92 Projects Successfully Complete OST Alpha III: 8 Selected as “Best of Alpha III”

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3 min readAug 30, 2018


OST is building essential blockchain infrastructure and tools to empower new economies. The OST KIT Alpha program helps OST build technology shoulder-to-shoulder with the international developer community, resulting in blockchain solutions that meet the needs of real businesses.

The third OST Alpha program, announced on 10 July 2018, brought the OST project an important step closer to mainstream adoption with the introduction of the Ledger & Balance APIs. Developers were invited to integrate the first OST Branded Token wallet features into their apps and websites, allowing end-users to review their token balances and transaction histories.

OST KIT Alpha III yielded 92 successful Proofs of Concept, built over the course of six weeks by developers from more than 50 countries!

Just like with Alpha II, we were blown away by the sheer diversity of the participating projects: From reading programs for kids to streamlining logistics, from fairer insurance policies to improving student’s lives, and from collectible creatures to sharing yoga exercises. Here’s to our wonderful community of hard-working builders: THANK YOU!

Each successful POC project team received 75,000 OST tokens as rewards for their efforts. Eight projects were selected for the “Best of Alpha III” award, worth 250,000 additional OST. Three “Best of” projects were chosen by the OST Community: Big thanks to everyone who cast their votes and who helped projects spread the word! The five remaining awards were voted for by Team OST.


Chosen by Team OST (in no particular order)

1. Really Simple Store
Really Simple Store allows for “creator stores” to generate more revenue by listing and selling other stores’ products. Their Branded Token has the potential to connect crafts stores all over the world.

2. Kidtoken
kidtoken is a tokenized allowance for kids. kidtoken is designed to incentivize positive behaviors and to create a digital way to learn the new generation of kids how to save and spend.

3. Firmament
Firmament is a chatbot that allows businesses and its employees to incentivize their co-workers with little token rewards. Firmament aims to improve the overall productivity and joy at work.

4. Surwei
Surwei lets companies and researchers collect more responses to their surveys by rewarding respondents with Branded Tokens. They can earn tokens themselves by responding to other surveys.

5. Futured
Futured is the concept for an “intellectual magazine free of spam or low-quality content”. Their token will reward readers and authors for contributing and sharing worthy content.

Chosen by the OST Community

6. Employees Loyalty Program
Employees Loyalty Program incentivizes employees with Branded Tokens for performing certain actions. These Tokens can then be spent within a network of affiliated companies.

7. Karparc
Karparc wants to take the frustration out of finding a good parking spot by allowing drivers to book and pay for parking spots immediately, without reserving (thus blocking) spaces in advance.

8. JoyPass
JoyPass aims to rid the world of paper points and vouchers, by allowing consumers to receive JOY points instead, which can be redeemed at participating stores, restaurants and communities.


We’re also celebrating the 92 successful Proofs of Concept: A huge THANK YOU to all the hard-working developers who contributed to this milestone.

Watch all Proof of Concept videos on our new Challenges page: https://ost.com/challenges-2 and pre-register for Alpha IV, which will be launching later this year.

Again, THANK YOU to everyone who made OST KIT ALPHA III an amazing experience — Your participation, feedback, and your support are the engine driving the OST Project!

About OST

OST blockchain infrastructure empowers new economies for mainstream businesses and emerging DApps. OST leads development of the OpenST Protocol, a framework for tokenizing businesses. In September 2018 OST introduced the OpenST Mosaic Protocol for running meta-blockchains to scale Ethereum applications to billions of users. OST KIT is a full-stack suite of developer tools, APIs and SDKs for managing blockchain economies. OST Partners reach more than 200 million end-users. OST has offices in Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, and Pune. OST is backed by leading institutional equity investors including Tencent, Greycroft, Vectr Ventures, 500 Startups.




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