who believe in the Second Coming link their hands together, in no way could this Anti-Christ rule. It is only in your strength shall mean the shortness of his time”


“Bind together,” we are guided by the spiritual messengers of God.

They spoke of this to us over and over again through the 19 years we listened to them. It must be very important for us to hear––for our sakes and for our world.

From 1970 to 1989, we recorded what the spiritual messengers of God spoke through their instrument, Ray Elkins. (You can learn more about it here.)

Many of their messages on different subjects have been collected for you to read in links to articles in this writing, in books, or by hearing their tape recorded messages.

For this writing, we did a search through their words and gathered their guidance to “bind together.” These messages are presented in the order in which they were spoken. The words the spiritual messengers of God spoke are printed in bold for you.

These messages are given, not to take away from our faith or what we already know, but to add to our understanding.

Open your door that we may enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within you, each of you, for his coming. But from a Mother’s womb, so shall he be born,” the spiritual messengers of God said on December 29, 1971.

On February 9, 1973, God’s spiritual messengers spoke to one person: We should answer your other question in this manner.

Give unto yourself that that is yours.

Give unto your brother that that is his.

Give unto your God that that is your God’s.

If these things are done in this order, your God, who has waited long, shall help you in the giving and in the protecting of both….

Make a time within your life. The doors are open. We are waiting. All you must do is enter for the knowledge you [may] seek. We have laid before you many dreams of dreams.

And we shall answer once again,

only for the unisis of the soul and souls, who should fear not and bind together, may the coming be laid before man.

Note: Unisis is to be in union, and may be from the Middle Latin term, unisonis.

The spiritual messengers whom God sends first called their message to us the spiritual philosophy of God. In 1974, they changed it to Universal Philosophy, so that people of all faiths and ways of knowing our Creator will know our Father love each of us so, and that He sends His spiritual messengers to speak to us.

From 1973 until his passing in 2000, Ray told us what he’d heard Aka say in 1973 when he received a vision:

“It hasn’t been decided yet which way the world will go.”

This concern becomes more clear in what the spiritual messengers of God said on February 25, 1976––that may sound like what we are witnessing now: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer thy question in this manner.

As we have said before, that we would tell you when the time of the famine had arrived, and so we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, and pestilence and droughts, earthquakes, tornados, and volcanoes shall sweep the land.

We say unto you, thousands and millions shall die. But prepare thyselves, now, and this need not happen.

It is estimated between 5 and 10 million people died because of the famine in Russia, many of them were children. The Soviet famine of 1932–1933 was a famine in the major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union, including Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, Volga Region, Kazakhstan, the South Urals, and West Siberia. About 5.7 to 8.7 million people are estimated to have lost their lives. Joseph Stalin and other party members had ordered that kulaks were “to be liquidated as a class”, and became a target for the state. The richer, land-owning peasants were labeled kulaks and were portrayed by the Bolsheviks as class enemies, which culminated in a Soviet campaign of political repressions, including arrests, deportations, and executions of large numbers of the better-off peasants and their families in 1929–1932. Major contributing factors to the famine include the forced collectivization in the Soviet Union of agriculture as a part of the first five-year plan, forced grain procurement, combined with rapid industrialization, a decreasing agricultural workforce, and several severe droughts. Some scholars have classified the famine in Ukraine and Kazakhstan as genocides, which were committed by Stalin’s government, targeting ethnic Ukrainians and Kazakhs, while others dispute the relevance of any ethnic motivation, as is frequently implied by that term, and focus on the class dynamics between the land-owning peasants (kulaks) with strong political interest in private property, and the ruling Soviet Communist party’s fundamental tenets which were diametrically opposed to those interests. Gareth Jones was the first Western journalist to report the devastation. Unless we prepare, will this happen to us again as elites plan to “build back better” in a communist totalitarian new world order?

Your world shall go hungry.

The one known as Jesus did say, “For beware when that day should arrive. Pray that it does not come in the winter time, for thy children shall freeze from the cold, for they should have not clothing nor food.”

And we say unto you, prepare, now, and these things thy shall live through.

We shall say unto you that men shall become as animals and shall kill for crumbs of bread.

They shall snatch the food from the mouth of the child.

All these things shall come as past.

Before, we have warned you, step by step, of the perils ahead. We have told you that you could not stand as one person alone and survive, that you must stand together. This is why we did say unto you, “Form your organization.”

This is why we gave unto you A Rose without Thorns.

We told you we were here but for one purpose, and that was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Now we shall tell you that man shall be tempted, much as the one known as Jesus was tempted. For those who shall rise through this temptation shall walk in the footprints and beside the Messiah who should come.

But all these things must come forth, so that your land and you shall be ready for his coming. The earth shall change its face; each step, one behind the other.

We shall say unto you, once before in this land did come a time such as this. You called it your depression, your Great Depression. And the wind did come and lain bare the ground. Yet many of you here this day lived through that time.

Yet, you have become a different people, a people used to buying all things that they need.

But now you have before you an inflationary depression. This can strike the land with a two-sided blade. One shall cut away the land, and part it. The other shall cut away the people.

It is easy to be a good Samaritan on a full stomach in a warm house. It is not so easy to be such a good Samaritan when you have naught yourself. But we shall tell you, that as Jesus stood in the church and as the old woman laid three pennies in the plate, he said unto the others, “She has given her all, and more than any here.”

And they said, “How could that be?”

And he did say unto them, “It is easy for the rich man to give three pennies, for he has many pennies left. But the three pennies that she gave was all she had.”

For you to survive you must build and supply your warehouses now in such a manner that regardless of whether they belong to your organization or not, as long as they come and are willing to work, they shall be fed and clothed, and the medical aid be given.

That that you have seen in Guatemala — you have seen the rivers changing their courses; you have seen thousands die needlessly because even though the warning was given, they did not prepare.

The 1976 Guatemala earthquake struck earlier that month, on February 4 with a moment magnitude of 7.5. The shock was centered on the Motagua Fault, about 160 km northeast of Guatemala City at a depth of 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) near the town of Los Amates in the department of Izabal. Cities throughout the country suffered damage, and most adobe type houses in the outlying areas of Guatemala City were destroyed. The earthquake struck during the early morning (at 3:01 am, local time) when most people were asleep. This contributed to the high death toll of 23,000. Approximately 76,000 were injured, and many thousands left homeless. Some of the areas affected went without electricity and communications for days. The main shock was followed by thousands of aftershocks, some of the larger ones causing additional damage and loss of life.

Jesus did say that the warning would be given, and they should not even stop to pick up their coat, but to flee to the hills, yet they did not. And the same shall be with you.

We are giving you this warning — not as a threat, not that you should repent, for that must come from within yourself —

but so you, your families, your friends may bind together.

You shall say, “Why should the Lord lay such a bondage upon His children,” much as the people of Israel who were in bondage in Egypt did say? And we should say unto you, so that they could prepare the way that the world should know of their God.

But we say unto you, even as the waters closed upon the Egyptians, the Lord wept, and He did say unto the people, “WHY DO YOU CHEER WHILE MY CHILDREN DIE?” And so He shall weep for you now.

But the Lord has placed free will in your hands. What you shall do with it shall be of your own choosing.

April 8, 1977: At a time that the Eagle has pulled back his wings — and we speak of the American nation — the Bear, Russia, has strengthened his arms and his reach. And the Dragon [China] shall wait a playing [play a waiting] game.

Yes, you may prevail.

But as other organizations come unto you, as we have said, let them meet with your Board of Directors. Let them state what they bring with them. Let them bring representation into your organization.

Join hands. Link together. Strength.

If upon this day, every one of the people upon the earth who believe in the Second Coming link their hands together, in no way could this Anti-Christ rule.

It is only in your strength shall mean the shortness of his time.

And he [the Anti-Christ] shall come from the Eternal Sea, the political [world].

We have said unto you, September the 6th, 1977 — Black September.

But remember, as we came unto you seven years ago, and unto this year, also shall come forth a new beginning, for in these numbers you shall find and take from April 3rd, 1977. And from it, in your numerology, you shall find its strength.

The Lord, God, shall provide the needs.

You must join in unity, in understanding — in strength.

But come together.

August 25, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we say unto thee this parable.

As the Lord, Jesus, did administer to the sick and heal on the Sabbath, many did condemn him.

But he looked upon him and said unto them, “I go about my Father’s work through His many mansions. And the Lord has set aside this day for rest and worship. But within His worship, and in His glory, He allows me to do this healing. Then who should cast the first stone?”

We have said before, none shall interfere with this work from either side.

We have also told you, the Anti-Christ is now upon your Earth, and as he has entered of age, so shall his followers make his time ready for his realm. In doing this, they shall split churches, they shall cast down temples, for they are building one temple into the Anti-Christ.

For those who have ears, listen. For those who have eyes, see. For “the blind may see, and the deaf shall hear.”

And so shall the mark be placed upon each of those who shall be his servant. And it shall be six, six, six [666]. And as the given time, as those who should join the Anti-Christ, it shall be placed upon their hand and their forehead. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, and see “If the children of God deny the mark of the beast…your thousand years of peace shall reign.”]

We have said before, for those who should walk in a righteous manner, fear not. For those who should go about this work, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, fear not, for his time is also here. Many shall cast themselves upon you. Many shall attack you. We say unto you, the coveth given unto Jesus is now given unto you. The promise of the Lord, God, unto His children who should hold themselves in a righteous manner, the Anti-Christ shall have no power over. Those who should attack you shall but only attack themselves, for they are destroying themselves. They are placing the mark themselves.

And now we say unto the ministers and the teachers of this work, now is your time of trial. Now is the time of temptation.

Hold yourselves one unto another.

Now is the time we have prepared you for. Now is the time you must reach above your own wants and needs.

Bind together as one.

Wherever one is stricken, wherever one has been hurt, wherever one shall be cast aside, let this not happen. Stand together. Do not quarrel. Do not bicker. Be as the mighty hand of the Lord, and the strength you ask for shall flow into your bodies and minds.

And we shall say unto the O___s [3–115–2] and [5–217–1], we have seen your studies, but do not separate yourselves. Stand firm with thy brethren and sistren. The work we have prepared you for is now about to begin.

And we say unto James [1–1–5] and Luke [1–1–3], bind yourselves unto the whole group.

And we say unto Paul [2–30–2] and Ruth [2–30–3], bind yourselves.

And we say unto you all ––

bind yourselves. Become as one.

Forget all of that that has happened before, for now it shall all be new before you.

We say unto [6–281–1], now is the time that the greatest temptation shall be placed before you.

Bind yourself.

We say unto you, many times, as we have said, we should weed the garden, you have thought it would be you. No. We have placed obstacles in your path that you should become strong. Understand this. The work ahead shall not be an easy path.

We say unto [7–319–1], bind yourself.

Let the shepherds be as one. Let the ministers be as one. Let the teachers be as one. And you shall have the body, the soul, the spirit, and with your prophet, the immortal body — and throughout your people shall reign the strength of your flock.

We say unto you, the book that you now have should be called, The Psychic Light, or The Soul Light, whichever would be more appealing, for both mean the same. Let there be on the cover that of a mountain and let there be the internal [eternal] light of God coming forth and hovering over this mountain.

On the back of the cover you shall place the portrait of soul Ray. You should use different pictures of his lifespan, of such. We shall give you further information on this subject in your next reading.

When the time is necessary we shall tell thee also of the dimensions of the House that shall be built.

September 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children; glory be the name of those who should not wear the mark of the Beast.

And we should say unto thee unto these words −

for we shall tell you this parable of a man who, as a child, knew not his place.

And yet, as he went through life, he sought power. And for the receiving of this power, he did trade his soul.

This man became a minister. And he brought forth false images into his church. And the Beast did give unto him the power to bring forth these images.

And he did come before the people and speak words that he did not believe within his heart. He saw in all people only the greed to fulfill his needs. Yet, this Beast one day would claim his soul, and that day did arrive, for the Beast did plant upon him his mark, on the hand and in the forehead.

We shall try to explain to you the difference of your word meaning, forehead, and that of both the Hebrew word meaning fore head − the foreskin that would be extracted, and was to be extracted, from a newborn child that they may be cleansed and not wear the mark of the Beast. This in itself was called the fore head, and the mark could be concealed, therefore, within the same.

The second part of the word, or the meaning of the same, would be toward the base of the skull. This, in itself, should be the second part of the same word, meaning of the same.

The next part, meaning that of the hand, in the back of the hand, would not necessarily conceive that that it would mean in your words, or the meaning of the same. You have a word which means the reading of the palm. The palm would extend from the thumb to the small finger. From that you shall find within the same that the mark shall be laid. The mark can either be laid on the surface or on the reverse side of the palm, or may be laid farther up to the pit of the arm; all would mean of the same.

You must realize, in the interpretation, your words have not come out to mean the same. We speak these words that you might know, therefore, where the mark should lie.

Now we say unto you these words, of this same person. Once in the servitude of the Anti-Christ and those who should prepare the way for him, the Beast shall prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, for the cutting away of the head, and the re-growth. And the Beast shall give power unto a man-beast. And it shall be the name of a man. You shall look, therefore, into your Bible, and look, therefore, into the words of Daniel; there you shall find a more complete interpretation of this time and that that confronts you, and how to deal with the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 13 and Daniel, chapter 7.]

Use these things that we shall give unto you. Use them wisely, but bind together. Bind and become one unto another as the strongest of strong ropes upon the Earth, stronger than the strongest chain. And remember − look at these who should crucify you, and pursue you and persecute you. Remember. Remember that that they have done, for one day upon this Earth, as is happening now, a new religion shall sweep the Earth to take a place of the old. Will you then persecute these? We say unto you, nay, persecution is for fools who have nothing but idle time. But we have also told you to turn of the right cheek and then the left, and then let the mighty arm of the Lord do His work.

It must be done by binding together. If you do not, they shall sweep you away, as wheat. They will use you for their own purposes. This is but an example of the beginning your persecution, your times of trial.

You now have understanding. With understanding grows wisdom and knowledge.

And we say unto you, you shall build a building, and we shall give unto you the dimensions. It shall serve all of you. And it shall be a place of worship. But if you bring into it an angry heart, it shall not be a place of God.

We have let anger dwell within you for a purpose; anger can be of a good tool. Now you must use your minds. Now you must use your strength, your combined strength, and combined wisdom to ward off the persecution and to bring those who would not wear the mark of the Beast into one house.

We should say unto James [1–1–5] and Luke [1–1–3], and unto [7–316–1], the land that should lie between that of Florence and Apache Junction, therefore, within the same, there is fertile land. Conditions are such, and the weather shall remain a temperate zone. We shall give further information as you should ask for it. It shall become, and known as, Round Valley.

And from this, we shall also say unto you, long have we watched the forces of darkness attack you. We told you before that if you bound your minds together, none could come into your house but those that you wished to. Binding your minds unto soul Ray’s mind — he shall teach you of this, and he shall teach you of the sign of the pentacle.

We shall bring the light and we shall bring healing into the one known as [6–274–2].

You will say unto us, “Why have we allowed these things to happen?” We did not allow them. We told you before to bind yourselves together, to throw away all of your petty arguments and suspicions. For those who should bind themselves, nothing may penetrate this. Now we shall place into your hands that that should destroy your enemies.

October 6, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of the people, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, you now have the knowledge and the location of the Round Valley. And we shall say unto you, it shall take much preparation.

And we shall say unto thee of the two physicians who traveled the country, each administering great healing unto the multitudes.

And each of the physicians had assistants. And soon, as their work grew more and more abundant, they increased their assistants.

The two physicians would come together from time to time to discuss their problems in treating the sick. As they came together this day, both had very glum faces. As they chose a tree to sit beneath, it seemed like the sunlight had gone from their lives. But soon they began to observe each other as they would observe a patient. And one said unto another, “What is your problem?”

And the other said, “My assistants are beginning to quarrel. They quarrel so much that I can no longer do my work.”

And the second physician began to laugh. And the first said, “Why should you laugh over such a serious matter?”

And he said, “For I have the same problem. What shall we do?”

He said, “Let us trade. You take my assistants, and I shall take yours. And we shall return in one year and see how all things have worked out.”

The year passed, and they came back to the same tree, both with glum faces.

And the first said unto the second, “All we have done is exchange problems.”

And the other said, “If thy have a cancer cast it aside. But which one shall we take out? They have all been loyal, and they have all worked long and hard.”

And then, a stranger walked into their midst, and said unto them, “Change their positions. Each thinks the other’s position is better than the others. Change them. Alternate them around. And you shall soon find they will appreciate the job they have been doing, for your nurses are poor clerks, and your bookkeepers do not know how to merchandise, yet each looks at the other and thinks what an easy job they have.”

The two physicians thought, and thanked the stranger and left, agreeing once again to return in one year.

In one year they returned. With them came all of their assistants, for they had prayed that they would meet this stranger once again.

And so, he came before them. And each tried to talk, all at the same time. The stranger said nothing. He let them talk and talk until the daylight had gone. They talked and talked until the night was gone, and back into daylight again. Finally they became weary. And they said to the stranger, “You have not helped us at all.”

He said, “Yes, I have helped you. You have talked yourselves hoarse. Now you might listen. If you are to work and perform your work, you each must do your jobs, that that you should do best, that God has gifted you in, and do it well. If you cannot do that, and do it as you would stand in the eyes of God, and He as your witness, then as the Lord has said, it shall be cut away, for you shall cut yourself away. For the others shall not listen to you, to your bickering and your quarreling. Now go, and take this knowledge with you, set in your day-to-day toil, in your laughter and in your dreams, the Lord dwells with you, and within you. Do not these things you would not do, leste the Lord should observe.”

They left again, promising to return again in one year.

At the end of one year there was a majority standing with the physicians. A smaller group stood aside. The majority was smiling and laughing. The other group were very glum.

And the physicians began to speak to the stranger, and the stranger said, “Nay, you need not speak.” And his assistants that were happy and joyous, they began to speak, and he said, “Nay, you need not speak, go on your way. Leave these here.” And he said, “I will take them, and they shall work for me.”

The stranger took a stick and drew upon the ground — circles, squares, and triangles, octangles. And he said, “Choose that among you of these that you like the best.”

And they began to quarrel about this.

And finally the stranger said unto them, “Here, let you take the triangle, and you the octangle, and so on. Now you shall draw, each of you, and not speak unto the other, until you yourself know you have done a good job before God,” and he left them.

Days passed. Weeks passed. And gradually, one by one, they began to walk toward the hill where the stranger stood. And the stranger did return them back unto the two physicians, for they had learned that the lowliest of jobs done well in the eyes of God is the greatest gift man can achieve.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I ask specifically for physical healing for those members of our group that are in need tonight.”

We have seen this. And it shall come forth in a manner that we have just described. It shall come forth in such a manner that shall be glorious unto the Lord, God. It shall come forth in a manner that shall be glorious unto those who truly prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

We shall say unto you unto these words. For within your churches now, those of the Anti-Christ shall move through and take positions of authority, through all of your churches. Now is the time when the mark shall be placed.

For those who are truly compassionate for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who have truly love for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who in truth shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who are preparing a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall stand but a short while, and then they shall be swept away.

We shall say unto you these words, of this peace, this peace that your President has hid behind. Egypt now prepares to make war as she pleads for peace − and she shall make it in such a manner that it shall look as though the Israelians are at fault.

U.S. President Jimmy Carter joins hands with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin for the March 26, 1979 signing of the Egypt-Israeli Peace Treaty, after the September 17, 1978 agreement following 12 days of secret negotiations at Camp David. The spiritual messengers of God spoke this warning you’re reading on October 6, 1978. Looking back, fundamentalists assassinated Sadat in 1981, even though he assured in Arabic that he had not strayed for their goal or the “Palestinian Cause.” Nor did peace come to Israel for giving away land. But the movement goes even deeper, as Aka says, speaking of the preparation for the Anti-Christ.

But we say unto this lands that the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall spread his wings and coveth − beware of Egypt. Beware of the Palestinians who now plan to destroy your cities. Beware of the Arabian gold which now is buying its way into your country. All is part.

For those who shall take control for the Anti-Christ, none other than them may barter or sell. It has been written. We said before, look unto Daniel, of the four beasts, and the last beast was made of iron. That beast was Rome. [See The Revelation 13:16–18 and Daniel, chapter 7.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What volcano is it that I saw, in the Pacific, I believe, smoking last night in my mind − a pointed volcano with a low crater-type volcano next to it as though two small islands in the sea?”

Look on the opposite side of the map from the California area that just had the earthquake and you shall find volcanic eruption − the opposite side of your globe.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Was this volcano in the South Pacific near the eruption which Ray had seen a few years before, that continues to erupt today?

These are written. As we have said before, there shall be those who shall dream dreams and those who shall interpret dreams. Now you are all dreaming, dreaming more than ever, strange dreams which you cannot understand. Bind together.

Bind together!

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–389–1…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘What is the meaning or purpose behind my present incarnation, or what lessons am I primarily to learn?’”

You have two choices at this point. We shall say unto you, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Four times before, you’ve stood and denied the Messiah, and refused to work for the preparation. Now is the last time; now is the later days. Look up the book of Daniel and see that of which we speak. Look into the prophesies of Isaiah.

You have one of two choices, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, or the preparation of the coming of the Anti-Christ.

And those who wait in the middle shall be swept into the path of the Anti-Christ and be utilized as beasts of burden.

You asked of your incarnation; we have given it unto you. Yours is the choice. God gave unto you free will to choose this life, that you may make the right choice unto yourself, unto your fellow man, unto your God.

December 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner — glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We should say unto thee this parable, the parable of the young lad who could not decide, as he grew up, that which he wished to become. (You may listen to the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, tell this parable here.)

His father was a shepherd; his one uncle was a merchant; another was a fisherman; another farmed the land, and did bring forth, through all these things, an abundance back into the family. But as he looked, one into the other, he could not make up his mind. And therefore, unlike his brothers, he went from uncle to uncle, working in each place for a while and then leaving.

His father’s brothers did meet to discuss this one, for all their other children had all followed in the family line of work. And each had found their niche in life. And each asked the other, “What should be done?”

It was finally decided that they should take this one before the priesthood, for he was now reaching the age of manhood, for his 13th birthday was before him. All the brothers left their work, and all their children left their work, and all went unto their temple of worship, and said unto the priest therein, “We seek your advice for this one.”

And the priest said unto them, “This is a decision that I must take up with wiser men than I. I go, therefore, into the Holy Land, where wise men shall gather. Let me take the lad with me.” And so, they did venture forth.

As they crossed the great deserts and neared the town of Bethlehem, each night they saw this beautiful star, this beautiful light from the heavens.

And the lad kept asking the priest, “What was this light? What was this beautiful light from the heavens? What made it so?”

The priest knew some of astronomy and astrology, but he could not account for this.

And they did meet in their travel the three Magi. And the Magi told of their journey to that that would be the birthplace of a new Messiah.

When they did reach Bethlehem, and all came forth unto the Christ child to bring forth their gifts, the young lad stayed back. He looked through all of his possessions, and they were few.

And then he heard the angel[s] say unto him, “Take forth the gift of thyself.”

And so the lad brought himself up from his knees, leaving all his worldly possessions behind, and went forth. And among all the glittering gifts that were to be given, there, in the manger, he did lay himself and say, “I shall be thy slave.”

Both Joseph and Mary looked upon the lad. What need would they have for a slave? But it was a gift given.

And the priest had his answer to take back to the father, and the uncles, and all the kin therein.


At first, those around had laughed at the young lad’s gift. But they were to see that he had given the greatest gift of all, himself.

We say unto you, who are artists, we have painted a picture for you unlike any that exists, for we have reached back in time, that this may come forth into your time and shall go forward. Let it be a symbol for all those who wish to give. For you are here, as we, but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And as you prepare for your worship, as Jesus of Nazara, the Christ child, let new birth come into you. Let it be born in you. And each day, as you rise, let it become a new day and a new world. And as you close your eyes at night, thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time where you are, in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Let that gift be given freely, as it was from the lad. And all in abundance shall come back unto you tenfold.

Yes, we see thy need, [_____], and we shall say unto you, there is another story, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the city that could have been made righteous had there been ten righteous men [who] could have stepped forward. This land into which you are thinking of, Tucson, go forth and find these ten righteous men. If you do not become lost in its tangling web, you shall succeed — only if you can give the gift as the lad did. And your needs shall be taken care of.

And now, we shall say unto those who say, “How could the Lord have such as this that went on in this place called Georgetown?”

We say unto you, the workings of evil are about you. We told you that the preparation for the coming of the Anti-Christ was mighty, and his weapons were mighty. You shall find two governments, in this case, with unclean hands. But first and foremost there had to be greed, greed of one man — one man who was like Judas, who started with a good heart, and then sold his people for silver. When those who would know [of] this did destroy him — this is the reason he did not die as the others, but was shot.

We have told you of light and sound, and how it may be used for healing. And soul Paul warned at a time that it could be used for destruction. This is true. But remember, they only have in their possession two of the basic tones.

There is but yet another part unfolding. You now have two key members, one dead, one near dead. In their place shall be placed people and a plot to take over both the Congress and the Senate of your country.

This dream has not died for a madman who did rise in the sea to lose his head, and was fallen, yet the head was healed. [See The Revelation 13:1–4.]

We have shown you one step farther into something we made quite clear, a long time ago, to you. We should say unto you, use the alphabet in sequence of sevens, multiplying each seven and the numeral into the same, and you shall spell the name of the beast who has lost his head. It shall also spell and show you the mark of the Beast that lies upon the man. Beware.

We shall say also unto you, prepare in all the ways that we shall place in the mind of the prophet for shortages in many areas, from fuel that you may run your vehicles with, to food. You have the means to make your own electricity, to store of the fuel. The greenhouses must be built in many places, that extra food substances may be grown. The solar unit, which was started and not completed yet, must be completed. All these things are happening rapidly now. Store wood in more abundance; each family should have at least seven cord. Each family should now store extra food substance in their homes. But the greenhouses must be built. The design we are now implanting more and more into Soul Ray’s mind.

We shall say unto [10–393–1] these words. The message we gave tonight was in answer to your question. Blessed be the children of the Lord. Blessed be unto the gift given, for they are the future. Guard unto this one well.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, God. Blessed be the Spirit. Blessed be the children and the spirit, and the temple of God.

In your Christmas services, let this story, this parable we have told you tonight, be told.

And let preparation be made that all your people shall know — and now — that they may stand together in prayer and unity. Bind together. Make your prayers as one unto the Lord. Remember that which we told you, of those who had set the fire to the fields, and the people did stop the fire with their minds. [Editor’s note: See the parable of August 2, 1975.]

Soul Ray now grows tired.

Let the Christmas spirit be not only the Christmas Spirit; let it reach unto all religions of all faiths. Let brotherhood bind unto you. For that which you celebrate is the love he left upon your Earth in birth and in death.

Amen, oh Lord, amen. [Kay-ah, kay-ah. Yay, kay-na so mora. Ay, ay.]

December 29, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And the Lord, God, did look upon His children and say unto them, “BIND TOGETHER. BE AS ONE.”

You have shown those things within you that we have long sought to see. You have come together to help one another, and in helping thy brethren, you have taken the first step. Into each of you you have given your toil. But more than the toil you have given, you have given it in a loving manner, begrudging not that which you are doing. This is the greatest gift you may give one another.

In the days that shall follow, your ability to respond in a loving manner you shall need even greater, for the times that lie ahead shall be torn with great storms and turbulence, therefore, upon the land.

We say unto you, these things that thy give unto one another, thy give unto the Lord, God, also. When thy should give a gift expecting nothing in return, then in truth you have given a gift as God has given it to you.

Glory be the Lord; glory be His children forever and ever….

There is other questions within your mind. We shall answer in this manner. You will find it written that an army was built in heaven as well as on earth before the battle of Armageddon. What difference should it be to you, if your will is to serve, which side you shall serve upon, as long as you serve on the side of God? The place means little difference. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Now we should say unto you, unto all of you, take the tools that we have given you at hand, and strengthen and bind together. Wherever one of your flock should be harmed, let all of you feel the pain, and restore the wound back into wholeness. Let pettiness leave among you; let it be gone. Let jealousy be no more. Bind together. For the greater part of the storms, and we do not necessar­ily speak of that brought on by nature, is yet to come. In the year that you face, walk in it with hope and reassurance. If you do so, all the things that you wish for shall be completed. All things you should ask for shall be given unto you.

Do not walk into the house and say, “I might build this house;” walk into the house and say, “I shall build this house.” If rubble stands before you, clear it away. If water falls upon you, brush it aside. If the earth should split between you, build a bridge.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And the Fifth Angel walks among you.

We shall say unto you, as we have said before, nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. Take from your minds a thought that anyone can harm you, as long as you place yourself in God’s hands. All you must do is place your mind, and intermingle it with soul Ray’s. You shall soon find that nothing may harm you.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

January 12, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, of this great nation, who stood as a nation before nations and a nation before God, and did proclaim unto all of its freedom and its citizens’ freedom.

And it brought forth unto it a leader who promised great things. And he did promise peace unto the Earth and good will unto men. And during his reign, at first he gave all appearances of bringing peace and good will unto men. And then, he did turn his back upon his neighbors and the friends of his nation, one by one. And he did turn them away. And he did say unto his enemies, “Come and be friends with me.” And still he went into the house of the Lord among his people, so that his people would think that he was a man of God. And he did forsake unto the land of Israel, and forsake her in a time of times.

And when floods came, he did forsake his own people and turn his back upon them. And as the weathers began to change, he looked not into the meaning of the same, but gave away the storehouses of the people, and gave away of all their precious metals, and gave away their natural resources. For this man sought power. He sought power, not unto the Lord, God, but only unto himself. He sought riches, not unto his people, but unto himself.

And then, when earthquake and tornado did ravish the land, he did change the laws into such a way that soon he would own all the land for himself.

Instead of “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” the land gradually became a prison for all, but a weak prison.

And the neighbor unto this nation, they were used. And thousands upon thousands of people from their country came into this country. They came in the disguise of workers; yet they came to destroy, not to build back. They took from the land and took from the people, and gave nothing back in return. And still, this man did nothing.

We say unto thee, beware of the Dragon [China]. Beware of the Beast. Beware of those of the Palestinians, and those who would support the Palestinians, for they should bring forth your Black September, and they shall do the work of the Anti-Christ.

And the host of Lords [Lord of hosts] did say unto these, “AND FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST, FEAR NOT.” For it is written that they say now, “How long, oh Lord; how long?” [The Revelation 6:9–11.]

The Fifth Angel now walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. Radical changes shall take forth in your weather, and the land itself. Yet, a greater fear lays before you, for those who should make friendly gestures into this nation prepare for war against it, an atomic holocaust that should lay waste unto the land.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [11–394–1.]He is here tonight, and he asks, ‘I would like to have a life reading; it will help me understand what I am to do in this lifetime. I have been told several times my blue waters run deep. I have dreams and ideals of what I would like to do, but it is very confusing. Thank you.’”

We should say unto this one, we have before it — the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. At this time we shall not give a full life reading unto this one. When asked again we shall do so. But at this time soul Ray is weary, and our time is short.

So we should say unto this one that information shall be given as a guideline unto yourself. You are all parts of all things you have ever been, this bringing together a whole into thyself.

You have come forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Complete the Teacher’s Course.

[If] there is no hands to build, there shall be many. Where there was no seed to sow there shall be greatly abundance. We say unto you, think of these things. Think of the abundance of all things that have been brought unto you.

“Ask and you shall receive.” All of your needs have been fulfilled. You no longer walk in such a manner, in need of knowledge, for it lies at your feet. Go forth; complete the Teacher’s Course, and then go back into the archives. Study, therefore, within the same, and you shall find the knowledge you seek more than all. But in the seeking, it shall give you a reason for teaching.

But we say unto you, a house of the Lord can not house just a religion. It must house the faith of man, and therefore, the hope and the love. If all of these things are placed together, you shall have the temple of man — the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. With this knowledge, you shall find that for each thing you shall learn, even greater knowledge shall be laid at your feet. Each part shall be another part of the same.

But we say unto you, you shall find many religions, but few faiths. You shall find many great buildings, but little hope or love.

We have given you a key to where you have been, that you might know where you are going.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–384–2…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘What are [10–384–1] and I supposed to do about our relations, to complete our actual purpose in this life?’”

(Chuckle.)You shall find that compassion and passion are two different things. You shall find that true teaching does not shut the door to learning. “My Father has many mansions,” all are great to behold. We say unto you, as Moses brought forth from the Lord, God, the Ten Commandments, you have the answer within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3–72–2] asks, ‘What do I need to do to make peace in the office?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Let each make peace within their own hearts. Let each do their own job without the other interfering with the same. Within the realization that all have human frailings [failings] and human faults, let all cast aside their petty jealousies and work for the greater purpose, and this is a healing of God’s children, healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

Think before one speaks; what might be humor to one might not be humor to another. Let all, instead of casting stones at one another, forgive. If one cannot forgive, one cannot enter the house of God, for you have closed the doorway to your soul. Respect the knowledge of one another in such a manner that you may learn from each other.

We have watched; we have seen all of these things. And if the healing should come forth, it must come forth from all parts, leste we say this. The work shall not be interfered by either side. And for those who should interfere shall be cut from the vine and wither. Jesus showed you this in the parable of the olive tree, yet you learned it not. We have said it in many ways, many times, and you have heard us not.

Now we shall say this — it shall be no longer tolerated, for a hand shall sweep away all obstacles and the garden shall be weeded. No longer shall lies, or fortication [fabrication?] of lies, be tolerated. And for those who should bear false witness shall be swept away.

We say unto all of you, remember, we are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. For those who do not hear us now, they will not be here to hear us again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–379–1…Pasadena, Texas] asks, ‘What is my purpose, my main one to fulfill this lifetime?’”

You have found that purpose, and it has been shown before you; you have picked up and are preparing to gather before you the candelabra.

For in your mind has been brought forth the memory of where you have been. There is much to be done, and little time to do it in, for within three years war shall come unto this land. Many preparations must be made during that time, but the greatest preparation must be done in the hearts and the souls of mankind. Let faith bind together with faith. You are not alone.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–394–2] and who is here tonight asks, ‘Have my husband and I been led to Globe for a specific reason besides health?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner.

It is not by chance the name this place where this work was chosen to begin bears the name it does, for from it shall reach unto the four corners of the globe.

From here, through each of your hearts, shall come that day when one can respect another’s religion or faith, and understand, and be glad for the same, for here is the beginning of learning and sharing and giving.

But here also shall be a safe zone in the later days ahead.

For within your mind you asked of this new greenhouse and its purpose. It shall be the first of many, for from it shall come many more.

February 2, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Father; glory be the name of His children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the land of Atlantis.

For as the time before the great destruction of the land occurred, there lived there a prophet. And the prophet said unto them, “Heed my words, and let us prepare for this time. Let us take our food and our storages into a safe land, and let us prepare all the islands, therefore, upon the Earth, and place, therefore, within the safest land where our people may survive, that our knowledge might survive.”

Yet none would heed their words.

Yet the priests, Ra-Tai and Ar-Tan [Arcan?] went about their work. And the greater of knowledge was transferred into the land, as you would know it now as Egyptan, and that that you know now as the southern part of the American continent. And they did take the knowledge forth unto the people upon these continents.

And [these] people upon these continents did defy them, and say, “Why should we take your burden? You, who have ruled the Earth, why should we help you now?”

And then, close to the later days, all knew that if the knowledge that they possessed, the full knowledge, fell into the wrong hands, there would be a complete destruction of mankind by warfare. And so they did bury this knowledge in three places upon the world. Yet the grain and provisions, that too was placed into safe hands.

Yet, it was not a hundred years after the destruction that mankind did fall away from all knowledge.

It was not until the one you know as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon this continent, and the continent and lands of the European countries, was the fullness of the knowledge that had been, known unto man. But even yet, it was rejected, as he walked forth upon the land, and made way, and did bring forth disciples. And yet there were many who came forth to kill his disciples and proclaim that they were the disciples. And they did change and alter and profane all things.

We say unto you, once again you are facing a time when great destruction shall become forth upon your Earth.

We have spoken to you in many words, and in many parables, to prepare you for these things. We have told you to bind together and grow in strength. We have told you that the great Sword hovers above you; where no water flowed water shall flow, and the desert[s] shall become green and bountiful, and land shall alter and change its shape. All of this is about you.

There is the Sword that should cut two ways. One shall cut away and reshape the earth; the other shall cut away and reshape mankind.

At first it shall seem for the worst of all things, for it shall be the best of times and the worst of times. And many gratifying substances shall come from the same. But as we have promised, for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall be fulfilled.

We have told you the parables of the food and wine that was provided by God, but left behind. Now we tell you, now is the time. Prepare this way now, for those who should approach your country in peace shall soon strike forth with their sabers and their daggers upon the backs of mankind.

The weather changes that are occurring are both of nature and man-made. Yet they shall, as you would say, get out of hand.

The time shall come when God shall place all things in righteous[ness].

Many of those of the Anti-Christ shall take advantage of this time, and they shall say, “For look, I am your savior, follow me.”

We say unto you, we have come unto you in peace. We have come unto you with the love of our Father. We have come with the only riches we have to bear — the love, the understanding, the hope, the compassion of God.

We asked you, now, take haste. But within the haste, do not cast away good judgment.

February 23, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

As the Lord brought forth rain and snow upon the earth, the rain fell onto the land and the land replenished itself. And then came the snow upon the mountains and into the valleys.

The rain looked upon the snow and said, “You are a beautiful thing, but of what value are you?”

And the snow said back unto the rain, “For I am a lasting value, for I am the same as you — only my form has been changed. For I shall lay upon the ground and gently melt, and replenish the water beneath the surface of the earth. And I shall make the streams and rivers run, and the creeks that run.”

The rain thought upon this. And the rain spoke back unto the Spirits and said, “Why have you made me into such a small substance, when you have made the snow more beautiful and more lasting than I?”

And the rain did fall upon the desert where no snow could ever find its way. And the Spirit said, “Behold, for you have not been here in a long time.” And the desert turned green and the flowers came up from the desert. And all the desert plants soaked in, and brought forth, and stored within itself the multitude of moisture. And the Spirit said, “Behold unto that likeness of your likeness. Even though your form when you appear upon the earth is different from the snow, it is all but the same.”

We should say in this parable, that seasons may change upon the earth, and the earth may change upon the heavens, and man may change his form many times, but man shall remain man, and God shall remain God. And as the rays of the Lord shall come forth unto the sun and the rain, and the bountiful plentiness the Lord has provided He shall not take away. It shall but only change its form. For as we have said before, where no water flowed water would flow, that all the surface of the earth’s form shall change, and man shall change with this. For you shall see the time that lies ahead, of the Anti-Christ. But one day it shall melt away, and the earth shall blossom forth into the coming of the Messiah.

And the harvests of the fields shall be bountiful. There shall be sparse days, and troubled days, yet spring shall come again upon all the land, in all the hearts of all the people.

There shall be troubled times. You can live and let your lives remain in this troubled time, or you can lift up your hearts into the Lord, and believe in the Lord. And believe that the Lord, that all that He has placed upon the earth He may taketh away, yet He has never taken from you, except that that He did replace tenfold.

All things shall unfold. As in the book of Revelations, the earth shall alter and change, and so shall man. And a new man shall be born from the earth, and shall come from the heavens to link up as one. All of these things we have shown unto your prophet.

We have told you, now is the time to prepare. Now is the time to bind together. Now is the time to come forth, for you shall be persecuted. But if you are come together, bind together and let your strength flow. If you shall learn from those who should strike you, if you should learn that the mighty arm of the Lord shall protect you, bind together as many twigs should come forth and you shall not be broken. Through all the harshness and the harsh days the sun shall shine through. And each day of sunshine shall give you new hope for the spring.

Believe in these things, and your children’s children shall inherit a new heaven and a new earth. Believe not in these things, and there shall be no heaven nor earth. For the debt that shall be paid shall go unto thy unborn children, and their children’s children. And it should be so unto the fifth generation.

We have come unto you in the ninth year. [Note: The spiritual messengers of God began speaking through Ray nine years before, in 1970.]

Great sabers shall soon be brought forth. That of the Red Horse or the Dragon shall rustle its saber in one place. [See The Revelation 6:2 and chapter 12. Aka said the Dragon is China.]

And while you are looking in one place, the Bear [Russia] shall devour the land of Iran.

As we have said before, it shall start from France and the fuse shall go forth — and all that has been before and all prophecies shall now be fulfilled. [Note: in 1973, Aka spoke of and gave Ray a dream that a fuse had been lit in France that went on to Israel. Ray cautioned that, if not stopped, it could ignite the world. Also see the prophecies in scriptures, such as Isaiah, Daniel, The Revelation, Zechariah, by Jesus, and other prophecies.]

We should say unto those who seek to prepare a place for the people, it would be better to remain where you are than to march into an open valley, as those who should march into Armageddon, for all who shall march in shall be destroyed. Do not be foolish. The place that shall protect the people must have natural fortification, such as mountains. It must have natural water, and sources of water.

As we have said before, as the weather shall change and continue, your greenhouses shall feed you in abundance. Take from these things that we are providing and showing you, and there shall be a way for all.

As these sabers begin to come forth and unfold, the Messiah is now upon your Earth — in the same land that he once walked in before. If the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread his wings, the Lord shall snatch him back up into the heavens, before the Anti-Christ can swallow him. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

We shall say this much farther to you, it shall not be long until we are ready to bring forth and deliver this one into thy hands for safe keeping. Yet only the prophet shall know of him.

And the prophet shall pass away, as all things pass away, and we shall come to you no more in this form. All these things shall come about in time.

To you, it may seem that all you do, and all things are in slow motion. Time is but a twinkling of the eye of the Lord. It is but a measurement made by man in the vastness of all things. Yet, it is important.

We have told of you these things that you may have the hope that is needed.

March 2, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

In the land of Israel the Lord, thy God, brought forth unto two miracles, the miracle of the birth of John the Baptist and the miracle of the birth of Jesus of Nazara.

John and Jesus

When that that was prophesied was about to come true, and before the birth did happen, it went forth upon the land that these two joyful events would happen.

And many women were scornful and said, “Why should the Lord choose these women and not me? Why should I not bear this child? Why can I not be the person who history shall remember throughout all time?”

And this question was brought before the rabbis. And the rabbis did say unto them, “For Elizabeth, who should bear John, has been with him many times. She shall not live to see him beheaded, but she shall see him prepare the way. And Elizabeth shall be of a sistern in another time, and she shall not live to see the fulfillment, but she shall go upon the other side to assist him.

“And Mary’s time shall have been completed, for she shall dwell in the house of the Lord after she should see her son crucified.”

The gift that we have given not all of you would be capable of bearing the yoke.

And the rabbi asked each of those women if they could see their sons beheaded or crucified. And none of them could understand this, and they said, “Why? Why should these evil things befall these great ones who should come upon the earth? And why should not Elizabeth see the glory of her son? And why should she not, in the second coming, see the glory of her brothern? Why should it not be written as such?”

The rabbis could not answer. None could answer.

And after John was beheaded, John’s followers came unto him, to Jesus of Nazara, and said, “All that has been prophesized has come true. Should you then, Master, be crucified?”

And he looked long unto their eyes and said, “My Father’s will shall be done — not that I want to depart from you, but to show you the fulfillment of your life — to show you that through death and resurrection shall be as you should die and pass away, in three days, so the body shall be made whole again if it is your desire.”

And so the time came, and the crucifixion was brought forth. And he who was the Prince of Salem, who in another time there was no record of his birth nor of his death, yet all of the Levi paid tribute, therefore, unto him. And Abraham did pay tribute into him. Yet, when he appeared before his apostles, they knew him not. And yet he had to manifest the wounds to prove to them that he was who he was. And Thomas, the doubter, still doubted.

You say unto us, “What purpose is that of this parable?”

And we say unto you, only through your faith shall you know of the heaven and the earth, and only through your faith can the preparation for the coming of the Messiah be fulfilled.

We have told you of the quiet place within your mind, the quiet place where God dwells within you. Take that moment and look into that quiet place, and the knowledge you seek shall be there — there by the quiet pool where the candle is always lit, and where the roses always bloom, and the water is always pure.

But if you should know of the knowledge we speak of, then no matter how much you have to face, you shall face it with a joyous heart, and love and companionship for one another. Take one moment and think of the pain of Elizabeth. Feel her pain. For she is here now, not in body form, but in that of the spirit, to prepare the way for the coming; yet she is here in gladness of all things that came before her, for it is not of yesterday that she looks at, but of the tomorrows that are yet to come. We say unto you, who have picked up the Rose without Thorns and read the dedication therein, you shall know of the whole of this that we speak.

Bind together. If you must, to do this, reach and feel her pain as it was, and yet, see her joy as it is now — and the joy that you shall know. As a man plants a field and sees it ripen upon the earth and come into fulfillment, always to know that that that he has grown has provided him with new seeds for the next year — look into your minds and see this field. Look into your minds and feel this peace of mind that we shall extend out to you from this day forth, if only you shall ask. Open the door that we may enter. Let us place in your hearts the love of our Father, and the love thy could feel for thy brothern and sistern.

When you became angry, when you become discouraged, when you become confused, stop just that moment, and allow us to enter. Allow us to show you the quiet place of God within you, and you shall feel the strength within yourselves. Bind together. Come as one….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–397–3…El Paso]. She asks, ‘For the benefit of all concerned, where should my husband and I reside?’”

We shall answer in this manner. At the present time, many of you have the desire to run and hide. Prepare, therefore, where you live; where you are now. Take those words of your prophet into the storing of food, water, the placing of greenhouses. Take these thoughts, and your needs shall be provided for.

But to grow strong, and binding together — that where one family stands, they shall stand alone; where one person stands, they shall stand alone — but when the family becomes one, their strength becomes that many more fold. Where two families stand together their strength is even stronger. Where three — you shall remember, when we first came unto you we said unto you these words, that your groups would form in threes and Thirteens, and the multitude grow. And so, it is as we had spoken before unto you. If your strength shall come, bring your minds together, and the distance between you shall not matter. But come and bring these things in harmony.

Let all of your people prepare. And if one is stricken, let all go to their aid; therefore, the loss of material values, of substance, may be replaced.

Give unto your brother and your sister with open hearts. Bind together.

Bind together.

Take away the past from your lives. It is not important what you have been; it is only important what you shall become.

Shall you become a mob, fighting for crumbs of bread? Shall you become a mob, who shall walk upon each other? When the dead lay before your eyes in the multitudes you cannot count, shall you steal from the dead? Or shall you welcome the living?

Is it not better to say something good of your fellow man? Is it not good to share? Is it not good to build [upon] a strong foundation that your children’s children shall not perish, shall not come forth from the caves in ignorance, that all that man has brought forth from his millions of years upon this Earth and that that he brought forth from the planet, Yahweh, shall not perish forever?

Each of you look into your hearts. Cast away your grievances. Bring and come forth with useful thoughts. Come forth with your knowledge that God has placed into you, and let it become useful to all.

March 9, 1979: In the next few days, ministers shall come forth to bring their teachers forth in their Board of Review. And students shall come forth seeking to become teachers. Take from that from which we have spoken tonight into the wonderment of all things and the realization that the Lord, God, placed nothing upon the earth or the heavens without a purpose. Yet, within every blade of grass, and every tree, in every leaf, and in every man, not one is like the other. It is totally different, yet complete. In the mighty plan for His children, the Lord, God, brought forth upon the earth all things — things to learn from the past, and things to build for the future.

Now shall be the time of the building for the future, for tools shall be laid in your laps. Your Shepherds’ Fund must continue, and then, your Building Fund, for we shall place before you all things. As the seven spirits [that] did the bidding of the Lord’s work, so shall each of you bind together, as the seven spirits, to make judgments that all may live with hope and love and compassion and freedom, unto all man….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10–379–1]. She asks, ‘Please, the direction of my life I know, yet my purpose in the Association — am I fantasizing as to peacemaker, or what?’”

We say unto you these words. If you and your husband shall come forth and complete the teacher’s work, then the things you have thought to bring forth shall come about. Remember, the master of all masters started as a student.

A peacemaker must be wise, for “glory be the peacemaker[s], for they shall be held holy in the eyes of the Lord,” for they shall bind the wounds, and help to bind the people together. But in the knowledge of making peace, do not bring serpents, and tigers and lambs, and expect them to retain their peace, for the serpent must have that which they need, and the lamb must have that that they need, and the lion must have that that they need. If making peace, you can see these things, then you shall be truly wise in the eyes of the Lord.


And death may come in many forms, a physical death, or death or a means of discrediting the work that has been brought forth through the vehicle which we have chosen.

Many of these who should come forth — do not consider them stupid people. They have much learning, and they are wise and well-trained in the arts. Do not underestimate them.

But we say also into them, do not underestimate the people, for those who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah shall never wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 12–14, 15:1–4, 16:12, chapter 17, 19, 20:1–6, chapters 21–22.]

Bind together.

Bind together that your strength may be felt throughout the world. And when the time and strength and the binding has become as such, you shall rise from the earth to rebuild it. And those of your brothern and your sistern shall come from the heavens to assist you. And a new heaven and a new earth shall come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

March 16, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the masters.

For in the beginning, all God’s children were equal. Yet He gave unto them freedom of choice, the free gift to climb the ladder as they desired, to make the choices of the land, the sky, and all there about them. He did not demand they love Him, for as a wise father, He knew that only through the freedom of their own choice could this come about. Yet, He said unto them, come unto Me.

And as all the multitudes brought forth upon the earth, some of His children developed and climbed the ladder more rapidly, some to climb it only for the sake of climbing it. He also knew that those who would climb, and who truly loved God, would turn, only to go to the bottom of the ladder to help others back up. And these would be the masters.

And the masters, as they should pass from one lifetime on to another, some should stay upon the other side to guide that one who would choose to be born again upon the earth, as you would say, to be reincarnated.

Your words are of many languages, and therefore, your word “to be born again” is the simplest, for it means the same in many languages — to be transferred [transformed], to be transcended, to be ointed, yet ointed not. [Note: variation of anointed.] For the master that would be placed upon the earth should wash the feet of his students, that they may learn that there is no task too large or too small upon the earth or in the heavens, to teach them in the knowing of humility before their God and their brothern and sistern.

Each of you have long sought to have one ascended from heaven that could bring you all of the knowledge. You have forgotten that the Lord, God, learns even today. If you do not believe so, then look within your own Bible, and from Abraham unto Lot unto Moses unto Jesus, He was learning.

For in all things, as you should bring forth a child upon the earth yourselves, you shall learn from the child, and so the Lord, God, learns from you. And at times He learns from those you would call, the masters.

Each of you feel that you are special, as you would say, ointed [anointed], and the Lord, God, has made you special, for there is not another like you as an individual anywhere. Though you come from your mother’s womb, you are yourselves. You are the ointed ones. You are the chosen ones, for you are in His likeness, of their kind. What greater gift of life could one receive? What greater gift of joy and riches could one receive?

Yet you say unto the masters, “Teach us. Heal us. Guide us. Tell us what to eat, and what not to eat.”

Talk unto the Lord, God, and say unto Him, “Forgive us of our sins.”

We say unto you, the sins of one may not be the sins of another. For did not your Lord, Jesus, say unto you that only you could harm yourselves? No one else can harm you, only yourselves. The temple of God is within you. It burns brightly. Destroy it, and you shall rebuild it in three days. That is the body of man and woman. Have joy in your hearts, for you, each of you, are special.

Because a person should reach high political or professional position does not mean they are wise, does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Love cannot be bought nor sold, nor bartered for. It must be given freely. Trust cannot be bought in any manner. Faith and hope — all of these things must come and be given freely.

Ten days after Aka spoke these words, the Egypt–Israel peace treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., United States on March 26, 1979, following the 1978 Camp David Accords. The Egypt–Israel treaty was signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, and witnessed by United States president Jimmy Carter.

Your President has made such a mistake, which your nation shall pay for. [Note: U.S. President Jimmy Carter had negotiated land for peace deals, with the Panama Canal and by encouraging Israel to give away land for peace, which began the “peace process.”]

We say unto you, unto these words — bring forth and prepare your Shepherds’ Fund. Bind together; become as one. Make your plans with love and care for each person. And soon will be the time to build.

There are many of our words that we have spoken tonight that some of you do not fully understand, and never will.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–274–3…who is here tonight], and she asks, ‘All things considered, physiologically and physically, can I wisely have this predicted child now? Please explain in detail the ramifications pro and con.’”

At a different time the child could have been born unto you and your husband in a graceful manner. Now it [would] be much more difficult, both psychological and physical. But the choice is yours to make. In the next three-year period, the life as you know it, financial, shall greatly change. It shall become a necessity that small communities come forth and bind together. This will change your way of living up to this point. It shall change the child you have now, and this one that you shall ask for. Times shall almost reverse themselves.

We have explained in the earlier part of this reading, you cannot pay a blackmailer, for they shall only return for more. You cannot pay murderers to go away, for they shall only come back and slay more of you. The Palestinians shall bring havoc upon the earth. They now have the support of those that you would know as the international Nazi party. They now have the support of the Communist world. They now have the support of what you would call your Ku Klux Klan. They now have the support of the John Birch Society. [And] some of these have become unwilling partners.

Palestinian Nazis

And many of these people, much as the Nazi party of Germany did spread itself upon the earth in blackness before and engulf innocent people to do their bidding, so this shall be once again, and it shall spread north, east, south, and west. The treason that shall take place in Israel shall light the fuse. It has already been lit from France to Iran. Now it spreads forth as a plague upon your earth. [See The Psychic Light, Predictions.]

More earthquakes shall occur, in the Houston area, in the Dallas area, in the Fort Worth area. And soon, as you have been blaming the weather upon the Russians, soon, as the earthquake and the tornados and the hurricanes, and those of natural events should occur, shall soon be blamed upon those of the Israelites.

But as these things come forth, if you should prepare yourselves in a binding manner before the Lord, then those of the Lord’s children shall not wear the mark of the Beast, and their children’s children shall wear the mark of God. And that of the Christ child’s safety shall be assured, and the reign of the Lord shall be upon the earth.

You say unto us that we have gone, as you would say, a long way around, explaining, answering your question. At this time the choice is yours. You must make the decision. But remember, as we make ready now to provide the needs of the people, who should come forth in the preparation of the Messiah, and the needs for their protection, we say unto you, remember the Dead Sea Scrolls? Remember unto that place that the Romans did defile? [Editor’s note: The scrolls were found in caves near the northwest coast of the Dead Sea, and were probably placed there after Qumran, the cliff top abode where the Essene group that was preparing the way for the Messiah, came under lengthy seige by Roman soldiers. After their drinking water ran out, the Jewish sect killed themselves rather than to be taken prisoners.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Firstly, you made a comment about the Russians being blamed for manipulating the weather. Have they been manipulating the weather, or is this a false accusation?”

(Chuckle) I should say unto you, manipulation of the weather has been a four-sided event. Four nations are [involved], including your own. The one who should have such information as this time now wallows in Iranian oil, and sets themselves in the Israeli embassy….

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of the children of the Lord.

May 18, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

The Lord, God, laid forth a valley, and the valley was barren, yet He placed water in the valley, and all those things that were needed. [Editor’s note: This parable may refer to the Dripping Springs valley in Arizona that Ray would choose as a place for the people to come who came from near and far to see him.]

And the people that came to the valley came each for their own reason, and their own purpose.


Each of these things we have laid before you, and the tools, therefore, to do the same.

We say unto you, give glory unto the Lord, and He shall give glory unto you. Give praise unto the Lord, and He shall give praise unto you. Give hope unto the Lord, and He shall give hope unto you. Give faith unto the Lord, and He shall give faith unto you.

There shall be many sides of your wants in this valley, but your needs shall be provided for.

We have laid one piece of this valley before you. There are other parts that are also laid before you. And the means and the needs shall be laid forth to bring this into completeness, for as we said before, piece by piece and part by parts, it shall all become whole.

But we say unto you, bring not these things. Place forth unto you unto this valley a plaque and place the Ten Commandments, therefore, upon the same. For the Ten Commandments shall never change. “Thou shall not bear false witness.” If thy know this as a truth, and know all the facts of the same, then, thy shall bear witness. If thy did not know these things to be truth unto thyself and unto thy fellow man, bear witness not unto this. For there shall be many who shall thrust upon you foul abominations, half-truths, and falsehood. Let none of you do this into another, for this is the greatest of sin. For when you do this you have taken away the faith, the hope, and the love for the Lord from this person, for they shall feel the Lord has abandoned them. In truth He shall have not. For it is said that the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, and not the smallest of things shall fall upon the earth or the heavens leste He know.

Beauty is in the heart and mind and love that can be given unto one another. Abomination has no place to dwell. It can only build a lie and continue to lie, one lie upon the other, till all who sees it shall know the truth.

The Lord, your God, gave unto your hands the one known as Jesus of Nazara. At no time did Jesus say, “Hate unto that man. Curse upon that man. Spit upon that man. Cast stones upon them.” Nay. He said unto you, “Forgive one another.” Yet, you hear him not.

As of all things and as of all times, your times and events are but before you once again. From the land of Mexico war marches toward you. It is but a kindling fire. Which one of you shall take all that you have and bear witness before God? The Lord, God, does not want you to suffer; He does not want the blood of the lamb. He wants you to live, from life unto life.

We have set forth, first, the Rose without Thorns, and now, that that you would call The Psychic Light, the soul light.

There are many who would seek to become teachers. If the strength within them is to carry the yoke and carry it in love in the worst of times, then the Lord shall help them, and we shall help them, for we are not great, we are but as you, the servants of God. We are the ones who chose, and were chose, from he who should come after this one you know as soul Ray. [See John 13:12–17 and 20, 14:15–29, 16:12–24.]

Soul Ray chose to be the one upon your Earth. And even as it began in five places, four fell and one stood. And his reward in heaven shall be no greater than yours.

As the water of life flows in the valley, let those who should hear our words take knowledge and meaning.

From the healing springs that drip from the Dripping Springs mountains the water flows into the valley.

For those who have eyes to see let them see. For those who have ears to hear let them hear. For those who shall place forth the preparation of the coming of the Messiah before all other things, through them we shall place the light and the knowledge and the way.

We know you have many questions. Some of them we have answered. But soul Ray is weary, and our time grows short. We say unto you, we have brought knowledge unto him, as he has given his life unto you. Heed his words.

Many of you shall be tested, and tested again. And each shall become a link in the chain that cannot be broken. Let he, who shall come forth, and see the light of day in the night, and the night in the day, know of where our words come from. [See The Revelation of John 20:1–6 and chapter 21.]

We say unto you, have you ever thought that your greatest doubts are those of the Anti-Christ whispering in your ears, to divide you, to conquer you, to destroy you, to cast you unto the four winds? Do not let this prevail. Pick up the staff and the yoke, and bind together in greater strength. Cast aside all petty thoughts. When they enter your mind stop and think, “Is this my own mind talking to me, or is this Lucifer?”

June 9, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

For there were three brothers, who left their home with three small flocks, and they came upon a valley that was bountiful with food and water. And each brother, therefore, took a part of the valley for his own.

At first they worked very good together, and they lost no sheep. And throughout the land they became known as the “three shepherds.” Their flocks did multiply, and multiply again.

The brothers had come into agreement [that] each would take turn in guarding the flock. But as the years passed and no wolves did bother the flock, they became lax and lazy. And they began to lie, one unto the other, about the guarding of the flock. And then one day, a fourth of their flock was brought down and laid to waste. And each blamed unto the other. And so the next day another fourth of the flock was laid away and laid unto waste. And they squabbled even further. And then, unto the next day, another fourth of the flock was laid to waste. And they became frightened and came, therefore, unto together, each vowing that they would guard the flock, and this would never happen again. And they did say their love for one another. And they did say their love unto their Lord. And once again the flock did multiply and years did pass. And once again they became lazy, and gave blasphemy unto the Lord and unto each other. And once again, a fourth of the flock was destroyed. But this time, they came together, for they realized that that that had happened unto them too before would happen unto them again. And each said, “What should we do, for we have lost that before the Lord that He gave us in the beginning?”

And so they sent one of the brothers forth to bring forth a holy man to bless the land and to forgive them of their sins. They brought many so-called holy men into the land. Each would give a blessing and take his money and leave. And still they would leave [lose] more of their flock.

One day a stranger came unto the valley. And as he walked by each of the sheep it did multiply, and multiply again. The three shepherds came unto him and said, “What wonders is this you have brought into our valley. Stay and we shall pay you.”

And he said unto them, “Nay, pay unto yourselves.”

And they said unto him, “How can this be possible?”

And he said unto them, “By loving one another in truth, by bringing hope, faith, and true faith into yourselves and into your brotheren, and by standing together, nothing can lay waste your land.”

And he, therefore, went forth unto the center of the valley and did build from rock a small altar. And once again, each of them went out to find, therefore, the unblemished lamb for sacrifice. And he said, “Nay, the Lord does not ask for the blood of the lamb; it is man that asks for the blood of the lamb. I have built the altar that I might have my small place of worship. But I give it unto you and your keeping. Keep the altar well until I return.”

And then he left.

The three shepherds were frightened. And so, therefore, they instructed their sons and their daughters to maintain the altar, and to have harmony between them. But each, not unto the other, did not fully trust the other. And as they [grew] old into their days, they began to squabble once again. And the altar was not kept.

And the stranger came forth unto the land, and said unto him, “I have come to collect my pay.”

And then they did grow angry with him and stone him, and cast him from the valley. And the Lord, God, saw, and He did lay waste unto the land. And He did split away the people into multitudes.

And the stranger came back into the land, and restored the altar, and planted a rose.

And the old shepherds came back. They had very little left of their flock and of their descendants. And soon, they built a small building over the altar, and this was a place they called of worship.

And the stranger said unto them, “I shall leave you now, but one day I shall come again, or I shall send one from me or from my Father. Pay him well.”

Once again you say unto us, we have spoken unto you as in a riddle. We have not.

For amongst you many have fell. And the land has been laid awasted, and it shall continue.

We have told you before to bind together. Only in this manner shall you become strong and survive. We do not say the survival of the body, we say unto you, survival of the spirit; the immortal body of man is the most important of all. Heed our words. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Open the door that we may enter, and we shall walk with you. Close the door and we shall walk away.

Now we say unto you, unto the ninth day, look into the east, and you shall see a sign of our presence. And it shall appear in the sky at 9:30 your time, in your p.m. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

The Anti-Christ shall spread famine among you.

He shall cause doubts in your minds of one another. He shall do all that is possible to split you apart. He shall take daughter and mother, he shall take man and wife, father and son, and cause doubt to reign in your minds.

He shall plant the seed of jealousy among you, and greed.

We say unto you, open the door that we may enter, and cast the doubt aside.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

June 22, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

And many came forth throughout the world, for the star that had been predicted of the birth would appear in two places upon the Earth.

One would mark the beginning of the Anti­-Christ.

Comet Bowell, C/1980 E1, hyperbolic trajectory as it drew closest to Earth in 1982.

One would mark the beginning of the Messiah.

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, “were sent for the one who asked our Father.” They said they came with the comet, which was one of the brightest heavenly lights of the century. It passed over Earth on March 25, 1970, as they arrived.

And those of the might of the world first were afraid of both births. And then they gathered around about, and did discuss and did argue. And each took up sides.

But long before the [birth] of each side, the Lord, God, had made preparation for people who would prepare their coming, for those of the Messiah.

And that that should come from Lucifer did come forth upon the Earth to make preparation.

Those who were preparing the way for the Messiah at first came in great humbleness, and as they prepared, a greatness did begin to glow within them. But soon they began to argue, yet they could not understand within themselves why they felt the way they did. Why should their jealousies overcome them? And what were they really jealous of? These things they could not understand.

And they looked unto those who would prepare the way for the Anti-Christ; there was no argument among these people. They were precise, and exact [in] each step that they took.

The difference between these two [was] God, in those He had selected, gave them free choice. Lucifer in those that he had selected had not given them free choice; therefore, there was a dictatorship, and a one-knowing among those who would prepare for the Anti-Christ.

There were those who could see this, and they went unto each of those who would prepare for the coming of the Messiah, and said, “Let us come together; let us cast away all things. Let us say no bad things about each other. Let us serve but one purpose, that of God.”

And it did come about that the shepherds and the ministers and the teachers did stand together, and lay before them, and pledge their allegiance to the God Almighty and the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And they laid away all their arguments and petty thoughts, and said, “Let us be one.” And the building came forth and all that was needed was provided by God.

A church was soon being built. It was dedicated to God by Ray Elkins on the first day of the Advent season, December 5, 1982. The Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the birth of the Christ Child. It is also a time for the preparation for the Second Coming, as some call it. Was this timing of the dedication a coincidence? Or did the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, remember and celebrate this gift because they say they had worked through John the Baptist before to prepare a way for the Messiah’s coming. This is why they have come again today.

And the politicians went on arguing, striving to cut away [the] food, fuel, all of these things.

Yet these people said, “What difference does it make what they take? We shall provide. We shall lay aside these things for all of our people.”

The Lord, God, has said unto you, in the first of the readings when we came unto you, that He would see to your needs, but not always your wants. The Lord, God, did not say what you could have and what you could not have. The Lord, God, did not say, “This is the only way,” even unto our name and the spelling of the same; He left the choice to you.

We have told you before to bind together, that if you did not bind together you would be broken, one by one, separate and apart.

These things, which we cherish the most on the Earth, from the sun to the moon, to the least of the things upon the Earth, were all gifts of God unto His children. For He did say unto you, “ALL OF THESE THINGS I DO GIVE UNTO YOU OF MY KIND — FOR EVERY FRUIT THAT GROWS UPON THE EARTH, FOR EVERY FLOWER.”

And then it did come about into the final days when the earth should shift, and earthquake and tornado and weather changes did come about. And the people became frightened, yet they knew not what they were frightened of. It was not that that they could alter or change. And they again began to fight among themselves. Yet they [knew] not even what they fought about or what they argued about. And they made false accusations against each other. And these accusations consumed much of the leader’s time.

We say unto you, at the end of this parable, that the springs of life, which [should] give you a beautiful planet and all beautiful things, should place upon you the yoke of love, hope and faith, and trust unto one another. Do not say unto yourselves, “[These] other one[s] shall not do this or shall not do that.” What difference does it make whether they do or they do not? Go forth with the yoke of love and perform the task. If you perform it with love, then love shall come from it and to it, and therefore, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ may not enter.

It is though you are preparing the kingdom of God. Lucifer may not enter the kingdom of God, and the temple of God is within you. Therefore, the kingdom and the temple should become one. And therefore, those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and the reign of the Beast, they shall come and they shall go, as a storm, leaving some bad memories, but many lessons you shall learn from it.

You say, “Why should the Lord, with all His might, let this happen, with all His knowledge? Shall the Earth end tomorrow?” And we say unto you, no. It shall only change its form once again. The question is, who shall reign upon the Earth, God or Lucifer?

Who shall reign in your hearts?

Take it one day at time, one hour at a time. Forgive unto those who have trespassed against you, as the one known as Jesus did say, and the one known as Buddha did say, all in the same words. Do you not know that Jesus of Nazara did go unto the land of Buddha, and all of other religions, and was accepted — and is accepted unto this day? They only call of him by a different name.

What difference is there in a name? The meaning of the heart, of the soul, of the immortal body, is [of] the same. Throughout time, in normal — we use, as you use, the word, God, yet once a planet was called, Yahweh, and those who came from the planet did call their God, Yahweh, Jehovah. What difference is there in the word — the meaning, the meaning that you shall stand before your God, each of you separately, or together.

Forgive one another. Cast aside all your petty grievances.

Throw them aside. Take them not with you from this room. Cast them now aside. Open the door. We shall help you. We shall help you in the purification of yourselves, if you will let us. We have no desire to rule you. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“If thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside.” The meaning has long been sought for. The meaning is, if hate dwells within you cast it aside. If jealousy dwells within you cast it aside. If you cannot forgive yourself, know that the God you love has long forgiven you. Even when you did not ask He forgave you and loved you. If the Lord, God, can do this, why cannot you forgive one another and love each other, and love yourselves?

We shall say unto these words. We cannot trespass where we are not wanted. We may not enter where we are not asked. But we do say unto you, for those who should ask healing in our name, and in the name of the Lord, our God — the one God, the one holy God, the one pure God, the one who should be the one before all others — loves you, and will continue to love you.

He is there with you; allow Him to enter.

Cast aside ill feelings. Forgive one another. Love one another. Take the Ten Commandments. Do not twist them or turn them. Take them in their simplest form, and know that they are given to you with love from God.

October 12, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee these words. For there came upon the Earth in multitude of man and woman. And each, by their right, sought out their own teaching and their own way to the reaching of God. And at first many fought among the others, to say this or that was the correct way to the worship of God. And as time passed they did not quit fighting; they continued to persecute. And in their persecution, soon those of the same belief began to persecute each other, and find fault, and no goodness lie within their hearts.

And then one among them built forth a small altar, and there lit a candle, and brought forth prayer for all the others.

And one by one they began to see this small light, and each of them brought their own candles unto the altar. And these small candles represented the God-self within them. And each of them brought the God-self within them. And they began to bind together, and their thoughts became as one in their worship unto the Lord. And soon they found that unto one another they were showing love, gentleness and kindness. And soon, they found within themselves the faith to trust one another.

And as this light of faith grew brighter it consumed all things around it, and all hatred and lies and deceit was driven from this place. And suddenly, each began to realize this, and they began to say unto one another, “What a wonderful thing this is we have found; it must be new.”

It was not new at all, for it had been there since the beginning of man, and before that, since the beginning of God. For God does not ask the blood of the Lamb. He does not ask the sacrifice of the flesh. He only asks that you love and have the faith in one another to give unto one another in truth, to trust, and to know that the trust shall not be thrust away, that the love and compassion shall not be thrust away.

For God has not stopped loving you. Why should you have stopped loving Him? For the Lord of Hosts has come forth unto you since the beginning of time with His love. He has learned from His children. And behold, He has given you a world.

We say unto you, let each of you bring forth unto the day of the Sabbath that small candle, and let it commence, one unto another. Let it commence on this Sabbath. And let this day be holy among all days.

You do not understand our words, and once again, you think we have spoken unto you as in riddles.

For those who have eyes to see let them see. For those who are blind they shall see. For those who are deaf they shall hear. And all that has been covered shall be uncovered before you.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

We say unto you, there are forces to work that should try and destroy you. These forces come shrouded in the cloak of their church. Beware, for they are [influencing] your decisions.

November 9, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of the Son. Glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee, of the times and the half times that shall pass and be no more.

And we shall say unto thee, as these time should pass, your earth shall take upon itself many changes. For there shall be many earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes cast upon the land.

And we say unto thee, make that of strong buildings that should protect thy animals from that of the cold. Bring forth unto yourselves that of a greater spiritual awareness.

Bind together. Become as one people who should stand before the Lord, thy God — and the Lord, thy God, shall stand with thee.

Cast aside all bitterness from thy hearts. Forgive unto thy brothern as thy would forgive unto thy God. And as thy ask forgiveness unto God, it shall be given.

But how can man ask forgiveness from the Lord and not forgive his brothern? How can one cast a stone against another?

If all these things that we have spoke upon are true, and if you should believe us of the things of heaven, can not you believe us of the things of earth? For in the Father’s eyes they shall be as one.

Each of you say, “But how can I forgive this person? How can I say, ‘I forgive you,’ when they have done unto me wrong?” And we say unto you, does two wrongs make a right?

If you shall prepare for the time ahead of you, in a two-year period, all these things we have spoke of will have began.

If you do not cast your lots together and prepare for this famine, prepare for this time ahead, then you shall be as the Jewish people who sold themselves into slavery for food, and sold their God from their hearts, and put themselves in bondage in the land of Egypt. But your bondage shall be of the body, the soul and the spirit.

Did not the Son say unto you, “No man may take from you; no man may harm you, only yourself.” A man may take thy life, but he cannot take thy soul. It is only yours to give. The spirit of man, the immortal body, must return to the Father intact, and must continue its growth.

There are those among you who would say that this person or that person may look upon me and take [from] me the Holy Spirit of God. This is not so. Only yourself may do this. And we say unto you, that that that is sent from God shall not ask you to abandon your religion or your belief.

That that is sent from God shall ask you to understand each other, and your religions, and your beliefs. And only through understanding may you have the peace upon the Earth which you seek.

In coming to you, we have learned much, and we have given much for the asking. And all that that has been asked in a righteous manner has been given.

November 30, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

There was once many people brought together in another land for the preparation of the coming of the one you know as Jesus of Nazara.

And all things were prepared in the heaven and upon the earth.

And the birth was a just birth, and both heaven and the earth rejoiced.

And upon his entry into manhood, and his studies behind him, he did bring together twelve.

And even those closest to him did not know him, for they argued and bickered, one unto another, and did bring forth the death of this one. And after the death and the resurrection of the same, it was only through the resurrection did the eleven come back together, for Judas had killed himself. (See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.)

In this time, and upon the earth, there was that that would soon to come, which [was] the beginning of the Anti-Christ or the Beast of the same.

We say unto you, bind together. If thy brothern offends thee forgive him, and forgive thyself. If thy cannot do this then walk away and let another stand in your place, for the work that you do this day is the greatest work that shall be done in all times.

Light the candle in your hearts. For soon you shall celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, that of the Messiah.

And soon, you shall know of his coming once again. For as you celebrate this you call Christmas, know that he celebrates it with you.

If you shall do this in your meditation, allow him now to enter, and you will have made the first step for the preparation.

Do not let these things the Anti-Christ places before you to separate and devour you. Do not bear false witness.

January 4, 1980: “Aka, [12–412–4…Whitewater, California] asks, ‘In Jesus’ name, I pray you for good health, to be able to be useful and helpful as long as I live. I would like also to know what planet I am originally from. Thank you.’”

Earth. The mother of all planets.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. All that God places before you He places for a time, to fill your need, to take you one step closer to your own, made destinies. There are those who think they have been cast down, when the truth is they’ve only been cast upward.

We say that wars and rumors of wars are about you. And sometimes your politicians play foolish games.

We say unto you, bind together. Love one another.

June 7, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For upon the mountain there was three shepherds. And they had joined their flocks together. And at first there was peace and harmony.

And then, one day, one of the shepherds went over the mountain and there was a fourth, with his flock. And he ran back unto the other shepherds, and he said, “Beware, there is another shepherd, over the mountain.”

And so the three shepherds began to plan and scheme. And then another one of the shepherds went up to see this fourth shepherd. The fourth shepherd saw him and called out to him, but he ran back.

And soon the three shepherds began to build a mighty wall. And they put all their flock inside of this wall. But soon, there was no feed for their flock, and their flock became diseased, and began to waste away.

And the three shepherd said, one unto the other, “This mighty shepherd out there, this unknown shepherd, maybe one of us could go forth, and therefore, bargain with him for part of our flock, that he might not destroy us.” And so it was decided to draw lots.

And so the one shepherd who had [drawn] the lot reluctantly went over the mountain.

And when the other shepherd saw him, he greeted him, and said, “Come, come into my camp.” And he brought forth the fatted lamb, and brought forth a great feast. The shepherd ate, but did not speak at all.

And he went back into his fort, and he said to the others, “He must be up to trickery, for he has given me a great feast. There must be others there, for he could not provide such a great feast.”

And still their stock began to die away. And so they [drew] lots once again.

And this time one of the other shepherds went forth. And again the shepherd hailed him, and brought forth a great feast, and suggested that he come and join him. But the shepherd once again became afraid and ran back over the mountain into his fort. And still his flock dwindled away.

And finally the last shepherd went over the mountain. And the shepherd again brought forth a mighty feast, and he looked out, and there was [this] — the flock had multiplied and multiplied again. And he ran back and he said, “For this one must have some great form of witchcraft.”

And still they forted themselves up, until all of their flock was gone.

And then upon almost upon starvation they went over the mountain, there, all three to be greeted by the shepherd.

And they said, “We have lost our flock, and yours have multiplied. Why is this, and why could it be so?”

And the shepherd said, “Is the food not good on the other side of the mountain? Is there not great meadows, and streams, and bountiful of food and water?”

And they said, “There are all those things.”

Then the shepherd said, “I shall go with you and see what this great problem you have is.”

On the journey, they planned and plotted to kill the shepherd and rid themselves of him.

And the shepherd looked upon the valley and the fort, and he said, “What is that thing?”

“And that,” they said, “we have built for protection.”

And the shepherd looked and said, “Um hum. Why should you need protection? From me? From the wolves, there are no wolves here? There’s only me and my flock.”

And the shepherds began to hesitate.

And the other shepherd said, “Come. Take away this fortress you have built. Clean the ground and I shall share my flock with you.”

Still they were suspicious. Yet, they would have something to gain. And so they took part of his flock.

And the shepherd went on.

And gradually, their flock began to multiply.

And again they went to the other side of the mountain, and there they found another shepherd. And he hailed them. And they ran back once again to fortify.

The shepherd, the first shepherd they had met, came over the hill to see them building their great fortress. And he said, “Why? Why are you fortifying?”

And they said, “Oh, do you not know? There is another shepherd over on the other side of the mountain. And he is different from us. Even his sheep are a different color.”

The shepherd laughed, and walked over to the other side of the mountain. And he hailed him. And the shepherd hailed back, and came forth.

This shepherd was of a different color. Yet the two talked and laughed, and the other three thought, “How can this be?”

And the two walked forth and became five. And they sat in counsel. And they told of their Lord, their God, who was always with them, and that they need not build fortresses, for God stood with them in all things — and that God had a son, and the son came forth upon the world to give love and sharing. The other three could not understand these things.

But they finally made agreement with the other two shepherds to join their flock all together, for now was the time of the market. And as they journeyed forth they came upon this stranger.

The other two rushed forth in great gladness to greet him. The other three held back.

This town they had come to was a town called Jerusalem.

Before the Passover was to end, this stranger, this loving stranger they had met would be crucified.

And those three went back and built another fortress, for they had not found the love, the compassion and the trust that should be given one unto another.

This is the same as your own groups. Be as a mirror. Reflect out light, and let the light be love and compassion, and faith and hope. Bind together, and no wolves may enter your camp, only God and the light of that that is to come — the coming of the Messiah….

“Thank you, Aka. [12–423–3…Goddard, Kansas] asks, ‘What can I do to help in preparing for the coming of the Messiah?’”

We say unto you these words. There is much work to be done — the preparation of food, the preparation of the soul and spirit, and the body, and the immortal body.

We say to you, make the first step. Make the decision to walk in the light of God. Denounce no religion, and denounce no man. Place yourself in a righteous manner.

Remember, you shall make mistakes, many of them, and you shall find yourself upon the ground, and the gentle hands of God helping you up. If you wish to serve God there is already a way placed before you.

If you wish to help prepare the way, touch ten, and they shall touch a hundred, and therefore, so it shall grow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is wrong with praying for Lucifer?”

Because Lucifer is in competition with God; he thinks he is a god. And he is not.

Lucifer’s throne in Rome

And he shall bring forth his son upon the Earth, and you shall call it the Anti-Christ, and it shall be in his image. And much work at this time is being done for that preparation, of his coming. And he shall reign for four-and-a-half years once he has come into full power, and no armies may defeat him. And none may trade nor bargain leste they have the mark of the Beast upon them.

Yet those who should take the mark of the Beast shall try to hide as the whore of Babylon falls. And they shall be stung as by scorpions, yet they shall not die and they shall pray for death.

For those who take not the mark of the Beast you shall trade among yourselves and you shall survive. And the Lord’s kingdom shall be known and become upon the Earth.

And Lucifer shall be bound for a thousand years before he is released and learns that there is but one Lord, one God, and “There shall be no other gods before Him.”[See The Revelation, chapters 12–22, and Deuteronomy 5:7.]

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–421–1…Albuquerque] asks, ‘Am I fulfilling my destiny, my life’s plan? What more can I do in the now and the future to help others and myself?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto you, bind together. Bring forth study groups, to learn, to prepare. Do not say you have all the truth; only show them the truth you have, and they shall come and multiply.

There is a way for those in that of the town of Albuquerque,

and there is a way that this city shall be spared, if enough can be found to turn it in a righteous direction.

Now we grow [tired] — no, soul Ray grows very, very tired.

But before we go we should say unto you, that of the Mt. Helena [St. Helens] shall erupt again and again. And other eruptions shall come forth. Look into the parable that soul Ray read today. Its time is now coming into fulfillment.

Note: This is the prophecy Ray read, that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke on March 17, 1972. when they were asked, “if the infant Messiah of which you have spoken, ‘Is it born already, as we understand it, and in what country?’”

And we should answer in this manner. These things are known only unto our Father. And for, at the present time, for his protection, the exact location shall be kept a secret into the same.

But [we] answer in this manner.

Our Lord says, “HARK,” into thee,



For the wise to hear let them hear. And for the wise to see let them see.

And when the time comes –

and the ocean roars, and the mountain[s] bellows their mighty force –

our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same.

September 19, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Four of the wisest men upon the Earth, from the four corners of the Earth, had decided to come together, that they might learn from one another and take back into their own lands that that they would receive. And so they journeyed far across the land, through the mountains and deserts, and through the valleys. And they did come forth upon a mesa.

And they brought with them those who would stand in attendance and help each one. As they came together, each one who attended the other at first were jealous, for they felt that their teacher was greater than the other three. But then they decided there must be a greater knowledge on the other side or from the other person. And they reached out to learn from the others. And they said among themselves, “We must elect one of the four which [will] be greater, and stand to lead all of us.”

The four had heard all these things. And none did comment. They stood in their own places, and found their own seats among the fire that gave forth the light and the warmth. And they said unto one another, “First, let us pray unto the Lord that this meeting should come out to fit into His greater pattern. Then let each of us contribute our knowledge, that we may take from one another.” And so, they did do so.

And one of the wise men said unto the others, “I have brought this message for you, for I believe in your truth, I believe in your knowledge. I have brought this message from my people that was given unto us — to love one another, to share with those who would allow you to share, to give of the knowledge as a free thing.”

And another shepherd said, “I hear, and I too have come from my people. And our greatest gift that we may bring unto you is faith, the faith that binds us together in peace and love, the faith that we [will] accept your gifts in such a manner that it shall not insult you, nor insult God.”

The third said, “I have come forth, and I bring the gift of hope, [in] the hope that I too, and our people, shall accept your faith and love in such a manner that it shall not offend you, and not offend God.”

And the fourth sat for a long time. And the other three said, “Have we offended you?”

And he said, “No. It is just that your gifts are so great and so beautiful I have taken into myself that I must bring forth thought. And that is a gift I may bring you, the thought that love, hope, and faith may bring eternity to our people, may bring life and health and happiness, that all these things may spread out unto you. Let us link ourselves together. Let the soul substance of each of us join in the center, and let it feed from there unto the four corners of the Earth.”

And so they brought forth unto the souls, not only of themselves, but the souls of the land they had come from, the souls of the people who were willing, and supported them in their journey. And it was a beautiful blending of light and sound that came forth in the center. And all was in awe of such a beautiful sight.

And then they said, “Let us sleep and eat, and then, in the morrow we shall talk further.” And so they did sleep and they [ate].

And then, of the second day the first wise man said, “I bring you knowledge of one who should come. He is coming to bring peace unto the Earth. And he has said unto us to prepare a way. I bring you this gift.”

And the second said, “I too bring this same gift.”

And the third said, “I too bring the same gift.”

And the fourth, once again, was very thoughtful. And they said unto [him], “Have we offended you in any way?”

And he said, “Nay. But I too have brought this gift. But I must show you that those gifts that you have already given are what we need to prepare the way. Let us do this, that we shall always remember. Let us build a house upon this ground, and let it reach to the east, the north, the south and the west, to the four corners of the Earth. And let us make it into a round building that may touch all the universe. And let it come out and around, and let it be known, that there shall be no more wars, nor hate, nor greed, nor jealousies of any kind, for now there is no room for this.”

Again their helpers began, each to say how much greater their masters were than the others.

And the fourth came and said, “Let us trade helpers, that they may learn.” And they did so, and they left. And in three years they returned to the same place. And there before them stood a beautiful building. It was round; it touched the four corners of the earth, and it had four doorways. And each did enter from a separate doorway and form their circle.

And the first said, “It is strange, brothers, but why do we have four doorways?”

The second said, “The four doorways is so that we may not go out of our way to enter the building.”

The third said, “But why do we need four doorways? Can we not all enter all together, in the same way?”

The fourth thought long and said, “The four doorways shall represent the many mansions of our Father. Each person who enters this building may enter with their own beliefs, their own way of worship, into the house of God. Yet, let us place one doorway, that we may all enter as equals before God.” [See The Revelation 21:9–27.]

And the discussion began of where the doorway should be. And before them into the center of the light that they had transformed into energy came forth one clad in a brilliant, beautiful robe of white, one whose color was neither black, nor yellow, nor red, nor brown, nor white.

They looked upon him in amazement and he said, “You have done much to prepare the way for me. I have entered by none of your doorways, for it is the spiritual substance which I have brought here. And being the spiritual substance, God shall see, and know, and hear, and feel, and love, and hope. All of these He shall do, as you do, and as I shall do. I shall not tell you where to build your doorway, but if you shall prepare the way for me, the doorways must be in your heart. And they should not need to be four, but one.” And he left.

And each spoke up rapidly and said, “Oh, there were so many questions I wanted to ask him.”

And the fourth said, “He answered all our questions. We just did not hear him. In each of our lands we have great libraries where his words are written in many languages across the face of the Earth, and we have heard him not. Let us hear him.

Let us put the doorway to our hearts in this building.

Let us enter through the doorway with our hearts, our souls, our spirits and our immortal bodies. Let [they] become light unto the Lord’s.

Let there be greatness and [psalms]. Let joy ring out from our hearts unto all men and all mankind. Let this place be as a mirror — and from it, many doorways shall be built across the lands. Let us hear his words and know they are true. But to know if one is true, you must first hear and understand, so I bring you unto this day, understanding.”

They all left.

And the third year they came back, only this year there was one doorway, entered by the north, and one small exit that a person could leave, [by] the south. And they sat down together. And they cast the energy into the circle. The soul, the love, the hope, the faith of all mankind [grew] into the circle.

And again, the one appeared into the circle. And he said unto them, “For I am the oldest of you and the youngest. I am the wisest, and the most dumb. I laugh with a light heart and heavy heart, for I am all things that you are. For I come from my Father to tell you these words, for you are His children, who is well pleased.”

We have told you this parable. It is only a parable, a story of understanding.

Love one another as you would wish the Messiah to love you. Love one another as you would wish God to love you. Ask not what God will give you. Ask not what God may do for you. Ask deep in your hearts what you shall give and do for God.

Let there be laughter in your hearts, and songs in your minds. Let the true meaning of what we have said here today come to you. Let it surround you like a lover.

Let it mold into your ever-being. Let it be.

Take not from our words, nor add to. But let each one, as teardrops upon your earth, take that that should fulfill their needs.

Bind together. Cast aside these things we have spoken of.

Cast them aside

and let the beautiful, [who] All-being, enter into you.

If another comes to you with negative thoughts, you do not need these. If another comes to you with anger, you do not need these. You do not have to pick them up. If another comes to you with greed, you need not pick this up.

Pick up and cherish in your heart, in your soul, and allow that to enter into you which [would] make you a whole being.

We have not left you. We have not forsaken you. We have not ceased to love you.

There is a time for all things. Let that time begin now, in you, in each of you.

Let it reach into your souls, into your spirit. Let it become your immortal bodies, blended with God, and know that He loves you.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. You have all been through great tests, trials, and tribulations. You have all felt the heavy hand of that that we would call the Anti-Christ, and his movements, the Beast who goes before him to prepare his way. Accept not this mark. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

January 16, 1981: And we should say unto you, your country shall go through many changes in a short period of time.

Bind together, and all shall come through this time.

Cast aside your grievances. Cast them out, as an unwanted spirit. Now is the time to begin to work together, more so than any other time.

March 27, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

In another time, when the Earth of yours before the continental shifts, as you would call them, began, there was huge cities and great civilizations, and much knowledge, even the knowledge to travel from planet to planet.

And the Lord, God, sent those forth unto the Earth to make ready for the coming of the son, yet they did not hear Him.

And the earth began to change its form. And the Lord, as He did in the beginning, placed forth His hands, and as you would know it, those planets began to line up in exact sequence. And the earth’s crust began to shift, and tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanic action. It was as though the new earth was rising beneath the old to replace itself.

And when it ended, and time had passed, their knowledge was gone, and they became known to other planets as the man-animal or man-beast.

And then it did come forth when the Sons of God did look upon these of the women and see them fair and leave their craft to marry and live upon the Earth. And from that time, so you have built another civilization.

In many of your minds are the questions of when. In the next two-year period your earth shall begin the worst of its shifts. These shifts and changes shall continue until the year of 1899 [1999]. If your societies are ready to preserve their knowledge, they shall survive with it. If they are not, they shall crawl out of their caves once again and become the man-animal, for they shall forget how they worked of steel and how they touched the other planets. Even the stories of the old shall be thought of as superstitions. For you see, yesterday is a superstition of today and a truth of tomorrow.

Many times we have told you that now is the time when the Anti-Christ, as you would know him, shall come into power. And those who are here to make a place for him are now going to do so, as we are here to make a place for the Messiah. This shall place greater burdens upon you, because those who shall stand fast, and because of the mark of the Beast which should identify you as one of their own.

For those who should not accept this mark, your ability to trade or barter shall become almost impossible unless at this time, now, you begin to build your links —

the link which should stretch across the land and the countries, the link that shall be strong enough to bind you to the Lord, God, yet bind you together.

You may think you will survive by yourselves, and we tell you, no.

Produce at a local farmer’s market may save lives when those who choose not to wear the mark of the beast cannot buy or sell.

You may take our words as lies or as of truths, but we say unto you these words of which we have said before: “Why should you believe us of heavenly things, and not the earthly things?”

Why should you take our words of the spiritual growth, and not realize that we come to you to prepare the way, that you might not climb out from you caves,

that in the midst of all of this change the Messiah shall come unto you,

and the thousand years of peace you have asked for, waited for, is but at your finger tips in less than 20 years. Much of the things as you know of them now will change. But only if you build your trade links across the land, only if you bind together.

Editor’s note: Jesus said (in Matthew 24:36): “No one knows the exact day or hour, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” So then, if the date the spiritual messengers of God first gave was earlier than today, when most did not see these things that were already in motion, now millions of people are beginning to see this happening before our eyes.

But remember that Jesus also said (in Mark 13:28–29), “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things happening, know that He is near, right at the door.”

Today, the signs that Jesus and the spiritual messengers he asked the Father to send are right before us, every day.

You shall hear much of those who should come to you and ask you if you believe this or you believe that. These are the radicals who are doing nothing more than preparing the way for the Anti-Christ. No one needs to have you confess your beliefs.

Your belief is within yourself, and if it is true God knows it.

But remember these words, “Thy shall have no other god before Me,” so sayeth the Lord, God, and that is the first commandment He gave unto you. [SeeDeuteronomy 5:7.]

We can place in your mind the wonders of the Earth and the stars of the universe, in the twinkling of an eye, but we can do none of these things without your permission. We cannot lift a finger to save you unless you wish it yourself. And if you wish to only save yourself as a selfish gesture, we can still not help you.

It must be a universal binding together.

There shall be some of you who say unto thee, “Come, go sit on the mountain with me and let us contemplate this.” If you contemplate long enough, the earth changes shall occur. The Anti-Christ shall have taken power. And quite possibly God will look on you as a sad soul, and accept you into that that you know as purgatory. There is that place, you know, between life and death, which [was] made for fools. They achieve nothing in their life, nor did they harm anyone in their life. They took the life and used it for nothing, and wasted it.

As you say, the son of Lucifer shall rule. When he is through with those that he rules, they shall become lost souls, as Lucifer shall become lost, for even Lucifer has no use for nothing.

You say unto us, why do we speak to you in this manner? And we say unto you, is it not time? Have we not yet reached you? Have we not touched your hearts and your souls?

Can we not plead, as Lot pleaded, for your souls?

We have never dictated to you, nor said, “These are the things you must do,” because the Lord, God, will not permit it. We have said these things unto you, “Nothing from either side shall interfere with this work” — not those who prepare for Lucifer. They shall try. But remember this, the Anti-Christ shall be the son of Lucifer, and he shall have the strength of Lucifer, and Lucifer was a strong angel as you would know, but he was cast from the heavens by God and the Son of God.

If you come in truth, then lay aside your petty bickering, your petty aggrievances. Cast them aside.

When Jesus came unto you before, he did say these words, “You think I have come to bring you peace on Earth; I have not, for I shall change and put daughter against mother and son against father.” And for those who believed in him, it did happen that way. But now is another time, and a new coveth [covenant] has been brought forth unto you. Accept it, of your own free will. And that that you wish, in the spiritual sense, shall be provided, and all things that are needed for this work shall be provided.

We have spoke to you of the healing well.

We have spoke to you of a place to build for worship.

Now we say unto you, blessed by the name of the Lord, our God. Blessed be the name of His children.

Now we say unto you these words. A good shepherd does not leave his flock in need. If you should leave your children, God’s children, to be devoured by the wolves, you are not a shepherd; step aside. Make your decision, once and for all, and either way we shall stand with you. [See note.]

A decision of this type is not a varying thing, something you decide to do one day, and decide to undo the next. A vow to God is a promise to God you have laid before Him. We have told you before, unless you expect God to not collect the bills that are owed unto Him, do not make them.

How many times have you said, “Oh, Lord God, give me this, save me from the police, keep me from being arrested for the wrong I have done, and I shall be a righteous person.” How many times? Will you stop and count them? How many times have you found yourself with a loved one dying, and called upon the Lord and said, “Lord, save this one, and I shall do all to you.”

God does not want your lives. God only wants you to love yourself and one another. But think of the debt that you have brought forth and made to occur. God forgives you all your debts. Cannot you forgive one another?

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

June 5, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For as the Seven Angels came forth to begin work in the creation of the earth and the heavens, they had worked long and diligently on each plan, working together to make a whole. And one by one they looked upon the land they were working upon, and each at the same moment decided to create a rose, a natural rose that would grow in that area. One thought of a yellow rose, another a pink, another a red. Each one chose a different color, or shade of color. And each one thought that their color was the best.

They went before the Lord, God, and each one presented his case, why his rose would be the best.



So the Seven Angels returned back to the earth, and they said to themselves, “Since we have created man, and he is upon the earth, and is now multiplying and spreading, why should we not let him choose which is the best?”

And so each of them rushed to the earth, and the different parts of the earth, to place their plant, their rose, upon the earth. And they watched man.

At first, in finding the roses, man was overjoyed at all the colors. And as gradually they found there were other colors man became even more overjoyed. And soon man began making hybrids and making even more beautiful roses.

The Seven Angels went back to God, and said, “Lord God, we have placed the roses upon the land, and we left the choice up to mankind. And mankind chose them all. But more than that, Lord, they have even changed that that we gave them.”

The Lord, God, looked upon them, and said unto them, “FOR DID NOT MAN BE CREATED IN OUR IMAGE, OF OUR KIND, OUR LIKENESS?”

The Seven Angels went back to observe man. And soon man was planting gardens, and making greater designs of their plants. They grew on the hills and in the valleys, and even in the desert. Man found ways into which to survive, replenish the earth.

And each one of the angels said, “Yes, now we see what God spoke of, for in them are the hope. There is lust in them, yet it is a healthy lust. There is hate in them, and yet, at times it is a healthy hate. There is anger in them, and yet. at time[s] it is a healthy anger. Why could we not see these things before this? There is love in them and compassion. Yet there are those who would kill one another. And yet, there [are] those who would murder one another. And there are those who would enslave one another with their thoughts, and with their chains.”

They went back to the Lord, God, for as man progressed, both the good and the bad progressed within him, for both Cain and Abel lived from the moment of creation. And they asked the Lord God, “Who gave them the roses — each of us, though we disagreed in a color, but all for the same reason.”


“Yet, Cain murdered his brother, and You slew him not.”


And the angel said, “Well, why do you not stop this?”


Now we have given you a parable, one unto which you, at this moment, do not fully understand the meaning of.

When the Ten Commandments were given to you, you altered and you changed them to suit yourselves. What we are showing you, God does not condemn you when you alter the form of earth, when you reach into the heavens and make the alterations there. He does condemn you when you destroy or murder anything. It is one thing to protect yourselves. It is another to bear false witness against thy brethren, or to steal from another. It is but another to worship other gods than the Lord, thy God, thy one God. We have told you the Lord does not wish the blood of the Lamb. He does not wish that you worship images of any kind — any graven images. Therefore, we say unto you, let thy hear the words of the Lord. Let them come in a truthful manner. Do not alter His words or change them.

Give the Lord the right that He has given you. He has given you the right to choose your own destinies. Your freedom of choice to live, to die, to love, to hate, to cry, to laugh, all these things He has laid at your feet. It is your choice. But take not from the Lord His choice. When He gave unto you the Ten Commandments, He did not place them in such a way that you should judge one another. They were not Laws for you to judge another person with. He gave to you His commandments, and He said, “FOR ALL WHO SHOULD KEEP THEM HOLY.” He did not instruct you and say, “Worship Me in this way or that.” He did not bring judgment into your house.

Now we say unto you, for those of you who should hear these words, and who have built your houses of the Lord, and have these places you wish to go to, we are not here to change this. We are not here to take you from your churches. We are not here to change your religion, or your thought on religions. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

It makes little difference to us if your religion is pink or blue, or any other color, as long as it becomes a part of the preparation. It makes the Lord little difference if you have chosen a great cathedral or a small house as your church. It is but a meeting place, a place that you come that you may share your belief with God, and about God.

You, who have gathered about now, it is becoming time when a place of meeting shall be necessary. We have given you this parable in its form, that you might use the same judgment in building this.

But tomorrow you will come forth to praise God and to praise the work of those who have done God’s work. [Note: The 10th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy was held June 6, 1981, in Globe, Arizona, for the renewal of vows between the minister’s and teachers and God.]

Let this place be hallowed ground, let no man, nor woman, bring any thing within it except the love due and respect due to it. For as you have made this place a holy place, let the thought that sets with you now go with you tomorrow — and we shall be there, and the Lord, God, shall be there, not to judge you, but to applaud you. If you can see these things within yourselves, then we have grown a long way in the preparation [of] the coming of the Messiah.

If you must bring the part of Cain with you, let it be changed into a constructive part. Remember, the Lord, God, did not destroy Cain, but He forbade all mankind from destroying him, or his descendants.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

Thy have come here with many, many questions. Into each of you we have answered these questions this night. Some of you will not think so. Some of you will not even remember we have spoken — and when asked afterward what was said, you’ll say, “Yes, I was there. But I do not remember.” To remember means you have accepted what has been said, that it was important enough, not only that you be here, but that you brought your brains also.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. As you have noted, that your weather and climatic changes are taking place more rapidly upon your earth. So will the earth changes, now, be more rapid. There has been the rattlings of war — the land of Lybia, and the land of Israel. And we say to you, the Bear [Russia] now is ready to strike. But so is the earth ready to strike. That that they have placed within the earth shall come forth and consume them. If the Bear continues its way, the war of Armageddon is but a short way, and a short distance from you now.

Bind together in your thoughts, and you may alter the pathway of the earth.

You have within you many questions, and they shall be answered at a different time.

June 8, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, unto this parable.

A small boy sits under a tree, and watched his father work. All day his father stood behind the oxen as the oxen pulled the plow. There were many times when the plow hit rocks and his father was thrown to and fro. And soon it became time for the midday meal. And the father came over under the tree, and the lad said, “Father, why did God place rocks in our field?”

The father thought, and he said, “My son, as you grow up you shall find many obstacles which you shall come against. Some will be very good experiences. Some shall be bad. They are like the rocks in the field.”

The lad looked back at his father, and he said, “Yes, father, but that does not answer my question. Why did God put rocks in our field and not in all the others?”

The father thought. He had no answer.

That night after his work, the father went to his teacher, the Rabbi, and said, “Rabbi, why did God place so many rocks in my field?”

The Rabbi thought and thought, but could come up with no good answer. And he said unto the father and the child, “I shall take this up with the other teachers.”

And so, when the time came when all those traveled into the land of Judea, into the city of Jerusalem, the Rabbi went before all the Rabbis and found them talking with a small lad no more than twelve. And he at first forgot his questions, and then suddenly he said, “If this one is a gifted one, then he shall have the answer.” He said, “Why did the Lord place so many rocks in this one’s field?”

The young lad turned to him with kind and gentle eyes, and said unto him, “Have you ever known my Father to place any yoke too heavy for one to bear? In some fields there are more rocks that others, because this one has more obstacles to overcome than others. But the real truth of it is this, God did not place more rocks in the farmer’s field. The farmer chose the field with more rocks. Should he wish to have less rocks, let him sell his land and buy land with less rocks.”

The Rabbi thought. “But where would he get the money, the extra money to buy such a field?”

And the lad looked at him and said, “For whatever you shall ask in my Father’s name, so shall it be given.”

After the festival was over, the Rabbi returned home, and there he met the man and the young boy. And he told them what he had been told by the young lad. The young lad looked for a long time, almost like he knew from the wisdom that he was receiving, and he said unto his father, “I should find this one. I, Andrew, shall find him and serve him, for he shall have many answers.”

As time went by, both boys grew into maturity, and the time came when Andrew was serving the one known as John the Baptist, and Jesus came forth to be baptized. After the baptism, John turned to Andrew and said, “Go then, and follow him, for he shall give you the knowledge that you seek.”

You shall ask us why we have told you this story. What does it have to do with you in this day and in this time? And we say unto you, each of you have chosen your own rocky fields. Each of you seeks the answer to come from someone else, when the real answer in already in your hearts and souls. Remember, no one else chose your field for you. You chose it for yourself. If you do not like it, it is written, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” This does not mean a part of your body, this means a part, and part that of yourself or something around you, that you do not need in your life. If it has come into your awareness and bears you harm, remove it from you. If some says, “Keep it,”nay, do not keep it. It is not them who it bothers, but you. And remember, God wants His children to be happy and to laugh. You cannot laugh while your eye hurts.

Now, you have many questions, ask.

“[13–441–1] asks, ‘Should the group called “The Seven” stay together at this time?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If there is but one person who stands in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, wherever they stand, so shall we. If all the things, or any part of the things that you do, you do in a Godly manner, reconcile your differences and bind together, but bind together also. Understand that the time grows short and whether it is seven, or one, or one thousand, or one million, for those who should bind together, they shall not wear the Mark of the Beast.

October 9, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, as your world stands aside to mourn the death of this one known as Anwar Sadat, we have spoke to you before of this day. We have spoken to you of those of the “Black September,” those who would violate the Commandment, “Thou shall not commit murder.”

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin before U.S. President Jimmy Carter in 1978 for the Camp David Accords

The assassination of President Anwar al-Sadat was on October 6, 1981, three days before Aka spoke these words. Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin had shared the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize following the Camp David Accords. However, the subsequent 1979 Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was received with controversy among Arab nations, particularly the Palestinians. Egypt’s membership in the Arab League was suspended (and not reinstated until 1989). PLO Leader Yasser Arafat said “Let them sign what they like. False peace will not last.” In Egypt, various jihadist groups, such as Egyptian Islamic Jihad and al-Jama’a al-Islamiyya, used the Camp David Accords to rally support for their cause. Previously sympathetic to Sadat’s attempt to integrate them into Egyptian society, Egypt’s Islamists now felt betrayed, and publicly called for the overthrow of the Egyptian president and the replacement of the nation’s system of government with a government based on Islamic theocracy. The last months of Sadat’s presidency were marked by internal uprising. The assassination was undertaken by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

We say unto you, as we have said before, the fuse had been lit [from] France and it shall burn unto Israel.

For those who should work, and do the work of the Anti-Christ, are about their master’s bidding, to [subvert] and take by violence, and to bring forth the mark of the Beast upon the unwilling.

For those who can hear, let them hear. For those who can see, let them see. For now you shall see, very soon, the name of the Beast and the name of the Anti-Christ.

As we have said before, [that] the Eagle [U.S.A.] should spread its wings — and in doing so it shall protect the Christ child — for you stand at the threshold of the beginning and the ending. For the things we have told you to prepare for are now at hand. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 13.]

Now, beyond all times, you must bind together. Lay aside your petty grievances. Know that this is a time when the half-times are behind you.

As the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, soon shall be the Sixth. And then the Seventh. Should the Sixth [Seventh?] Seal be opened, woe be most of mankind. For you see before you the two karmas of Abraham [Isaac and Ishmael?], much as you saw before you Cain and Abel. And now you see the descendants of Cain, and what they are capable of doing.

And there are those who gather around the Lord and say unto Him, “How long must we wait, oh Lord?” [See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 8, and Genesis, chapters 4 and 15 through 25.]

And we say, unto the fullest time of the Lord, thy God.

For we shall send forth upon the third day a rose to be born and lain in the land of Egypt. And he shall rise, to walk with the Messiah. But before this time, in the fulfillment of these things, war lies before you.

We say to you — bind together.

As Judas walked among Christ and in the time of Christ, and so did John the Baptist have his Judas, so it is once again. There shall be many who shall strive, now more than any other time, to strike down your freedom of choice. There will be those who shall both try, from without and from within, to destroy this work. But we bring forth a new Sword, and it shall cut away the untruth, and lay forth the truth. And for those of the men and women and children of God’s, and God’s people, it shall stop the mark from being placed upon them, on one side; on the other side of the Sword, it shall cut away [at] those who should infiltrate you, and try to destroy you. [See The Revelation, chapters 18, 19 through 22.]

But we shall not take from you the freedom of choice. Should you care to walk with the Anti-Christ, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with the Judas, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, this shall be your choice —

a freedom of choice, the most precious gift the Lord, God, has given you. Hold it dearly. Do not allow it to be taken from you.

For those who hold it in a righteous manner, we go before you to prepare a way, as we come before the Messiah to prepare a way.

Roses shall sprout upon the earth where blood has flown….

Pray for your world. Pray for the deliverance of the souls that shall be slain uselessly upon the face of the earth. But pray mostly for unity among yourselves. [Note: A long pause.]

June 12, 1982: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of He who shall be.

For we say unto thee unto this way, unto this manner — for we shall say unto you the parable of the moneylender.

For he lived within a community, and he used his, what wealth he had, to loan unto other people for their needs — the money to buy homes, to buy means of transportation, and sometimes, just to buy food. The people within the community, their hearts had grown hard against this one, except when they needed money. Then they would be back at his door asking for more.

And he gave more.

And he asked that they repay that that he gave them. And as any goods that were sold, he asked to make a small profit. Those that borrowed the money could not see the many employees that were necessary to run his business. They [could] also not see the costs that he had to endure when they did not pay. None of these things could they see.

But one day the moneylender had lent out all the money that he had, and there was no more. Yet all the people believed there were.

And because they came to him and said, “Let me borrow this amount and that,” they thought that his heart had grown hard toward them. And soon they were cursing him, and saying what a great miser he was. And soon they said all kinds of abomination against this man. And it was not long until they had thrust upon him the breaking of all commandments. When he went into his place of worship, even the minister talked in such a manner that he knew that he was not welcome.

One day the moneylender sold out to another moneylender all the paper that he had.

And all the paper that he had was sold to another man whose heart said, “These people shall pay that which they owe.” And he did bring about the payment of these debts.

The people were angry with this moneylender, but they blamed the other one, for when he sold, he had sold to the other moneylender for very little of the money he had placed out, which had left him a poor man. But through wise investment, he made money again. And he became a moneylender again.

And he went back to the same town. And once again the people were to take the same advantage of him.

Now we say unto you, you who have thought that those who deal in money are evil people, these people are much like God in a sense of the word. You call on them in the time of need. And you want to make sure that they fulfill your needs and your wants. You call on them in a time of greed.

But when the Lord comes for His just dues, and when the Lord says unto you, “GIVE BACK UNTO ME ONE TENTH OF THE LOVE WHICH I HAVE SHARED WITH YOU,” you refuse.

And you say unto yourselves, “What use have I for this Lord which I cannot see? What use have I?”

The Lord is like the moneylender. You only call upon Him in your times of need. When was the last time you invited the moneylender to your house and said, “Come, take of my food, not because I want of your money, because I want of your love.” When was the last time that you asked the Lord to sit down at your table and eat from your table, and share your bounty? When was the last time that you thanked Him?

We have said these things not to belittle you, not to make you feel bad. We have said these things to show you that wealth is not a crime, that wanting a material thing is not a crime, into man or God, for all things that you ask for, the Lord has given you, and shall give you.

We say these things unto you that you might, in the privacy of your own hearts, say unto the Lord, “My God, come into me. Let me be part of You, for I open my doorway that you may enter. Sit at my table and share my house.” And truly, you shall bring forth the kingdom of God upon the earth….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

We say unto you, bind together.

Share, one unto the other. And soon those signs which you wish to see shall be given to you to see in all parts of your lands. Soon those things which you wish for shall come unto reality. And soon you shall walk into your own house of God, and it shall come, first in two places, and then in three.

And after the three, then we’ll show you how to multiply once again.

Remember, there is no greater joy for the teacher than when the teacher sees their pupils go beyond the steps they have. We have taught you long, yet now we see the wisdom of your footsteps, for they are with purpose now. They are with love and compassion. The Father has [seen]. We have saw. And soon the world shall see. For the mountain which you stand upon shall spread unto the four corners of the universe.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

August 6, 1982: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee, for those who should ask, things that they should ask for shall be provided, as long as they do not interfere with that of the free will of another.

In asking, you shall receive.

If you ask for knowledge, then knowledge shall be given. If you ask for a material thing, that shall be given. But we should say unto you unto this manner, a man would have little use for what you would call, for a yacht, in the middle of a desert. Nor would he have very much use for an oasis in the middle of a lake. Nor would he need more ice in Alaska, or the Antarctic. What we are saying unto you, ask that in propor­tion to your needs and it shall be provided.

We shall say unto thee this parable.

For the farmer had land that was rich in abundance. But on the land he called his bad land, in one place there bubbled forth that substance known as oil. He looked upon it in contempt because it ruined the land around it. In another place came forth hot water from the ground in an artesian manner. He looked at this with contempt. But that of the hot water gradually seeped over and formed a natural lake. And in the farther corners, as the water cooled, an abundance of fish grew. And the farmer took his leisure in fishing from the lake.

And one day came forth men with knowledge of oil and refining. And they gave him much money for that of the oil well that bubbled to the surface.

Another day, another came by and offered much money for the artesian hot water. And he said to him, “We shall continue to provide you water for your lake.”

The farmer did not fully understand, but he liked the money. And so, with the hot waters they pro­duced much power, energy. And, as the water cooled, it went into his lakes, and provided the water for his lakes.

Soon he had more water than he had ever had before, and he was pumping the water in­to his fields, and using the energy that came from the power that was produced by the hot water. And soon he was buying his fuel at the refinery where the old oil well stood.

And one day he got to thinking, “Why did I not think of these things? Why did I not put a refinery where my oil well was? Why did I not make a power plant where my hot water was?”

He became quite vengeful. But the people went on producing both. Then he became hard in his heart, and he went somewhere else to buy his electricity, and he went somewhere else to buy his gasoline and oil. But those who had agreed to pay him royalties continued, each month, to send him their check. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his oil. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his electricity.

Now, on another farm there had come forth in the same manner of oil and hot water. And many came forth, and they stole the land that the hot water was upon, and they paid no royalties. And another came forth and he stole the oil from beneath the land. And the farmer looked upon them and knew not what to do.

And then one day, the farmer who was receiving royalties came upon him, and said, “What a stupid man you are,” and went on his way, still being mad at all parties.

But others of his neighbors came forth, and they saw that which [had] happened to him, how he had been cheated. And they stood together and they said, “We shall not buy the oil that comes from this land. We shall not buy the electricity that comes from this power source. But we shall go farther, and anyone who buys or sells from this power source, we shall not do business with them.”

More and more of his neighbors and friends did bind together, until finally those who had stolen were out of business. And they left and they went away. And in their place came honest men.

Now, we say unto you, the parable is true with each of you this day. By yourselves you have little strength.

Bind together, with one decision, and you have the strength, that you [are] needed, to carve your way into the history of the world, that you may and your people may survive.

If you do not find this way to bind together, you shall soon perish. And all the land around you shall perish with you. For it is you who can preserve the land, the energy, and all these things that you need, but you must do it together.

You have built a church unto the Lord, God. When you have placed a roof upon it, make there fast a service that all thy people may attend. And all may have the choice to invite God into their hearts, but also to invite God into the house of God, for that is when a meeting place becomes a church, when the people within it invite God to enter….

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks your earth.

Look unto the “self” of yourselves. Look unto thee that is you. Study it. Know of it. Rejoice in it. But also rejoice in your brethren.

June 3, 1983: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall say, as we have said before, nothing shall interfere with the work that is at hand. Thirteen [years?] has passed, and the prophecy has been fulfilled.

Now we say unto you, unto this parable in this manner and in this way.

For in the beginning, God looked upon man, and that that He did create of His children. He said unto them, “BEHOLD, AND I SHALL SEND FORTH THE SEVEN SPIRITS, AND THEY SHALL CREATE YOU A HOME. GO THEREFORE, AND BUILD A PLACE THAT I MAY REST MY HEAD.”

And so the children did come forth.

And they broke the Laws of God, that they might survive and reproduce, and become fulfilled. They did so in such a manner that the seed of man should be sprinkled upon the universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, that the word and the love and the Law of God would become whole.

And the Lord sent forth among the men and women of the Earth, and earths, His prophets. At first, there were those who thought that surely, for the Lord should choose a prophet, was a beloved thing, and surely that this one the Lord had chosen would bring peace and love unto the Earth. But even unto the greatest in loves for the Lord, the yokes were heavy, the yokes of love. And the Lord looked forth and saw these things. And He did remove the yoke, and make it lighter upon their shoulders, that the weight that they carried they might carry it with greater ease.

Now from the beginning until now the Lord has sent these to prepare the way for those things He wished His children to know. And He did create into them a difference, that the world might know that the Lord, God, was God beyond all question­ing. He did not do it to prove His love was greater for one than another of His children.

We say these words. For though we have cleaned the garden, and though the fields now grow ready to harvest, all those from any place, at any time, who wish to hear these words, let them hear. For all those who should see, let them see, for we have come not to hide; we have come not to ridicule, nor defile any person. We have laid our hands, that the prophet we have should do the work [for] the Lord, thy God. It is by his free choice and his love to the Lord, thy God, that he does so. Under­stand these things, and in the understanding, things will be much simpler to understand and ac­cept. For it is within him to love his God with all his heart and all his soul. And the Lord, God, he has offered [into] the Lord, God, his body, his life, and his soul and his spirit. And the Lord, God, has seen fit to use of these things. The Lord, God, has not changed the man, for there was no reason to change him. For as time has grown, so has the man.

Now we say unto you unto these words. Behold! As we have said before, in the city of the saints, as in the time of Jonah, shall be of the first of the cities, and the first warning is now.

The Mississippi River at St. Louis

Let the rest of the word look upon it, for now all is in readiness. For that that would enrich the earth can destroy the earth. We have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow; that the great Sword was at hand to cut both ways, land masses and masses of people. And the Lord now has pick­ed up the Sword. And the Sixth Angel now walks upon your earth — not the Fifth, but the Sixth. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–7 and 19. See note below.]

Now, more than any other time, you must bind your wounds and bind together, for from the old shall be cast new seed into the fertile fields.

But we say unto you, from the mountains shall come the forces that shall destroy the [upper] lowlands. And the mighty thrust is but the beginning. We told you before that in this year, and in this time, these things would happen.

For those who have loved ones in the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco, beware. For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River, beware. In the lands of the northern parts there [are] of New Mex­ico, for as Taos has fallen, it was of the second city, as we spoke before. Now look unto the Colorados and beware. There is much that we could say, but all you must do is look around and about you, and you shall see the truth of it.

Editor’s note: This message in June 1983 was followed by fishermen off the coast of Peru who noticed a warm Pacific current that was named for the Christ Child, El Nino, because of the time of year, December 1983. Were the spiritual messengers of God speaking of El Nino, which as years passed brought flooding, increased storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, famines? When they said, “Behold!” were they speaking of signs of his birth?

Was their warning about the flooding in many places along the Mississippi River that ensued over the years? Or was it about Hurricane Katrina which devastated much of New Orleans in 2005? As the Sixth Angel still walks upon the earth, are we being warned of more to come?

For the cleaning is at hand.

You have within your minds this question, how long shall we remain this time with you? And “Why did you not tell us when you left us?” And we shall answer both of your questions. We did not leave you, for soul Ray was with you all along, and when he spoke, we spoke with him and through him. Can you not hear the crying in the wilder­ness? [See Isaiah 40:3.]

March 1, 1985: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee unto these words, for we say to you this parable, and yet, it is not a parable. We told you a story of the man from Yucatan, and we shall try to explain the meaning.

Yucatan Peninsula in Southern Mexico

The man is of those of the Indian culture who long lived under the domination of those from Mexico City. They are ready to throw the shackles aside and become a nation.

There are those who would help them at this time. At the same time, there are those who would play upon the political sea. And the winds of March are as armies, small armies, who shall each single out their targets. Some shall assassinate to take lives. Others shall assassinate to destroy the image of the leader, of the person. This shall happen in many places upon the Earth, and in your own country. There shall come a movement upon the land in strength that it shall not be safe for a two-week period of time for the leaving of the homes. You have such a group in this city. I think you know their target.

Yet, there is the storm which shall ravish the land − and not only this land, but across the lands and countries.

Yet there is time and hope. Bring your minds together, as we have told you before. If a man should burn your crop, if you would place your minds together, you may make the winds blow in the opposite direction.

Now we say unto you, we have explained these things that you did not understand.

Now we should go on further to explain to you that we do not single out one person, at any time, to reprimand. When you are traveling upon a road, and you see your friend who would perish if you do not warn them, which would you do, warn them, or let them perish? If you saw your wife or your daughter who would fall from a great height unless you warned them, would you not warn them? For really, that is all we can do, is warn you; we are not allowed to alter or change the future. Only you yourselves may do this.

And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Prepare. But as you prepare, know that those who say they cannot afford their two weeks’ provisions, they are lying to themselves. And that is a greater sin than lying to another.

We say to you, for upon the land there are many types of birds. The one that we have mentioned the most is the eagle. Yet he serves very little other than himself. To take the form of the eagle was to take the form of a selfish being and transform it into a serving being. This was part of the karma, the karma of the servitude to mankind.

There are many ways into which you shall reach in your lifetimes. And there are many messages which each of you shall take home with you, but we say to you, take unto your hearts and souls this message. Blessed be those who gives what they have not. Blessed be those who forgive those they should not. Blessed be those who love those they should not. And blessed be those who shall walk the extra mile.

But we should say unto you, when you have done all these things, and those who would destroy you still remain, then bind together; combine your minds, and you will soon find that there is strength within you to protect yourselves. We have not left you unprepared.

March 15, 1985: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For in a desert land, where a river ran through the desert, a culture, a people, came north and wandered down and were driven from their homes in the highland. And they wandered down until they found fertile land in the desert. And they did grow mighty crops. And soon, they established trade routes with friendlier people, clear into the South American continent.

Gradually, their crops became more and more abundant.

And then, there came a great sickness upon the land. And the people moved in many directions, fleeing for their lives, leaving behind their cultures, leaving behind their possessions. That that they did not leave behind was their religions.

And so they spread forth. And gradually as time passed, they intermingled with other people, then came forth upon the land again to irrigate and populate the same lands. And they spoke of the “old ones” as those who had been.

And they did bring forth crops in abundance.

And upon the land came those from across the sea. And they came, because they were starving, unto these people. And the people fed them. And they did make war upon the people. And the people rose up to drive them out, and yet, they were beaten.

And then once again, another people came forth unto the land. And once again they fed the people. And they did go to war and fight beside the people, those of the light skins. And they did make a place for them. But soon, those looked down upon these people, and said, “How could we know such people as these?”

And so the people began to change, and say, “To survive we must learn all the White man’s ways. We must speak only the White man’s tongue. We must be as the White man; we must dress as him, walk as him, talk as him, think as him. And only then can we survive, for he comes forth like wheat, in great multitudes. We must take his religion, and accept all things.”

And so it came about, and it came to pass.

But soon, as generations passed, the people did not know even themselves, for they had lost the true identity of themselves. They had lost their cultures. They had lost their true meaning for being.

Now, we say unto you, this that has happened before was like a great karma that was working through and completing its time.

But now, as war and rumors of war begin to rattle the hemisphere, as your great leaders gather to talk of peace, they plan of war; they plan of assassination. Already in the land you call Russia, the land of the Bear, it has sprung a new head, and now, it looks out hungrily at all the land and all the people.

You have already lost Nicaragua and El Salvador. Those are gone. If the present course is continued to take place, soon Mexico will be gone, your greatest neighbor.

When this happens, you say unto us, “We will go to war to prevent this.” Yes, this could be done. But as we have told you before, the winds of March are upon you. Great change shall take place in the political sea across the land and faces of the earth. Decisions shall come forth, and false treaties shall be made.

We say unto you, now is one of the Earth’s greatest times. It is a time when it may walk at peace, or go to war. It is like the fickled whims of a politician. Be careful that you are all not caught in this trap.

Be not as those who would hide their head and say, “This is not happening. These things cannot happen to me.” For one day it is your brothren that they shall attack, and the next day it shall be you. There is but one way that you may survive all these things, and that is if you bind together, become as one.

Know the honor of one. Know the needs of one. Know the duties of one. And be as one. And then, let your whole land prepare itself. For warfare is like a step away from you. It is as though we look upon the Earth and we see sabers everywhere….

Know this, that you came at a time, and have come at a time, when it is highly possible that a civil war shall occur in this country. You have come at a time when chaos is but one step beyond. We say to you, stand up, be tall; be counted, so that of the worldly goods can become as one.

January 2, 1987: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. Harken unto this time, and unto this of thy year.

There shall be many, many incidents blamed upon the alignment of the Earth and moon and sun. But there are more to play a part of the whole than just these three, for if you shall look upon the rest of the planets within your galaxy and their effect upon the moon’s pull, and how it shall affect the rotation and the gravitational pull of the Earth, in con­junction with that of the sun, which should give forth the life unto your planet. At the present time, because of the wobbling of the Earth on its axis, many things can be contributed to it − among them, tidal waves, meteor showers, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Storms shall appear suddenly where they were not. The atmospheric condition shall alter and remain so into the month of May. It shall not return back to what you would call its normal self.

As these substances are about to take place, you must realize that the change of the negative- and positive-ion field bombardment upon the Earth shall also alter. This should cause drastic mood changes in animal, fowl and fish, and the human race. You shall see drastic change from friendship to almost hatred in the splitting of an eye.

The barometric change may go from one extreme to the other. This also will affect the mental state as well as the physical state.

More from accident than planned cause, you shall have the unrest upon the Earth.

We have told you before, the year of 1987 could be the year that would swing like a pendulum. You [can] have the beginning and the ending of war all in the same year. How shall you deal with these things?

For those who are married, and your spouse and that of the married person, partner, should act in strange ways. It must come from within you what pathway it shall take you. You may allow it to draw you closer together or farther apart. It shall be your choice. It shall be a testing time. For friends may become closer friends or their worst enemy, unless you reach for a common cause, one that may bind you together.

As we have said before, as you bind together, let it be for a cause that means something to you and comes from your heart and becomes an object that is before you. And if all parties look at this object in such a manner that it becomes their predominate being, then the other changes cannot greatly affect you because your mental state will keep returning back to the objective which you have placed before you.

We realize that speaking of these things and un­derstanding these things are two different things entirely. We would suggest that once this reading has been transcribed and each of you have it in your hands, that you study it to understand the fullness of it. And the fullness of it can either — your understanding can either allow you to exist or to look back upon this year and say, “What a wasted time,” or it can be a fruitful time if you learn from what we have said and utilize it.

The earthquake pattern − you know it, as we have said before, the “Ring of Fire” − the neighboring land in Mexico shall be shaken as it has never been shaken before. We have told you before of its economy. [The] economy of the land of Mexico is reduced to nothing and it shall be reduced even farther, to the point of bankruptcy, to the point of destroying their government and starting all over again.

Russia shall be too busy taking care of their own, for Russia shall be struck from east to west with earth­quakes. And Siberia shall bring forth a volcanic eruption such as man has never seen before.

In the land of South Africa, war and the rumors of war, are there already, but it shall be intensified. But South Africa shall have earthquakes unlike they have ever known, and the volcanic substance.

I would look unto the tip of Alaska, unto the Mt. McKinley, Mt. St. Helena, Mt. Hood, the San Francisco peaks here in Arizona, Taos, New Mexico. And from there, trace the “Ring of Fire” through Mexico, through South America and back unto the Mediterranean, and China.

Brittany or Britain, the island of Great Britain, shall be shaken.

The island of Japan shall feel that the people are ready to leave it; it shall shake and eruptions shall occur.

But we say unto you, the large earthquakes would just begin.

A time shall come in California when it shall break apart and become islands. It shall not sink, but it should go into the land you now know as Nevada. These shall not all occur overnight; they shall be spread out. And the destruction and regeneration of the land of California shall happen clear into the year of 1999.

But do not look at these things we have said as disasters. Look at it and know of it as the earth changing, as all things change. It must change to renew itself. As you would get up in the morning and go and wash your face and comb your hair, so the earth is doing the same.

Do not run and hide. Prepare yourselves, if you must, with enough food substance that could last you from six months to a year. This will allow you to get through any emergencies. Rotate the food substance and keep it fresh.

Emergencies shall be short lived, even the rattling of the war chains.

Now we know there’s many, many questions within your minds. But we say unto you, tonight is a night that we give unto you these messages that you may prepare yourselves to come forth in your own growth, not in the image of others, but in your own image, and in your own way. If you can do nothing more this year than learn to be happy with yourselves, to like yourselves, you will have accomplished more than the rest of the world….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [R___ B____] who is also here tonight asks, ‘Can we please have advice on forming a closely knit Association with common goals to work together?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we would say, take the first step; learn to like yourselves. When you have accomplished this, then look upon your fellow man in the same manner.

All of you have faults. If you may overlook the other’s fault, but in doing so, in learning to like yourself, adjust your attitudes in such a manner that you may respect one another. Through this common respect, and through the preparation that we have said, you shall know within your own hearts and souls that if we pour wines for you, and it [ ] sets before you and you wish to drink of it, all you have to do is pick it up. And for those who chose to drink of this, we shall provide the way for all the rest.

May 1, 1987: Yes we see thy need. And we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, we shall tell you this parable in this manner and this way.

For in a time of the great Ice Age, when the people retreated into the Southern hemisphere of the land, [entered] a time when the ice barriers were being built to bring energy back into the land, that that is known as your pyramids. We would say unto you, this time the land, that of the warm climate land, belonged to clans. Yet there were cities and greater parts of the cities. Yet each city was separated into its own, as you would call them, clans. Yet the whole part of the clan was one of the same.

And in competition, quiet often the clans would select one among them to compete against the other clans, in great shows of strength. They did so in many ways.

But in this particular clan, and the clans that came together, the show of strength required both lifting, running, in such a fashion that it took all of the body and the body motion to perform this task. Quiet often it covered large and vast amount of land that these athletes must cover and return back unto where they had started. And quite often, the other clans laid traps along the way for the other players to delay them and give their player a better chance of winning, because such things as large quantities of their winter storage were bet upon this. Those who won could eat well during the winter months.

In this particular competition there were many traps laid before. And the athletes did get ready and go forth into the land. And they found before them the traps that each clan had laid there. Each of them fell into a trap. Each of them found a way out, only to find another trap.

The athletes came together and said, “What shall we do with our people? Why can they not compete in a manner without trying to cheat?”

And each said, one unto another, “The only way this shall happen is if we all − there was no winners.” Then they made a pact among themselves that they would walk side by side, not one inch ahead of the other.

And so, as they entered the arena, all together, there was a hush that fell over the crowd. And the judges said, “There is no winners; there is no losers. What have you to say for yourselves?”

And the athletes said unto them, “We want an event that we can compete in that will be fair for all, for everyone to run, for everyone to be a part of, that we each have an equal op­portunity without falling into your traps.”

So the judges sat down and they tried very hard to bring forth a game that could not be cheated in. No matter how hard they found they found there was ways of cheating. So they brought forth the athletes and the athletes spent great amounts of time; they too found no matter how hard they tried there was ways of cheating.

So they went among themselves, and they said, “From this day forward we will have what is known, a code of the athletes. We will have those things we shall do and those things we shall not do. And if any person is caught cheating in any way and breaks this oath, then they and their clan shall never be allowed to compete again.” And so it was agreed upon.

From then until now you hold these things holy. When you find among yourselves that these people have cheated you hold them in contempt.

How can you hold an athlete in such high esteem, and yet, hold yourself in such low esteem?

Bring your honor system forth among yourselves. Let it spread upon the land. Let it enter into the governments.

And soon you will have [fertile] land for the coming of the Messiah….

For those who would seek answers, allow yourself the time of growth, and know the seasons. Do not become impatient with yourselves, but bind together in your study groups. Let them expand, and exchange, one into another, the information, and the growth you desire should come forth − in more ways than you ever dreamed was possible.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

June 26, 1987: “Thank you, Aka. G_____ B_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do we have any drastic problems around the time of August 16th or 18th, or is it a [marker] for the beginning of tougher times? Thank you.’”

The sacred Corn Ceremony was held at that time at the Association of Universal Philosophy church to God

We should say unto you [that] of these questions and of these answers. Remember that the clock that you watch shall be 24 [hours] older when your 16th day arrives. Therefore, we say unto you, in the days of Quetzalcoatl, these who you call as Jesus, who walked upon your American land and who brought teachings, and who went with the evening star and promised to return with the morning star −

for it shall be the first step of his consciousness. And it shall be felt around the world.

Yet, they [are the other] side of the coin, that that you know as the Anti-Christ, his footstep shall also be felt.

Your consciousness, therefore, must be guarded and placed together, bound together, as one. Come together in harmony and in prayer and in learning. If you do so, learning and har­mony is what you shall receive back in return.

It is our sincere hope, for we are not allowed to interfere.

Now is the time of testing. From the time we have come until now, we have told you of this time, the time when the great Sword shall divide both man and land masses − for that also shall occur and begin to occur in such a manner that you shall feel the earth shudder upon its axis.

Yet, for those [who are to] have the Lord in their heart, they have nothing to fear.

But as you come together, remember, if you come in the house of the Lord, come with your hearts without prejudice of any kind, respecting one another, at all times, and bring prejudice against no one or thing.

We shall explain to you the difference between that which is prejudice and that which you do not care to associate yourself with. If a man came to kill your loved ones, and he was from the Anti-Christ or even if he wasn’t, and you must kill him in return, then you have not sinned before God. You have defended those things you love and cherish, and you have stopped this person from committing murder, and therefore, you have saved his soul, even though you have slain him. This is hard for you to understand. It is written, “Thou shall not commit murder.” There is a difference between the two. These things we say may be hard to understand, but we try to simplify it for you.

Praise be the Lord, thy God, in all manners, and praise be Jesus of Nazara, Buddha of Buddhas, Lord of Lords.

We know it is hard to understand fully the Lord’s way. Yet, is it like the river. The river you see you think is the same, but it is not the same, for the water is always changing, and so is the Lord flowing like the river, flowing to His children their needs. As their needs change, so the Lord alters and changes. But within truth, the great plan never changes.

We say unto you, now is your time and shall be your time of testing. Take the time to go unto all the people you can and say,

“Come be with us. Let us take the time to worship. Let us [try and] take the time to bind together. Let us take the time to pray together, and learn together.”

But do so unto all, that they might hear this that is to be heard and seen and felt. For this con­sciousness shall cross the Earth many times, but only one time in this way and at this moment.

We say unto you, at what you would know as 1:00 p.m., in the afternoon, all the candles in your candelabras should be lit. All the single candles should be lit. Make there forth an area, of 9.5- inches [feet]-by-9.5-inches [feet], of a triangle in double sides. It shall [gain for you] forth the Star of David. [Plant], therefore, your candles at every one of these points, and you shall come unto the [point] in the center shall be the Thirteenth. Place that before your altar. And bring your prayer unto the Lord at this time, and you shall be within the conscious realm of all the world. It shall link you together.

We know that you will want to listen and read this message very carefully. For in truth, those who have eyes to see shall see, those who have ears to listen shall hear.

And unto the 9th hour of the evening they shall be lit again. And then look unto the heaven[s] and see that which the Lord has to give you back in return.

October 2, 1987: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, blessed be the time that man takes to make peace.

For upon the Earth there lived four brothers. Each brother lived upon his father’s farm.

Their father said unto them, “Go forth upon this land that I shall lay apart from my own and show me what you can do with it. For first, I shall give you one-fourth of the land, and that fourth you must divide into four parts.”

And so, they did so.

Two of the brothers came, one [unto] the other, and said, “Let us go together and work together.” And the other two decided to separate themselves from their brothers. And so they took their piece of land.

All four worked hard and did what they thought was best for the land. The two who had worked together, you could see that on their two parcels the land was thriving and growing. The other two, you could see it was growing, but it was struggling with each step it took.

And the two brothers who had stayed separate decided the father had given them the best parcels. And so they went unto their father with this grievance.

And their father said, “No, I have not given them better land; it has all been equal.”

But the other two brothers came in to hear this discussion, and they were hurt quite deeply that they [would] make an accusation against them and they said, “Allow our brothers to have the land we have farmed.”

And so the brothers again began to farm the land. Because the brothers who had farmed together had built the land, it was beginning to produce more. But still once again, the two brothers who farmed together, and did so in unity, began to produce much more.

And the two brothers who had farmed separately came forth and said, “Brothers, we are wrong. We’d like to join you and put all the land together. Let us farm it together. Let us each take the thing we the do best on the farm and perform the task. But the separate things that should be done should be done all together.”

And so they set out and they planted upon the ground special foods. They went into the city and they sold the foods, and they found marketplaces for their vegetables of many kinds and their fruits of many kinds. And they began to plant both nut and fruit trees in abundance.

Soon the father saw that that fourth of the land that he had given to them was producing more than all of his farm together. And the father said, “I shall join you, and we shall become equal partners in all the land.” And so they did so.

And as one year passed unto another they began to buy additional land.

But the people who lived around them became jealous of that which they had. And they began to tell lies and cast stones upon them. At first, the brothers [and] the father tried to reason with these people. But none of them would come out into the open to attack them; they did so from hiding. And so they went into a court of law. The court lasted long, but near the end truth prevailed. But those of the brothers and the father had spent much of what they had and it was damaging, both financially and mentally. And so they decided they did not recover that which they had lost, and they decided to pick all they had up and go to a new place and start again.

The father decided he would retire, for he could not take the heartache any longer.

Now we say unto you, the parable we have told you is much like your own [situation]….

Your problem with the Association is [that you] have divided; you have been separate, in many places instead of together.

It is only by your strength of standing together as a whole. If you begin to discuss your [politics] and vote the same, they shall soon find that you have strength.

If you begin to work in the com­munity and run your own people for office your strength shall grow. And those who had fought against this shall fall aside.

As we have said before, nothing from either side shall be allowed to affect this work or destroy it.

You have entered into the later days, the time for the half times are over.

But allow each person to make their decision to stand or walk away.

Do not hide these things from your whole of the organization; bring them out and discuss them, that they may understand the problems. Only then can they be allowed to stand with you. But be like the brothers; do not attack all the land[s] at once, attack a part, a small part. If you have to defend yourselves, defend first from the city, then from the county, and then from the state, and then from the government, and you shall be successful in all these things.

But we say unto you, there are other financial things that you should seek that have been placed before you that shall help you….

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Look unto the land and see that it trembles beneath you. Your California is the beginning. The earthquakes shall come forth in larger number.

Bind together.

Throw aside your jealousies and your petty reasons.

Bind together.

December 4, 1987: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this man and in this manner; glory be the name of the Lord thy God.

And we say unto you, behold, for the time is now. The Lord, God, should say unto you, “For the Sixth Angel stands upon your Earth. And the earth shall be cut and separated, and where no waters were, waters shall be. Islands shall appear where no islands were.”

And we say to you, behold, for the might of the Lord is at hand. Yet rejoice, for so is the time soon to come of he who we have come to prepare the way.

And even those who do not [even] realize that they are doing it are preparing the way.

Soon the Eagle and the Bear shall stand upon the same ground. And as they stand upon the same ground, if the Eagle will not act as a chicken, peace can be made − the preparation for peace.

But we say unto you, the cleansing of the earth and its reconstruction is still before you. We also said to you, the threat of nuclear war is still before you − the reality, and the greater possibility, for there are those who think that the Eagle and the Bear have grown weak and weary. As they have already taken advantage of both, they shall continue to take advantage. They shall bring distrust where there should be none.

We say unto you these things. But we also say unto you the greatest of all things, the fulfillment that you have celebrated for so long, the birth of the Messiah.

Within the joy of all things and all times, is the greatest joy of walking with one’s God, walking with the Father of us all − He who cares, He who loves, He who is the giver of all.

For in the awesome twilight for all disaster the Lord shall spread His mercy upon the land. For those things we can tell you of, only of those things we know. Yet we know not fully the full plan of the Lord.

See “What do spiritual messengers of God say to us?”

Read Aka’s books!


The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted 2000 by A. Ray Elkins of Globe, Arizona, through whom they were spoken.



"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"