Ombudscycle: The Netherlands is not a good place for kids and families.

All kids are competent, must intepret correctly, must get their will done, we must help them get their human rights and must help them get what they want. This is duty. Also, we must not interfere, not force, there is right to join, not to force them, we must also, not influence them. They are competent, they are equal, and this has to be interpret correctly (Ruggiero, et al, N.D.).

Jiska Hachmer
23 min readDec 18, 2020


I work a long time on the childrens rights now, I was always working for Amnesty and childrens projects since I was a child. Our entire region was the same way. I studied childrens rights, and started my divisions, and ombudscycles school. My goal is to make an APA alike association for professionals, but also so everyone can join, as human rights (which are the same as kids rights) are about everyone can join, also kids. Everyone is competent, also kids, and the human rights must be done correctly, and precisely.

We must get into all details, all mistakes, all criminals that build upt these “mistakes”, also about why they did so, how they became so, and what to do about it.

We need to work on all issues, and need to hear all victims, and solve all jobs.

Kids must get things the way they want, so we start with working on kids are competent, at the same time, all articles of the human rights count, so we work on it all, and precisely.

Also, we need to simply keep sharing all that happened, so we know what to work on, what to study on, and find out the total situation.

No matter where we would have gone, there would have been trouble.

All regions have their problems, which made it hard to chose where to live, and we never wanted to live in the Netherlands anyway. A lot of people live the same experience, it depends on the age of your kids, if you saw the current situation. I know I even missed a part, as all after my kids got even worse.

The Dutch pretend freedom, abuse the passport, and lie, fraud and are huge criminals, also around the world when you move. It is not they are so super smart, and with the best ideas, no, they just have opinions and abuse all connections.

We learned, in the past years what would have happened if we moved to the other areas.

Overall bad education, bad care, with lots of care fraud, human trafficking in social work, VT, local govs, and with family court judges, being criminal, doing laundry, instead of the true human rights.

You need to know the human rights, the kids rights (which are the same) and understand your true duties.

Kids are not allowed to be exposed to crimes, all in their jobs have duty to do kids rights correctly, and not decide for them, but to let them truly be the way human rights demands. The precise interpretation is extremely important. It is not a game for opionions, nor local differences, as all are equal and can only do the correct interpretation.

We now had, care frauds, human trafficking, local government refusing officers, for their own benefits, own political ideas, abuse of power, exploitations, twists, psychopaths, sociopaths, social care frauds. It is an extreme criminal situation at work, that damages our kids, and their lives. Also, it denies their true human rights, which are duty, thus we even have to make tribunals to jail all those criminals, and to free all kids, and families.

Schools with crimes, refusing to take us, at the start, refusing officer, lying she would fix this, and then her twist not solving and her being a planned psychopathic with the typical twists, to the wrong court, as she knew those will be criminal for her and with her, “she hides”, she is criminal, she is not doing what we say, she does not want to do the true laws and routes, which are her duty, all dutch gov companies for these issues, right away noted to me.

Also, cops telling around our address to the criminals we reported, spreading private information. Corrupt when we had planned reports (we already planned to do the reports before I moved, with the local cops in the previous town, also with the victim services and other dutch gov companies, we just had to choose another office, to keep our address safe, we also had practiced with victims help.

note. The one eventually practicing with us, was a criminal too, but one weird one, with DSM, truly easy to see DSM, and with a weird motive, to not see certain laws as a duty, while the law particularly says its duty to report, but then, she did “help” us, after others of that victim help had given us her, as they found, after their help we should practice, not knowing she is such criminal to people in that volunteer job. She was one to do such practice, she turned out to come from this criminal region, and thus logically has such same DSM and twists and personal strange benefits like her region has taught her, so we rather had skipped her help. It shows how criminals are raised, move to other regions and then “help” but remain criminal, it is now who they are. We need to work on those too, as we all need perfect help, everywhere, at all times.

She wasnt the worst of it all, but typically fitting the story of her region, working somewhere else, like many of them, and then strange DSM and thus strange ideas, not fitting such job, which is about being precise with law, else you are no help.

We saw even worse with lots of lawyers, not knowing the law, and then twisting along the way because they do not know the law actually, nor any normal route, and they never seem to follow the gov “companies” and advises, nor what better lawyers advice, but we cant have those as they are expensive, they all must do the same work, as the law is the same thing, with the same meaning.

Nor they did what any help line says in entire EU, about the law, so constantly I explain what all they said, none understands them, as if they dont know the routes and laws, and colleagues, and why all would say the same, but these lawyers. (Not all parts of the country have such lawyers, we just ended up to know who are the corrupt ones, so also dumb showing their crimes off, they all are typical, and all seem to not know the law precisely, and are not much of help, they let it all happen, and do not understand on a high level what to do, nor to jail those criminals, even the judges).

Discriminated, abused, used, further exploited, it has been hell and a long story with details, but lots of people lived the same.

The regions are typical with typical crimes. The Dutch gov is not like the Dutch gov companies, but all together they say different things, and none truly solves. The Dutch gov companies (like inspections for kids and care etc ) say the law most of the time correctly, or at least the route, and we must follow that advice, but then the locals twist and refuse to do them, and have actually no clue what to do. The Dutch gov companies then do not solve it. And all becomes one big crime scene, with no real jailing, well not enough, of the criminals in the jobs. Same time, the president work him self up with crimes, also with the parties in the gov, and these work criminally in all jobs, and do their own ideas, which are criminal, and exploit everything. The Dutch gov companies, should see the criminal actions and must even jail the president, and need to get on higher levels to solve all this.

It all needed right away tribunals and jailing of the workers, they let this happen, and know not enough about loss sovereignty, to jail the Dutch gov, and workers, they also do not understand ombudscycles, as our ombudsmen arent good enough, actually not at all doing the human rights, correctly.

People are left in a hell of faults, crimes, and crimes out of hand, with judges doing laundry and making illegal things sound legal.

Judges we should never even meet, nor see, nor be in any of our cases, all workers had to be correct. So, we need to jail a lot of judges, and a lot of exploiters of the already system that is criminal. It is an apartheid, jeudgwet. It is human trafficking ots uhp, and forcing, which is illegal. It is care fraud, school fraud, and all ways to avoid true routes and laws, and a hijack instead of allowed. It takes the people from the correct route to human traffick. It is stealing people in many ways. Plus they pretend to do the human rights, which is the opposite.

It has a lot more details than this, and we need to work on all of it.

We had other options, in just a few regions, as not all regions have homes available for us.

All people go through the same, thus we all need to share what we know about the regions. Then, do the science research, and add all the research, puzzle it all out, and understand all variables and solve all crimes.

Criminals know also this is what all go through. They planned on the people, and know people will move, as we all must move away from crimes, especially with kids, but then the next criminals come, with their plans on the kids and families.

It is like in all towns there are streets targeted with “ care” just because you live there, while if you live in another street that does not happen to you and your family. People use the idea of streets, and certain areas to get more money. Towns want such street for their incomes. But this has gone out of hand.

They target in any way all kids and families, for money, they use it as stable income, which also finances their other crime ideas. And, it is used to be in the middle of the kids and families lives, to further exploit, force, put opinions onto them, and let them be like slaves.

They even have with the local gov a system where the force you to work in the way they want, else you get no welfare, thus you end up in their crime scenes at work, doing crimes else you have no income.

They also, have a forcing system, as mentioned, jeugdwet, ots uhp, which are all illegal, and care fraud and like illegal adoption, made sound, but it isnt, it is crimes.

Looking back what the results of moving to other towns would have been.

We could have ended up with:

  • IS attack, also some bad schools, some good schools, and care fraud, but all would have depended on a few hidden things, as we would not know where the attackers lived, yet, also we would not know where they work, it all had to happen, yet. It was a threat for a long time. So, the kids could have been free there, like me as a child, and could have been just in that tram, or somewhere near, in any way it would have shocked them and changed them. The choices in schools, care, and hobbies, and friends would determine a lot. It was very unclear, also, not many houses available, and to near my home town, as I moved for reasons away. I would have the options for better schooling, as we then did not know yet, what to do with that, they would have been in my old school, they would have loved that, but it also would mean, certain new networks with crimes we do not know about and are related to the crimes were protected against in my previous town, as this was decided by local child protection, how we had to live, to be safe. It would have looked “stable” like my past, but would have had new problems, we should not be in, as that would be held against me later on, as said in the beginning by the child protection, I had done all correct so why would I suddenly, not do the logic things? Also, it would have not been so stable as it seemed, as apparently IS lived there and did the attack. So, we would have just lived there and then ended up in that. We now ended up in some other weird actions locally, but that would have been a big thing. It would have been weird to have lived what we also moved away for, as it was coming, we knew it. My child was taken by new “people”, strangers in town, on his bike, and the people that had seen it, even refused to speak up and tell on it, so a hidden stealing was going around, and I never lived that as a kid before, you could sense the new idea of town, thank god I found my child on time. But it all became a more criminal situation around the house, in my birth town, and in many ways. It was not what I was raised in, nor what my kids were used of, nor what I had planned. The town itself remained the same, but also has been in the middle of it all, some things passed them by, other things did not, but it showed also a same hidden crime scene, more vague than ever before. And my birth town became a part of the region, with the IS attack.
  • We could have end up with IS in youthcare, this we would not have known yet, we would have noticed along the way. In the country all crime scenes abuse kids, use jobs with kids and families, and especially the system OTS UHP jeugdwet. We might not needed those, as we would have had more sophisticated people arranging schools, but the kids going to those schools would be not always what my kids were used to, a lot more crimes are common in those regions where we also find IS in youthcare. So, either way, they would have had more crimes around, also, I wonder what would have happened the day I passed a killer, I would then have been with my kids and cat, now all alone with my cat. I would have had the same situation, as we would have gone to the same event, my cat would have been denied for the same reasons, as there were already dogs, and the pet care was full, for the event I had free tickets for, which I would have had anyway. So, we would have walked the exact same time, same path there, as I always walked near that place to my grandma s elderly home, and was looking for the tram nearby I never can find in that area, and would have made the same choices… So, all events would have been creepy in that situation. Even personally perhaps more creepy. Weirdly typically something I would have experience. This is almost the same as the other region I had to avoid because of the past, I wouldnt have to avoid this place, and my birth region used to belong to this region, so I would have felt home with the kids, but was same as my old birth town, wondering the people they would meet along the way, as that has become more criminal and changed since my childhood, it was not logic after my previous home, to go to more criminal places, as even that place had become extremely criminal, especially around kids and families. But it was still an option to go here, as it counts as my home. I am around sophisticated people, we always had a good time there, but my kids would live as teens in a place where they perhaps should not be. Looking back we would have lived also the weirdest things of my life, IS and the killer.
  • Same for the other sophisticated region, which I really wanted to live in, kids live another live there, schools would have been arranged, as those officers had the solution and decided for us. The only concern would be kids in a big city after my previous home, where crime was rising, but not like a big town, for teens. It was a hell in the schools by teachers as criminals, and youthcare as criminals and all exploiters, grown ups. But here kids would live their own live with new kids, in a big city, where all kids need to be aware and strong against crime, by themselves. As newbies, from a huge house, huge space to play in with all kids, in a “safe environment” outside the schools, safe in all homes, it would have been weird, to have this criminal space too in that big space. They would have been new to that. They would have had their hobbies, as my kids were in musical class there, and would have done the typical kids things, but wrong friends, might have ruined it all, in the end. Or as teen, or as twenty year olds, and I had moved away to this big free space, free from that, so the kids would have a childhood. The grown ups were a hell in the previous town, through work, so we did have there the issue of the future too, of exploitation and abuses, and all the hell they have there, where young people at work are not so safe. We have seen so much there. I wanted my kids to grow up correctly, able to do their own studies and jobs, and correctly, with no criminals around to get into their work and space. So, I wondered how this would evolve. It could have been the best, but out of the blue they could have been stolen, killed, robbed, etc and that would have been to much. Also, threat level was high here, attacks were not happening, but could have. Also, big other crimes did happen, so, they would have been confronted with that, shootings etc, and would not have a very happy life, not completly, there.
  • Another region would have been hell of a fraud region, with many crimes, and not a good place for a good child hood, it would have been very fakely good, and my kids would have been troubled in their jobs, the future could suddenly end in a hell. There was another region like this, almost the same. This I knew, but also saw in action through more jobs, it was indeed a huge trouble and one of the core reasons of the crimes in the previous town. It is a network of crimes with an entire region.
  • Another region, I still wonder, the past cases in crimes they now solve there and seem very creepy a past. Things can come to the surface, also schools had issues there, with grading and exams, they would have to study all their studies all over again. It is still something I wonder about, what this would have been. Might have been good, only the schools wouldnt have been perfect, so the rest of their lives I would have wondered about. The true level might not have come to the surface, and their future would have been shaped to a lower level, in the future that leads to many problems.
  • Another region, would been a question, and pretty. We would have felt home, but I cannot know how the previous town would have gone into the same crimes as now, trying to convince the new town of lies and trying to see how criminal they can be, and against us. It could have been a same disaster.
  • Another region showed us they have use corruption among cops, and are human traffickers. I learned in a lot of ways, also how they do their care fraud, on days we can see all the care in youthcare. They are human traffickers, using the dark triad, psychopathy twists, pretending people that are used and abused need to be human traficked into their institutions, they then exploit them and pretend this is the best, to protect them. So, I would have had so much work to jail all of them, and already told them, that is human trafficking and not allowed, violating human rights. Also, that region is know for officers crimes, in a lot of jobs, and since IS came to live nearby, including the drugs and care funds issues. Cops in a lot of crimes, and it seemed they had solved it, but it was still extremely criminal, I learned when I chose it to report all I had planned with the previous town to report, and victim service and all dutch gov “companies”, which are a lot, for the things I had to call, as its the route to take with all issues we had. I used to work there in that town, and with people from that town, and my grandma s family is from there, it is now one big crime scene. And they had no clue I am related to those towns, well I am ashamend how bad they have become. Also, the rest of town has no clue, as I saw the regions around it, more near the places where IS already is in youthcare, those care frauds use the police office to pretend they are allowed there. It is a huge crime scene.

All of it, divides Holland in just a few regions.

  • IS, and in some regions an issue, in the current too, as they are related to drugs and funds, and the people are extremely criminal. We see a town the way the towns now with IS already known there, not just attacking, but using the funds and youthcare, looking like that previous stage, before that got known. So, me with my past, and raising, we always see crimes coming, we are taught to recognize it and solve it, I know it comes. All science keeps saying the same, they now do drugs and funds, and the town fits that profile. The criminals in the jobs, human trafficking and exploiting make it only easier for them, and all the others criminals. The extreme rights there, even make them unknown, as all will look at that, not IS etc. So, all crimes will build up there, and have a “logic” war, as if it is logic, as if it is now allowed, because extreme rights live there. It is a war, that will come to the surface, thus I tell to stop it, as we are raised to talk, so it will pass our town and will solve. We lived in the middle of the biggest crimes, and we were mostly not the places with the core criminals, nor crime things, like where guns come from, that would be other regions. Our region they did steal all our cars and anything we own from, with buses from the entire EU and world, filling it up, with our things. So, we do know crimes, but it is normally not any of us. Lateley criminals had moved to the town, and were connected to the biggest crimes ever, but its a few, its a group of people we know there, that all the others are not like. They do live among the rest, it is always this weird world, we do not have much criminals, thus these few live there, a good life. It is not like my previous town, where all in the jobs are criminal, and people hide the criminals, and let them live normally, no, we know these might be criminals, we understand it, but having evidence, no, they hide it. We just keep expecting and hunting it, and know they go to other towns for it, nothing else we have there. So, later on ya do here the connections they make, and understand how they must have gone, but also know, how hidden, as no one in town would have noticed. You do think, oh in that way it is done, we did expect something. We always know a lot, but not precisely and normally have no criminals around, the few we do know, but those were gone a long time, it was crime free a long time. When those came to the surface and came back to live there again, we left town. They took over “all I lived with and know”, in a group, and they think all of that was my life, no I know all of town, they only use a little group of it. They even tried to use me in their crimes, they apparently are used to the big crime scenes, in other towns, and had no clue, we all lived crime free without them. So, it would not work. It was hell enough with them, as I lived a lot better life before, without em, and they tried “the entire town”. (But they think that is the entire town, its their belief of what the town is, I know its just a little part, but its hell enough for all those peope).
  • Care fraud, which all towns have, all told me on those days where all social care can meet up, which is a low group of people, not the way divisions have to be, nor their level is correct, mainly all took these jobs to earn, and end up in human trafficking, with also, bad knowledge, no knowledge, just opinions. They think they are entitled to be criminals, and they pretend all is the way the routes should go. It is truly only an exploiters group, with no knowledge, no true ethics, academic skills, SEL, sciences, human rights etc …they lack. But this results in the entire country in a crime scene, in schools, care, and with local govs and protection services. Each region has their own sum. So, they the above regions and these typical issues, and you see how it turns out, locally.

It did matter what the past school's manager did.

It does matter what previous town criminals did. They also “lose files” and change files, to fraud. They refuse to do the laws correctly, and will remain criminal until taken to jails. They use any moment to be criminal, and ruling people. They refuse true routes, laws and human rights.

Regions must close the past region, and stop such person, this is duty against crimes. Also, all files are our own, all must help us to get those, and must recognize the crimes done, and jail them, and free us, thats the law.

We must live free and safe from them, on our secret adress, and live the new life without them, so we now live crime free and safe, and simply continue. That is what is the duty, but we saw them all become criminals, and with each other, using the local gov, schools, social care and care frauds, with judges, in family court. To go around the true routes, and to denie kids rights.

None understand sciences, kids rights, human rights, ethics, academic skills nor SEL, all of them lack also, knowledge, the true routes and laws, and are low literate, are no good example, and do not do honor codes, they want to be criminals, they use and abuse their jobs, to intimidate us, thus trafficked my kids away. They are related to crimes in many ways.

She lied, frauded, and was the core of all crimes in all the schools of the same “company”, and most likely already knew how much we hated the crimes done by all people that worked for her. She is a dark triad, at least a psychopath, with many complexes. Many people experience the same types around their kids. These types want to be boses of schools, care, social work, youthcare, local gov, child protection, anything in justice, and foster care etc. They want to be in the middle of the power, and are ill, criminal and not understanding what they had to be truly, and why we note them so easily. They abuse power and are together a crime scene, they do not work alone all the time, but want to look like that.

I had reported her everywhere, she hated that, and she took “revenge”, and lied about everything. I had lived this before with many people in schools, care and they all wanted to use me as psychologist, for example to pretend all kids in all classes are mentally ill. Extreme things were demanded of me, and all illegal. I worked very hard on the management of this, to jail them, to get them out of the jobs, and to free kids from them, so all get their human rights again. All know me for this, many years now, and criminals show their routes and ways now, as they hate me. So, all they achieve is that all now see their crimes.

Criminals would use her lies, she knew, as she is part of those type of people that have worked on that in our country. Also, types like these I saw everywhere, even lawyers are hiding with crime and pushes in society to crime and not the correct routes in complaint offices, and further push the market to something it is not allowed to be. There is a fake system of help for all people. They only further exploit this. You need to find them, need to study on them, then you see them hide in many jobs.

They are the low literate with crimes, and want all to be a crime scene, so they can remain “bosses”, as they are below me and all other people in reality, thus also she, sees me as a threat. She refuses to understand why she must do what I studied etc.

It is even human rights duty to process all my info, and to be correct, not only the right to ranking, but she is just a criminal, and with a criminal group, that have worked on making all jobs more criminal, it is pushing limits in crimes at work. And they abuse kids, everywhere.

So, that criminal did matter in the outcome of our situation, as criminals connect with other criminals.

You had to see us come to the sweetest place, and her being the sweetest person, doing all correctly, truly, to see her true good person, if she had that. You could now see the bad criminals in the new environment, and her, as the worst from there, that became the outcome.

It was not so, that she was so super sweet and good, and such ethical, human rights, kids competent, example, with honor codes and higher literacy, and then the new locals were the only rebellions, thus we now cry with the wish to have her back.

She twists it as if this is truly so, but it is not…

Note. this total crime scene around the actual situation, which violated human rights, and the true routes that are duty to take, also costs them thousands, by law, with the duty to give me a certain paper I asked for, they even feel the ego to skip those thousands, that are duty by law, as they go around the true routes, also the ones demanding that from them, and add all their crimes in our lives, so all are busy with that, and all forget to demand the money. Which also is meant to get that paper, and to demand the true route. They all decided to earn further on us, while they all are criminals anyway, and they do that together. All illegal, and for their own benefits, political preferences, opinions, and income. As slaves they want us.

This happens to many families. We recently had the Toeslagenaffaire, with tribunals, with the outcome the president is at fault, created that crime scene, and pushed all to be criminals. That was nothing compared to the current crime scene, which is way worse, around kids and families. He builds up crimes.

On top, we have the Covid19war, same way, his fault, like all these cases. But also, the same way, all these criminals use his crimes, and further exploit and human traffic.


Hachmer, J. (13th of December, 2020) Ombudscyclus: Stolen children, children in schoolbuildings. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (12th of December, 2020) Human rights are a duty, thus we must close down those who violate, right away, also governments. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (9th of December, 2020) Essence, the study of the essence we all need in life. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (9th of December, 2020) Kids are competent, they are born with human rights, and it is our duty to see each person, also each child as competent. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (27th of November, 2020) Ombudscycle: Having governments, their only duty is human rights. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (25th of November, 2020) The Dutch ombudscycles. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (23rd of November, 2020) One World for the Ombudscyles, OWO divisions — First division, and foundation of human rights: Children are competent, thus every person is competent. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (28th of February, 2020) Lesson: What is science? Medium. Retrieved from

Ruggiero, R., et al. (N.D.) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. The University of Geneva through Coursera. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (12th of November, 2020) You have to do what you want: The input needs to be controlled, by you. — It is your mind, your body, and your soul. Your plan with the Gods. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (26th of June, 2020) Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (8th of November, 2020) Suddenly many Dutch “kids” are pointed out as “criminal”, while they hardly are the criminals. It is a fraud-kids are not so criminal at all, carefraud, justice is the criminal accusing and earning with forces and exploitations. Medium. Retrieved from

