Art Week Reddit AMA with MetaMirror Recap

Oasis Network
Oasis Foundation
8 min readJun 8, 2022


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Last week, r/NFTsmarketplace hosted the MetaMirror and Oasis team, along with Sensei Gallery and Javier from Bastard Films, for an exciting AMA during MetaMirror’s Art Week! Artists shared the vision behind their collections, tips for up-and-coming artists, and so much more. Additionally, Oasis and MetaMirror explained product features that are ideal for the NFT community.

You can view the Art Week artists’ collections here:

Oasis and MetaMirror

Oasis is the leading scalable and privacy-enabled blockchain, making it the clear choice for creators to build NFTs. A combination of high throughput and secure architecture means the Oasis Network can power Tokenized Data use cases, which will allow users to take control of the data they generate and earn rewards creating the first-ever responsible data economy. Recently, the first-ever confidential NFTs were launched on Oasis! Additionally, in a partnership supported by the Vietnamese Prime Minister and government, Genetica is leveraging Oasis technology to tokenize genomic profiles into GeneNFTs.

Auth3’s MetaMirror recently announced MLaunch, an innovative code-free NFT Launchpad that allows an NFT project to make launch decisions based on data-backed insights towards the participants. In addition to the minting tool, MLaunch integrates Web 3.0+ identity to allow creators to make launch decisions with innovative data-backed solutions! Learn more.

Combining MLaunch with MetaMirror Gallery– which allows for NFT trading and community engagement– MetaMirror has grown and evolved to be the first fully-fledged NFT marketplace on Oasis Network.

Follow Oasis and MetaMirror to keep up with our newest developments!

AMA Recap

Q: GM!! Currently, the world of NFTs and their marketplaces are very similar, what makes a project unique?

A: GM: That’s a really good question! For marketplaces, I’d agree they look quite similar on the surface. But I think the devil’s in the details where extra features that might be unique to the marketplace both on the artist and user side compared to others can play a big role and help that marketplace get higher adoption. Like, for instance, the MBuddy feature on MetaMirror.

From the NFT/collection perspective, I would say that it depends on what kind of a collection it is. Art is pretty unique and subjective in the traditional space, and the same holds true for its digital counterpart. I would say that, in general, all art is unique (well maybe that doesn’t really hold true for the PVP forks that spawn on various chains:)), so it’s only in the eye of the beholder if it has value to them or not. Matej Janež

A: From my point of view, I think that a very important part of the collections and what adds value to the collections is the team behind them. — Sensei Gallery

Q: For the artists, do you have any tips and tricks for launching an NFT collection?

A: Hi, Javier here. From my experience, the first thing is finding a topic that you are passionate about, that way, you will push and enjoy the process of creating the artwork you want to create. In my opinion, copying a theme that has already been done or doing something similar to another collection is not something interesting to do.

Another tip is to try and do something new. Maybe a new technique that people haven’t seen, new environments, or a concept that you really like that is interesting. Basically, trying to bring something cool and new into the NFT world. I think that’s the way of getting people interested in your work. — Javier, Bastard Films

Q: Hi Javier or team. I wonder what is automated community management and how can it help up-and-coming artists?

A: Building and engaging with the buyer community is a popular approach for promoting your NFT collection. In return for helping build a larger and more active community, the community is usually rewarded. A problem that often arises in this process is that the data that records the community building contribution is very messy. On Web 2.0, they are frequently updated and scattered on different social media channels, so it’s hard to capture this data.

MLaunch offers a set of tools that you can use to assign tasks to the community and numerically evaluate their contribution. These insights can then be further used to allocate rewards — achieving an automated NFT community engagement. — Shay, MetaMirror

Q: I saw that MetaMirror offers a code-free minting service. Can you expand more on this? I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

A: Happy to explain!

In addition to making art files into NFTs, the code-free minting service also allows creators to whitelist users, configure whitelist presales, public sales as well as unboxing.

A collection that’s ‘MLaunched’ will also be automatically listed on MetaMirror Gallery for secondary sale — covering the entire lifecycle of an NFT launch. — Shay, MetaMirror

Q: How can a traditional artist build an audience around NFTs?

A: From my experience nowadays, you should have social media accounts for posting your works and connecting with other artists.

I know that it can be something that not everyone likes, but if you want to build an audience, you should have channels to spread your work and show it to the biggest number of people.

Having an Instagram /Twitter account where you post your progress, ideas, what paint/animation/work you do, even sketches, etc., every day is the best way to increase your audience. You can comment on other people’s work, talk to them, and maybe even collaborate on work, so both of your audiences know each other. There are a lot of ways to gain an audience.

Also, go to the discord of the NFT pages and be visible there. For example, without spamming your works, simply talking on the general tab is a good way of getting recognition. Try exploring Twitter Spaces, if you can, and talking there, joining different groups of artists, etc.

If you try to do not all day, but every day, you will see that day by day, your audience will grow. — Javier, Bastard Films

A: Creating a fanbase from zero is something complicated. I would recommend that you look for a marketplace that is in its beginning and propose a work plan, expose your project to it, and develop a communication and marketing plan to try and reach more audiences. I would also find a way for streamers, blogs, and specialized magazines to find out about the launch of your NFTs. — Sensei Gallery

Q: Will Javier, Tepukuma, and Sensei gallery be releasing any future NFT collections?

A: Speaking on behalf of the Sensei team, our idea is to keep releasing great artists and collections. We are now filtering the work of several international artists at the same time that we would like to cover other borders to other marketplaces. Currently, we are very satisfied with the launch of these two collections in Metamirror, and we hope that we can continue launching many more projects in the coming weeks.

We hope you liked these two releases. Keep an eye on our social networks so you don’t miss the next ones. — Sensei Gallery

Q: What are the advantages of partnering your NFT projects with Metamirror, and is it possible for MBuddy-Metamirror to tokenize any social network interaction data as a requirement for an NFT project whitelist or giveaway?

A: MetaMirror is not only the first fully-fledged NFT marketplace on Oasis but also provides a Web 3.0+ identity service that can bridge Web2 data assets onto Web3. With such integration, the issuance of NFT collections on MetaMirror Gallery will be backed by broader audience insights and more community engagement.

Also, the MBuddy service could bring additional ways to promote NFT projects. MBuddy will be integrating more, including social network data sources, and empower the NFT launches to succeed. — Shay, MetaMirror

Q: When will we get mass adoption on NFTs like those on Solana? I’m an investor, project founder, and active in the Solana NFT community.

A: The NFT ecosystem on Oasis is in its ramp-up phase right now. We’re having marketplaces becoming more feature complete, and new projects and artists are deploying their work on our network. Games that will deploy in the next few months will be releasing their NFTs of characters and in-game assets. So a lot is going on, but I think it’s a fool’s errand to predict when mass adoption will happen, especially in the current market conditions. We’re seeing a lot of growth and expect it to continue, but it’s really hard to give any dates :) — Matej Janež

Q: How easy is it to develop an SPL NFT token that my community can earn for staking? Are there any technology staking platforms where users can stake NFTs for token rewards?

A: NFTs on our network are ERC721 standard as the Emerald ParaTime is EVM compatible, so I’d say it should be fairly easy to deploy them and create staking contracts for them. I don’t think there’s general tooling for that deployed on Oasis, but I know that a lot of games that are releasing in the next few months will have their staking options and mechanisms, so I don’t think it would be too complicated for a Solidity dev — Matej Janež

Q: What properties could be tied to NFTs besides art itself?

A: From my point of view, I believe that in the very near future, we could see massive tokenization of any form of goods or service. We are already seeing some cases in which NFT are being made of wines, houses, and even clothes. A lot of the blockchain and NFT market has yet to be discovered. — Sensei Gallery

Q: How does MetaMirror differentiate from other NFT marketplace, e.g., Opensea

A: There are many differences. One of the differences is that Opensea has a “create” feature, where artists can make NFT from art files. But they can’t host any sales events with this. A popular NFT project almost always involves whitelist minting, public minting, and unboxing. This is a necessary step to get a large buyer community for the project — like Azuki, etc.

MetaMirror Gallery allows artists to complete the entire lifecycle of an NFT launch without any coding skills. — Shay, MetaMirror

Q: Javier, what was the experience like moving from traditional art to NFTs?

A: Hello,

I think the main difference, or what I like about going into the NFT World, is the freedom to create what I really want to. I have always worked with clients/companies on traditional art/work, with close deadlines and briefings that don’t let me have the artistic “freedom” to do what I think is the best or what I think will look cooler.

Now that I’m really deep into the NFT world, I see that I can create what I really want, and really push my skills into creating new stuff that can bring something new to the table. — Javier, Bastard Films

Q: Sensei, who is your biggest influence in art? What made you want to create NFTs?

A: Personally, I would tell you that Basquiat is a great influence, and hopefully, one day we could tokenize some of his works.

And answering your second question, we just tried to bring quality content to the public in a space that lacked physical art. The blockchain is a magnificent tool that is on the rise, and we must unite the past with the future to continue advancing — Sensei Gallery

Q: I know that art is a big deal with NFTs, but a lot of real assets are essentially NFTs. With Oasis being a privacy-first network, do we see a future for NFTs outside of the art realm? If so, are their devs working on this?

A: Oh definitely, art is just one part that’s maybe more relatable to the majority of users, but there are many more use cases for NFTs. You can check out a short presentation from our Ecosystem Director, Linda, that she gave at ETH Denver in February this year about Data DAOs and how they incorporate Data NFTs: Janež



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